Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 234 The Price of Mung Bean and Dog Meat

Next to the Huangjie Temple at the end of Daximen Street in Fengtian City, there is a spacious house where the headquarters of the Fourth Brigade of the Japanese Independent Garrison is stationed, and Banjin Zhiyuan lives here!

It was past twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, and it was supposed to be time for bed, but the windows of Captain Itatsu Naoen's house were still brightly lit, and the figures were shaking, making it look very lively.

Outside the door of the house, there were two Japanese soldiers standing guard. While listening to the movement in the house, these two people covered their mouths and giggled in a low voice. They didn't know what made them so happy!


With a muffled sound of discouragement, the room was filled with a suffocating stench, followed by a crackling sound from the toilet seat under which Naoen Itatsu was sitting, accompanied by the splashing of water sound.

"Captain, how are you?" Several Japanese orderlies on the side asked with concern, some were holding toilet paper, some were holding warm water, and one devil was holding an incense burner, inside which curled up Incense!

It's a pity that no matter how fragrant the incense, it couldn't hide the choking smell, so the Japanese soldiers all wrinkled their noses subconsciously, but no one dared to dodge backwards!

Itatsu Naoen slowly raised his body from the toilet, and his two blood-colored eyeballs turned up feebly. The white eyeballs were much more than the black ones, and it took a long time to turn round. Like a fish with white eyes, his breath is heavy like a broken bellows, and his breathing is very rapid.

"I'm fine," the voice sounded very hoarse, Itatsu Naoen's skinny appearance overnight made his subordinates feel a little terrified when they saw it, and they had the urge to run away!

After panting for a long time, Itatsu Naoen felt that the strength in his body recovered a little, and he said, "How are Lieutenant Mishima and the others?"

A few orderlies muttered, "They're all vomiting and diarrhea just like you, and they're all lying on the bed now!"

"Yaoxi!" Hearing that he was not the only one who was vomiting and diarrhea, Itatsu Naoen felt a little more balanced, otherwise he would be ashamed!

It turned out that after returning from Tang Tianhao's first battalion, Banjin Zhiyuan felt that his stomach was very uncomfortable. At that time, he thought it was a cold, so he didn't care, but it became worse when he went to sleep at night!

First he vomited, and Itatsu Naoen vomited violently one after another. Not only did he vomit out all the food he ate, but the acidic water he vomited was mixed with traces of blood. It seemed that his stomach hurt!

This was followed by a stomachache, which was even more serious. In one night, the young master Itatsu Naoen ran to the toilet no less than thirty times, and then he couldn't run anymore, so he had to move the toilet inside the house, and he couldn't get up after sitting on the toilet!

Vomiting and diarrhea again and again exhausted Itatsu Naoen's physical strength rapidly, and his originally strong body lost weight several times in the blink of an eye. At this time, he looked quite like a refugee who had just come out of a concentration camp.

"What's going on?" Itatsu Naoen pondered in his heart, and then thought about where the problem was. After thinking about it, he felt that it should be the problem of the dog meat he ate, and he was quite dissatisfied.

"Tang Tianhao, you dare to frame the Japanese imperial army, you are so brave!" Itatsu Naoen thought of this, and felt his stomach start to churn again, and hurriedly grabbed the toilet paper in the Japanese soldier's hand.

- Puff - bang - clatter -!

The room was suddenly enveloped by an even more unpleasant stench!

When Itatsu Naoen suffered the torture that drove him crazy, the Japanese military officers who followed him to inspect were experiencing the same fate. The best condition of these people was Itatsu Naoen, and most of them were bedridden. Even the two officers who ate the most at that time were so dehydrated that they passed out and were sent to the hospital.

There was a panic in the fourth brigade!

Of course, this incident also became a joke in the independent garrison of the Japanese Kwantung Army. Officers of other brigades took this incident as a joke and circulated among people, while a group of officers headed by Itatsu Naoyuan He was nicknamed the "Stinky Fart Brigade".This made Itatsu Naoyuan lose all face.

This incident naturally reached the ears of Luo Xiao and Tang Tianhao. When the two heard the news, they couldn't help but look at each other, and then deafening laughter erupted in the room.

After laughing for a while, Luo Xiao wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, then pointed to Tang Tianhao and said, "Okay, Tang Tianhao, I really have you, I can think of this trick, now Banjin Zhiyuan and the devils can be regarded as being beaten. It's a miserable toss, hahahaha!"

Sitting on the chair, Tang Tianhao continued to hehe and rubbed his sore stomach, "Hehe, who told the little devil to deliver it to me by himself? Damn, my dog ​​meat is so delicious, they are so beautiful! "

"However, if Banjin Zhiyuan finds evidence for your trick, that camp will be in trouble!" Luo Xiao pondered for a moment, thinking of this possibility.

Tang Tianhao nonchalantly picked up the cold tea bowl beside the table, drank the tea in it which was not much better than white water, and then took a breath, "It's okay, they can't find evidence, dog meat is not eaten with mung beans, Few people know, and if I know, I can still say I don’t know, what can he do!”

Luo Xiao thought about it, and felt that what Tang Tianhao said made sense, so he temporarily put this matter aside!

Next, what the two of them wanted to discuss was about the Bird Island Base and the training situation of the Beacon Team!

Luo Xiao suggested that Tang Tianhao better start training immediately, because time is tight, if he can train one day earlier, then the strength of the soldiers can be improved by one point, so that the hope of success in future operations will be higher by one point.

After Tang Tianhao listened, he nodded. He agreed with Luo Xiao's suggestion, and felt that it was better to do it sooner rather than later. Therefore, he decided that the four hundred fighters who had been selected into the Beacon Team would go to the Bird Island base for training in the middle of the night. The Japanese can also improve their technical and tactical level faster.

Luo Xiao decided to ask Sun Dong to lead Lang Peng, Jiang Dahai, and Han Yang, and then bring a few special forces members to the Bird Island base with the hundreds of soldiers, where they would serve as their instructors. They have done this many times, and they are naturally familiar with it. When everything is on track, they can hand over the training tasks to the special forces under their command, and return to Tang Tianhao's first battalion. There will be more important tasks at that time wait for them.

He is planning a mission. This mission is mainly to drive a wedge between the Japanese and the security forces, and the relationship between the security forces, so that they can fish in troubled waters. The code name of the plan is, "Operation Fishing!"


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