Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 233 The Doomsday of the Two Devils

I will close the tweet today, and add another congratulations, I hope everyone enjoys watching it! ! !


"Battalion Commander, the little devil has occupied our three eastern provinces, burned, killed and looted. He has done so many bad things, why do he still want to treat him with good food and drink?"

"You think I am willing, and you don't even think about it. At least half of the soldiers in our first battalion are born and raised in Fengtian, and all the family members are in Fengtian City!" Tang Tianhao sighed and said, "I fell out with the devil, you and I It's all right, but what about the family, don't they all have to be poisoned by the devil?"


Shunzi was speechless, he was an orphan, he begged for food at the gate of the first battalion, and was taken in by Tang Tianhao, who was the company commander at the time, and passed on his good skills, so he became the platoon leader.Because he had no worries, he couldn't understand Tang Tianhao's difficulties!

Seeing that Shunzi had stopped talking, Tang Tianhao patted Shunzi on the shoulder, then turned around and walked towards the back of the barracks, ready to find Luo Xiao.

Just now, it was Luo Xiao who arrived in time to stop the actions of the two Japanese soldiers and resolve a crisis. Now he wants to go over and ask Luo Xiao how to deal with the two Japanese soldiers!

Luo Xiao was in a room at the back of the barracks at this time, and there were also several special forces members such as Sun Dong.

Two wooden stakes were buried near the wall of the room, on which the two Japanese men were tied, and a row of torture instruments were placed beside them, ranging from leather whips to irons, bricks, benches, and pepper water. Everything is complete, giving people the feeling that they have arrived at the Zhazidong Concentration Camp!

Luo Xiao stood in front of the two Japanese soldiers, with his hands on his hips, staring at the two Japanese soldiers intently, silent without saying a word.

Behind him, Sun Dong and the others stood as if they were wooden stakes, and none of them said a word!

The two Japanese were already sober at this time. They were beaten up by the security forces disguised as special forces just now, and they were merciless. They were punched to the flesh, not to mention the bruises all over their bodies, even their teeth were knocked out I got several!

For the Japanese devils who came to China to invade, these special forces will not be soft!

"You, who are you?" Opening his eyes that had been beaten into buns, Pine asked with difficulty, puffing out his cheeks, "We are the Kwantung Army of Japan. You beat and imprisoned us without authorization, and the consequences are very serious. !" No matter how slow he is, he should be able to distinguish the unique murderous and evil spirits of the special forces.


Before he finished speaking, a powerful big ear scraper hit his cheek, and the crisp sound echoed in the room, like setting off a string of firecrackers for the New Year!

Shochiku's head was turned 120 degrees suddenly after being beaten, and his cervical vertebrae squeaked. He was almost broken, and the blood foam from the corner of his mouth splashed all over the walls around him.

Shaking the golden lantern's head, Song Mu looked up, only then did he see clearly that standing in front of him was Tang Tianhao, the First Battalion Commander of the Security Force!

"Tang Ying, don't be impulsive!" Luo Xiao shouted at Tang Tianhao, but he stood still and didn't move.

Tang Tianhao's face darkened, and with a big slap, another heavy slap hit Pine's face, this time knocking out all his few teeth, making him a toothless man.

"You, don't hit me any more!" These two very heavy slaps completely broke down Matsuki's already weak psychological defense, causing him to collapse instantly. Such a big man actually burst into tears, Tears flowed down the swollen eyes with only a line left.

"You bastard little devils, you don't want to stay in the country, you have to come to China with ambitions, how many Chinese people have been killed, how many Chinese women have been harmed, how many Chinese things have been stolen..." Tang Tian Without arrogance, he roared angrily, "You are running rampant on our land, and I still have to deal with you with a smile on my face. What the hell is this? The beast was skinned and buried alive!"

The enraged Tang Tianhao vented all the anger he suffered today on the heads of these two devils. His expression made people feel that he was devouring people, and made the two Japanese soldiers terrified, their bodies were as if they had malaria. Shaking non-stop.

At this time, Luo Xiao took a step forward, came to Tang Tianhao's side, and said in a low voice, "Tang Ying, don't get excited, even if you kill these two devils, what a big deal it will be."

"Then what do you think? Can I still attack the Japanese Kwantung Army stationed in Fengtian?" Tang Tianhao turned his head to look at Luo Xiao, his anger lessened a little earlier, "I want to too, but it's okay if I go Send to death!"

Luo Xiao smiled slightly, leaned close to Tang Tianhao's ear, muttered a few words in a low voice, and at the same time waved his arm, knocking the two Japanese soldiers unconscious.

Seeing Tang Tianhao listening, his eyes opened wider and wider, and the expression on his face gradually changed from surprise to excitement, and finally he couldn't help laughing and said, "Okay, if that's the case, I, Tang Tianhao, will hand over the 100 catties to me. You are Luo Xiao, we don't care about Daoshan Oil Pan!"

"Don't worry, I don't want to part with the knife mountain oil pot, you will be a member of the Yanhuang Army in the future!" Luo Xiao also laughed.

Tang Tianhao looked at the two Japanese soldiers who had been knocked out, and asked Luo Xiao, "What about these two little devils?"

Luo Xiao thought about it for a while, then waved his hand at Sun Dong, "These two Japanese know too much, staying here is a disaster, kill them!"

Sun Dongwen agreed, and then led two special forces members to untie the two Japanese soldiers and carry them out. As for where they went, Luo Xiao and Tang Tianhao didn't care, anyway, these two Japanese soldiers never Never showed up.

After dealing with the hidden dangers, Tang Tianhao finally felt a little more relaxed, and the next thing that worried him was the issue of the traitor.

The Japanese military uniforms found in the pile of vegetable leaves next to the horse shed showed that someone tipped off the two devils and even provided the clothes of the security forces.

If the traitor is not dug out, then every move of the First Battalion will fall into the sight of the devils, which will have a great impact on the establishment of the Beacon Team.

But when he told Luo Xiao about his worries, Luo Xiao told him indifferently that he knew about this problem a long time ago, and he had initially identified the target. Chicken can't eat rice.

After listening to Luo Xiao's plan, Tang Tianhao was stunned for a while, and then extended two thumbs towards Luo Xiao, "Luo Xiao, you are so bad, I really admire you!"

Hearing Tang Tianhao's words, whether it was a compliment or a sarcasm, Luo Xiao could only smile wryly, without any explanation!


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