"After not coming for a while, these people make such a big mess, it's really worrying!"

Seeing Han Yang fleeing into the forest, and Sun Daxi and others following closely behind, Sun Dong who came over after hearing the news shook his head, and then whispered to Jiang Dahai beside him, "Han Yang looks like he was caught Enraged, it is estimated that Sun Daxi and the others will suffer a lot!"

For Han Yang, Sun Dong knows too well, although he is usually kind and always smiling, but once he is irritated, it is definitely very scary.

Jungle warfare is one of the techniques and tactics that special forces members must be proficient in. Han Yang is very talented in this area. Once he enters it, he will feel like a fish in water and feel free!

As for Sun Daxi and the others, although they grew up in the forests of the Northeast and participated in the bandit suppression several times, compared with Han Yang, they are probably far behind, only being abused.

With this thought in mind, Sun Dong pulled the walkie-talkie and whispered inside, "Han Yang, you boy, be merciful. After all, these will be our comrades-in-arms in the future. Don't treat them like enemies!"

On the walkie-talkie, Han Yang was silent for a while, and then said, "Captain Sun, don't worry, I have a sense of proportion, and nothing will happen!"

Seeing that Han Yang agreed to his request, Sun Dong felt a little more at ease. Although Sun Daxi and others will suffer some hardships, they probably won't be seriously hurt.

The news of the competition between the two has spread throughout the incoming troops, and more and more security forces soldiers and special forces rushed over, gathered around the forest and waited for the result of the competition.

In the woods, Sun Daxi didn't know that Sun Dong had already reminded Han Yang, otherwise he would have suffered much more, he should feel lucky!

However, he is also making trouble!

Originally, he thought that he could easily catch him by coming in behind Han Yang and end the competition earlier, but when he rushed in with someone behind him, Han Yang had disappeared!

"Strange, where did this kid go?" Sun Daxi wondered, he looked around!

Around him, there are dense forests. Among these trees, there are not only tall poplars, but also low shrubs. In addition, there are many kinds of trees such as birches, pine trees, and willows. It's just that he doesn't know him!

The soldiers of the security forces who came in behind Sun Daxi were all in his row. These people had followed him for a long time, and they were veterans with good quality. Sun Daxi felt that with their help, there should be no problem in dealing with Han Yang. of!

"Platoon leader, what should we do now?" A soldier of the public security army asked Sun Daxi, who was holding a [-]-[-] rifle in his hand at this time, and was watching the movement around him vigilantly!

Sun Daxi thought for a while, and then shouted in a deep voice, "Two people should search in different directions, if you don't believe me, you won't be able to find him!"

"If you find him, do you want to shoot?" Several soldiers were still worried, and they wanted to ask about this matter.

Sun Daxi was taken aback by this question, and then he cursed angrily, "Your grandma's heartless, this is not an enemy, but instructor Luo's subordinates, who can only catch alive, and no one can shoot!"

"Yes, yes, platoon leader!" Several soldiers groaned in their hearts, because they felt that Han Yang was not so easy to deal with, and they might suffer a loss this time!

After this arrangement was made, Sun Daxi separated from those soldiers and walked in different directions. The ten soldiers were in groups of two, while he was in a group and started searching in the jungle.

The jungle is full of branches and vines, densely packed, and soon the different groups can't see each other, and they can only communicate with each other by shouting!

Sun Daxi looked around, took the rifle off his back, and put it on the ground. He broke off a wooden stick from a nearby tree trunk, which was as thick as the mouth of a teacup. It was suitable, so I walked towards the depths of the jungle with satisfaction!

Under a big tree in the middle of the jungle, Han Yang was squatting in front of a thick bush, skillfully manipulating a bunch of thorn-like plants, twisting them together, and then pressing them against the roots not far away place, and then cover it with soil.

Letting go, Han Yang nodded in satisfaction, then turned around and walked away, and soon disappeared without a trace!

At this time, a good scene of hunting and anti-hunting was going on in the jungle. The ten soldiers of the public security army were divided into five groups and slowly advanced in this jungle with a radius of only two or three kilometers, while carefully searching for Han. Traces of Yang!

But Han Yang never saw the shadow!

On a small path in the jungle, two soldiers of the Security Army were slowly advancing. The bayonets of the seven-nine rifles in their hands had been removed, and the bullets were all loaded in the bullet bags. The rifles were completely used as wood. Great to use!

"I'm talking about Er Gouzi, you said our platoon leader is looking for trouble for nothing? He insisted on fighting with Instructor Han, and ended up bringing us all in!" one of the two soldiers from the Security Force muttered, sounding very interested in Sun Daxi. A little dissatisfied.

"Isn't it? When I saw Instructor Han and the others, for some reason, I felt the hairs all over my body explode, as if I saw a blind man in the mountains!" Having said this, the soldier known as Er Gouzi trembled , It seems that I have lingering fears when I think of it.

Another soldier nodded hurriedly, "Yeah, I also feel the same way, especially the eyes of Instructor Han, even when he smiles, they are cold, radiating the cold air, really penetrating!"

The two talked to each other, chatting and walking forward before they knew it, they had already walked three to forty meters away.

At this time, there was no road in front of them, only a gap in the bushes to pass through!

The Security Army soldier named Er Gouzi walked in front. He looked and knew that he could only pass through the bushes, so he walked towards the bushes tremblingly.

"Er Gouzi, be careful!" Behind him, another security soldier whispered.

Er Gouzi pretended not to be afraid of anything, walked up to the bush in small steps, and then poked it with a rifle. After confirming that there was no one inside, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Still Well, no one!"

When he realized that there was no one inside, Er Gouzi became more courageous. He coughed lightly, then walked towards the gap between the bushes, intending to pass through the middle!

There was no danger in the bushes, and the two passed through easily, feeling a lot more at ease!

"It seems that Instructor Han is not on our side!" The two felt relieved and continued to walk forward.


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