After taking two steps, Er Gouzi felt his feet go soft, as if he had guessed something, he looked down, and couldn't help cursing, "Damn it, who's blind Xiong is so wicked, shitting here!" The words raised their feet.

There was a black mass standing on his feet, which turned out to be bear feces, which made him sick to death, and hurriedly stretched towards the roots of the trees beside him, intending to rub off the bear feces.

As soon as his foot touched the root of the tree, he heard a swoosh, and a black shadow flashed from the root of the tree. The next moment, Er Gouzi felt his eyes darkened, as if someone had hit him with a stick. Lost consciousness.

"Ah——" Seeing Er Gouzi fell to the ground by the sudden springing of thorns, another security soldier was terrified. He almost backed away without thinking, and his heel got caught in a vine After that, I felt as if the back of my head was hit hard by a stick, and there were shining golden stars everywhere in front of my eyes.

Before he fainted, he only had time to turn his head and glance at the thick wooden stick that suddenly appeared, and he thought, "How can this wooden stick fly up and hit people without anyone!"

As the two security forces fell to the ground, the bush became quiet again, only a wooden stick hanging in the air was shaking gently!

The same situation was happening everywhere in the jungle. Those two-person security army soldiers were blocked and ambushed in various ways, and they were beaten terribly!

In setting traps, Han Yang is definitely a top-notch expert. As long as he uses local materials, he can set up amazingly powerful traps in a very short time.

However, these people are all future fighters of the Beacon Team, and they are comrades in arms of Han Yang and the others. Rejoice in their little lesson.

However, even the gadgets in Han Yang's mouth made Sun Daxi and the others miserable. The scars on their faces and bodies increased rapidly, and their noses and faces were swollen soon!

Even if Sun Daxi was so careful, he was still slapped on the face by the branch, and the eye on the side that was hit was swollen and narrowed into a line, making it difficult for anyone to see. Yang seems to be really difficult to deal with, maybe he really is not an opponent!

"I really don't believe it. I, Sun Daxi, can't even deal with such a small soldier, so how can I lead soldiers in the future!" Was left behind.

Bending down, Sun Daxi held up the wooden stick that he had folded by himself, and groped forward cautiously, observing every step before he dared to take a step.

It’s impossible not to be careful like this. Just because of carelessness, he tripped over the rope set by Han Yang and almost knocked off his two front teeth. At this time, he was still in pain!

After walking so carefully all the way, the later part of the road was safe and sound, allowing him to walk over safely!

But before he breathed a sigh of relief, he heard the cry for help from a soldier he brought in from the front right. After touching it, he found that he had been hung upside down on a tree with rattan!

Looking at the soldier whose foot was firmly bound by the cane, Sun Daxi shook his head bitterly, and said to himself, "Brother, I'm sorry, it's not that I don't help you, it's really Han Yang This kid and his grandma are too bad, they always set me up!"

Just now, he had already met one time, that time he rushed up to save his soldier, but was slapped on his right cheek by the cane secretly set up by Han Yang, and now his eyes are swollen like buns!

Sun Daxi was very surprised where Han Yang learned these methods. It was so shady that it made people's teeth itch from hatred, but there was nothing he could do about it!

The materials Han Yang used to set traps were all local materials from the jungle, and the changes were so hidden that he couldn't find it at all, which made him fall into a passive state and was helpless for a while.

Taking a last look at the soldiers hanging from the tree, Sun Daxi turned around and left. He was going to rescue these people after catching Han Yang in a while!

After walking a few steps away from the soldier, Sun Daxi felt his feet go limp, and then his body suddenly fell downwards, falling into a trap set by Han Yang.

This trap was rebuilt by Han Yang by using the existing pothole, adding concealment, and as a result, Sun Daxi stepped into it with one kick!

As his body fell downward, Sun Daxi's heart tightened, but he immediately felt that he had fallen to the ground. He couldn't help but secretly rejoiced that the pit was not deep, but then he jumped up with a groan.

While slapping the many thorns and thorns on his buttocks, Sun Daxi wanted to cry without tears, "Well, you Han Yang, let's set up a hanging pit, and your grandma is a bear, and she also spreads thorny thorns, ouch, pierce it!" Kill me!"

Crawling out of the pit, Sun Daxi limped around the pit and shouted loudly, "Instructor Han, if you are a man, don't make up these schemes, stand up and let's fight swords and guns." Do it!"

The voice echoed in the jungle, but no one responded, which made Sun Daxi very depressed. He didn't know if Han Yang heard it, but he couldn't take it anymore, and wanted to end this competition as soon as possible!

Up to now, in fact, he has admitted that Han Yang does have the ability, just relying on the pure trap setting of this hand, it is worthy of his admiration!

But he still wants to fight Han Yang, so that even if he loses, he will be convinced, and he will have no regrets!

Seeing that no one responded in the jungle, Sun Daxi paused for a while, then took a deep breath, and shouted again, "Instructor Han, I, Sun Daxi, admire your ability, but I still want to fight you, even if I lose You have to lose too!"

This time Sun Daxi finished yelling, and finally there was a movement, a voice came from above his head, "Since you want to fight, then I will satisfy you!"

The sound came very abruptly, and the location was unexpected by Sun Daxi, which surprised him. He hurriedly backed up a few steps, and then looked up, and found that Han Yang was holding a grass in his mouth on a poplar tree above his head. Stick, leaning lazily on the branch of a tree, was looking at himself with a smile!

Sun Daxi never imagined that Han Yang was sitting on the tree above his head, which made him quite speechless!

At this time, Han Yang let go of his hand, and a giant beehive wrapped in bushes fell from the tree and hit the place where Sun Daxi was standing just now.

Sun Daxi was so frightened that he jumped back a few steps, fearing in his heart, "If Han Yang let go of this just now, I guess he will turn into a pig's head!"


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