When people mention Dongling, the first thing people think of is Qingdong Tomb located in Zunhua, Hebei Province. , which made the Eastern Qing Tombs famous and widely known.

In fact, 11 kilometers northeast of Fengtian City, there is also an Dongling, and it also belongs to the Qing Dynasty.

Shenyang Qingdong Tomb, formerly known as Fuling, is the mausoleum of Qing Taizu Nurhachi and his queen Yehenara. Because it is located 11 kilometers northeast of Shenyang City, it is also called Dongling.

Nurhachi is a Manchu, surnamed Aixinjueluo, who was conferred the title of leader of the Jurchen Jianzhou Department by the Ming Dynasty. Later, he unified the Jurchen tribes with his Eight Banner soldiers and established the Jin regime, which was called Houjin in history.

Nurhachi is proficient in Han and Mongolian characters. He not only made great achievements in the military, but also created the Eight Banners system and Manchu characters. He also made great achievements in politics and culture. He made outstanding contributions to the initial development of the Manchus. He was a national hero who was buried in Fuling after his death.

After his son Huang Taiji established the Qing regime, Nurhachi was honored as the Taizu of the Qing Dynasty and was buried in Fuling.

Fuling was built three years after Jin Tiancong.It was completed in the eighth year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty, and it was built by Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Qianlong before it has the scale it is today.This mausoleum faces the Hun River and backs Tianzhu Mountain. It is an excellent Fengshui treasure land, surrounded by water, surrounded by mountains, deep grass and dense forests. The scenery is very beautiful, and little squirrels can often be seen jumping in it.

It is said that Fuling covers an area of ​​600 mu and has [-] pine trees, but now there are only more than [-] trees left, but in the sea of ​​trees, you can still feel the solemnity and vigorous momentum.

In the east of Fengtian Dongling, there is a small island that is getting bigger and bigger. There are a surprising number of birds inhabiting here. There are many kinds of birds, and the scenery is very beautiful.

Later, a park was established here and it was designated as a tourist area, but at that time it was still a desolate island, and no one came here at all!Usually, it is the nearby residents who come here with small fishing boats, fishing on the edge of the island!

But today, a huge change has taken place here. Teams of heavily armed security forces arrived, stationed on the edge of Bird Island, and then began to requisition the small fishing boats of nearby villagers, and they also brought several steamboats, Immediately began to transport troops to Bird Island.

As the troops entered Bird Island, the magpies, thrushes, peacocks, swans, and wild geese that lived on the island were all startled. They flew out of their respective habitats, soared in the sky, and kept crying. , seems to be quite dissatisfied with these intruding uninvited guests!

With a gunshot, the body of a wild goose flying in the sky sank, and then it fell head first, and fell into the hands of a second lieutenant officer of the security forces who was holding a rifle. He raised his foot and kicked his neck and was beaten. The geese in the clothes laughed, "I didn't expect to be so fat, now I have food for dinner!"

This person was the alcoholic platoon leader Sun Daxi who dared to stand up to question Luo Xiao's test subjects. His greatest hobby was to drink a few sips. Now that he got such game, he was naturally extremely happy.

Just as he was raising his rifle to shoot down a few more animals, a shout came from behind, "Sun Daxi, who told you to shoot these animals casually, put the gun away!"

Hearing someone talking, Sun Daxi put down the Mauser rifle he had already raised. He squinted at Han Yang who was approaching, with a nonchalant attitude, "I said instructor Han, isn't he just a wild goose? As for being so nervous, I will buy a few more and treat you to a drink tonight!"

With a gloomy face, Han Yang strode up to Sun Daxi, looked him up and down a few times, and shouted in a deep voice, "Put the gun away, you won't be allowed to hurt these animals casually in the future!"

Sun Daxi sneered, and then asked in disbelief, "Why, these animals are wild, and they are not common people's poultry. What can I do if I kill one or two!"

"It is precisely because these are wild animals that we need to protect them, otherwise there will be fewer and fewer in the future, and it will be too late to protect them at that time!" Han Yang is from modern times, so he knows the importance of protecting wild animals In their era, wild animals were on the verge of extinction, so he tried his best to dissuade Sun Daxi.

However, how could Sun Daxi know this? It sounded to him that Han Yang was just looking for faults, so he was quite unconvinced, and the gangster's anger came up when he was a soldier, and he deliberately tilted his neck and smiled, "Oh, hey , you thought you were Instructor Luo, and you taught me a lesson, when I was a soldier, you still wore crotch pants, why don’t you stay cool for me!”

As soon as a word came out, the soldiers of the security forces around burst into laughter!

These words are too hurtful, Han Yang's face turned red and white, he smiled back with anger, and stared at Sun Daxi, "Platoon Leader Sun, I am now one of the instructors of your Fengyan team, of course I have the right to control you , I now order you to stop all hunting and killing of wild animals!"

"You're an idiot, a little soldier really thinks of himself as a dish!" Sun Daxi was also a veteran who had been in the army for many years. , I became a platoon leader later, but the bad habits I developed when I was a soldier have not changed at all. "I killed four bandits by myself when I was suppressing bandits in western Liaoning. You are a good guy!"

At this time, several special forces members around also heard the movement, gathered around, and looked at Sun Daxi with unkind expressions. Some of them were about to attack, but were stopped by Han Yang.

Han Yang's expression had regained his composure, he smiled lightly, and said to Sun Daxi, "Platoon Leader Sun, since you think you are very capable, let's have a competition. If you really beat me, then I won't say anything." Say, what do you want to do in the future, I will never say no!"

Hearing what Han Yang said, Sun Daxi's eyes lit up, and he smiled, "Okay, it's settled, if you defeat me, then I will listen to you from now on, and I will do whatever you ask me to do. Talking doesn't count, I'm a bear!"

"Okay, it's a deal!" Han Yang waited for Sun Daxi's words.

As soon as they heard that there was going to be a competition, all the security forces soldiers and special forces members who heard the news gathered together, and soon 80 to [-] people surrounded the place, making the place very lively.

Han Yang and Sun Daxi stood on both sides, behind them were special forces and security forces soldiers, looking at each other, finally Sun Daxi spoke first, "How do we compare?"

"Platoon Leader Sun, haven't you ever suppressed bandits?" Han Yang looked very stern, holding a ninety-five-year improved automatic rifle in one hand, "Then I will give you a quota of ten people, and we will conduct an actual battle in this jungle. If you catch me or hurt me, then I will lose!"

Hearing what Han Yang said, Sun Daxi was taken aback for a moment, but he immediately shook his head, "No, it's not fair. I think we should go one-on-one. I, Sun Daxi, will not take advantage of you!"

Sun Daxi was irritated by Han Yang's words, "Hey, Platoon Leader Sun, I have already bullied you for ten people, how about you add ten more?"

"Damn, you kid is too crazy!" Sun Daxi's face darkened, and he waved his hand behind him, "You guys come in with me, I want to see why instructor Han is so crazy!"


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