In the northeast, there is a kind of hornet that lives in a hive. Once it encounters an external attack, it will swarm out and rush to the enemy overwhelmingly.This kind of wasp is very poisonous. Many wasps sting people together and can kill people!

Sun Daxi is also from the Northeast, so he is naturally very familiar with this kind of wasp. He knows that to deal with this kind of wasp, he usually covers it with a pocket suddenly, or uses smoke to drive the wasp away for a long time, and then he can remove the beehive. How amazing it is to remove the hive without disturbing the wasps!

However, just because of this, Sun Daxi was more in awe of Han Yang, knowing that he had a lot of things in him as an instructor, and it was worth learning by himself.

After the hornets in the huge hive gradually dispersed, Han Yang put his hands on the tree branch, jumped off from the top, and landed lightly on the ground!

Standing up slowly, Han Yang clapped his hands, looked up at Sun Daxi who was carrying a wooden stick, and was amused by his miserable appearance.

At this time, Sun Da's clothes were also torn, and one eye on his face was swollen like a bun, and his face was covered with mud. No matter how he looked, he looked like a savage in the mountains, and he couldn't help but laugh.

Han Yang laughed, raised his hand and pointed, "Platoon Leader Sun, come on, don't you want to fight me, then let's start, we can put you brothers down after the fight is over!"

It was only then that Sun Daxi remembered that there was another subordinate hanging behind him, and it was estimated that the results of other subordinates were similar, so he couldn't help but smiled wryly, "I'm really asking for trouble, and I'm too arrogant!"

By this time, Sun Daxi had already admitted that he was no match for Han Yang, but he put down the wooden stick, arranged his clothes, and then came to Han Yang, "Instructor Han, I am convinced, but I still want to fight with you!" You compete!"

"Okay, then let's go to the end!" Han Yang admired Sun Daxi a little bit, corrected when he knew a mistake, dared to act, he was a man.

The two opened their posture and confronted each other four or five meters away!

"Hey!" Sun Daxi couldn't bear it anymore, he rushed forward with a low growl, punched him in the head, went straight to Han Yang's face, and kicked him secretly!

Han Yang's expression became solemn, and his whole body seemed to be like a bow string being stretched. He rushed forward to meet Sun Daxi, and at the same time stretched out his right hand...


Outside the jungle, Sun Dong sat cross-legged on an old tree root with his hands on his waist, surrounded by a group of security forces soldiers, now they should be called soldiers of the Beacon Army, and he was telling them some stories about himself and the Special Forces. In the story, the soldiers of the Beacon Squad were all wide-eyed and listened with gusto!When it comes to interesting places, people burst into laughter!

Not far from them, Jiang Dahai crouched in the shadow of an old tree with his sniper rifle in his arms, staring indifferently at a branch not far away. Hour did not blink an eye.

Perhaps it was because of his suffocating indifference, there was not a single soldier of the Fengyan team around him, and even those special forces didn't dare to bother him!

Lang Peng, on the other hand, was sitting in an open space, dismantling his [-]th modified general-purpose machine gun, and wiping it vigorously with a piece of gauze, without even raising his head.

These people don't seem to care about the game going on in the jungle!

An officer of the Fengyan team couldn't bear the doubts in his heart, walked up to Lang Peng, and asked in a low voice, "Instructor Lang, why are you not worried about the competition between Instructor Han and Platoon Leader Sun?"

Lang Peng put down the shiny gun barrel that had already been wiped, picked up the firing pin of the machine gun, and wiped it vigorously, without looking up at all, "What are you worried about?"

"Platoon Leader Sun and the others are eleven people, and Platoon Leader Sun is also a good fighter. How can Instructor Han defeat so many of them by himself?"

Lang Peng finally raised his head this time, and smiled at the officer, showing his white teeth, "Hey, what I'm worried about is that Han Yang can't control the heat, and beat Sun Daxi and the others to pieces!"

"What?!" The officer of the Fengyan team was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't believe Lang Peng's words.

He glanced at Lang Peng half-believingly, and he walked back to the original place, muttering in his heart, "How is it possible, one against eleven, how can this win!"

After another 10 minutes, there was finally movement in the jungle, and people stopped and turned their heads to look!

The officer hastily stretched his neck to look, but what he saw made his eyeballs almost fall to the ground.

A group of people came out of the jungle, and it was Han Yang who walked in the front. He had a straw stick in his mouth, and his clothes were not messy except for a little dust. As for the scars, I can't see a little.

Looking at Sun Daxi and the others following behind him, the officer couldn't help laughing.

I saw that their clothes were torn, and there were scars on their faces and bodies. Although they were not serious, their bruised noses and swollen faces made it obvious that they must have suffered a lot!

At this time, needless to say, everyone knows who won, so they have a deeper understanding of the power of Han Yang and even the Special Forces!

Sun Dong stretched out surrounded by the soldiers of the Fengyan team, then raised his wrist to look at it, and said lightly, "Han Yang, you are too slow!"

Han Yang chuckled, "Captain, I know, it's because I'm playful, otherwise I could have made it 15 minutes earlier!"

When people heard this, they almost fell to the ground, this is too abnormal!

Sun Daxi came out from behind Han Yang, stretched out his hand to touch his chin, which was still aching, and said loudly to his subordinates, "Listen to me, from now on, everything will be listened to by Instructor Han. It's Xi, he told us to beat the blind bears, so you can't hunt pheasants, are you clear?"

The soldiers responded together, "Understood!"

Seeing this scene, Sun Dong was secretly happy. Han Yang convinced this rebellious guy this time, which meant that he had established a good impression on the special forces in the hearts of the soldiers of the Fengyan team, and the next training would be much easier. up!

Sure enough, after Sun Daxi's incident, the soldiers of the Beacon Squad who had transformed from the security forces became more honest, because as soon as they saw Sun Daxi's miserable appearance, they would think of the horror of the special forces and make them restrain themselves obediently Get up!

In this way, the construction of the Bird Island base went very smoothly, and the open space for the new base camp was quickly opened up, and then tents were set up one after another!

The Bird Island base is just a temporary base, so Luo Xiao doesn't plan to build a permanent building, but a temporary one!

After a busy day, the soldiers were all tired at night, and the soldiers of the Beacon Team quickly fell asleep.But Sun Dong and the others of the Special Operations Team can't sleep yet, because there are still a lot of things they need to deal with!


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