As an instructor, Sun Dong and others not only have to manage military training, but also logistics and many other things, which is very cumbersome.

But this was arranged by Luo Xiao with them, and he told them to do well!

The reason why Luo Xiao gave such an order was also to train them intentionally, and to prepare them to lead a team on their own when the time is right in the future!

With far more modern science and technology, as well as the elite Huya special combat brigade as the foundation, coupled with the arsenal, Luo Xiao believes that his power will grow rapidly in the future, and the number of troops is likely to increase sharply by then. I and Yan Beifeng are too busy!

Although Duan Ying, Cheng Tianlei, and Tang Tianhao have entered the Huya Special Warfare Brigade, the time is too short to fully trust them. They may become his right-hand men in the future, but Luo Xiao trusts the Huya Special Warfare Brigade for the time being. old subordinates.

For these people, Luo Xiao is not worried about their loyalty. On the one hand, these people have undergone strict ideological education and have extremely high loyalty.

On the other hand, he believes that the soldiers know what is the right choice for them. These people from the future know how the long river of history flows forward, so they will not foolishly go against the tide, so that they will succeed. The probability is extremely low, the biggest possibility is to kill yourself!

In the end, Luo Xiao still kept a trump card, which was enough to wipe out any traitorous special operations team members, even elite fighters of the special operations team like Sun Dong couldn't escape.

As for what this trump card is, except for Luo Xiao and Yan Beifeng, no one else knows, because this is the top secret information of the Special Forces!

Of course, unless it was absolutely necessary, Luo Xiao would not want to use that trump card, after all, the Huya Special Forces would pay too much for that!

In any case, the Bird Island base has started to operate step by step. With the arrival of follow-up equipment and supplies, everything will become more and more perfect, and the training will become smoother. I believe that after half a year, the newly formed Beacon Team will be able to Appear in front of Luo Xiao and Tang Tianhao with a brand new look!

According to the contact with Yan Beifeng, Luo Xiao learned something about the situation. He knew that the Huya Special Forces Brigade has been developing very rapidly during this period. He was recruited into his subordinates and formed a new team - the wolf pack team!

Most of these people are bandits who occupy the mountains as kings, with various forces, good and bad, and their combat effectiveness is really not flattering, but this is not difficult for Yan Beifeng. Captain, and sent Li Erxiazi to be Huang Cheng's military adviser to advise him!

For blind man Li Er, Yan Beifeng also felt very headache. This old man who looks like a fairy is really too bad. He caused troubles in the Huxiaoling base all day long, making everyone miserable, but There is no way to take him!

However, Blind Li Er is really capable. After he arrived at Huxiaoling, he discovered two coal mines and an iron mine in a ravine on the back mountain of Huxiaoling, and the reserves are still quite large.

According to the calculations of Mo Yanran and the technical staff of the research institute, it is estimated that these resources are enough for the arsenal to produce for ten years. Of course, this is under the current scale, without expanding the scale!

It has to be said that Yan Beifeng made the right move. After sending Huang Cheng and Li Erxiazi to the wolf pack team, Huang Cheng and Li Erxiazi cooperated and killed several troublemakers one after another, deterring them. After killing those bandits, a series of actions were launched immediately!

Through Li Er blind man's method of taking a slanted sword, the wolf pack team has made great changes in the past month, and the rectification has achieved initial results. It is estimated that it will take on a completely new look in a few months.

After calculating the strength in his hands, Luo Xiao decided to launch a counterattack against Fengtian in six months' time, trying to win Fengtian!

Once the plan is finalized, problems will follow one after another. Many of them need to be solved by Luo Xiao, and Yan Beifeng can't replace them!

The most imminent among them is the internal issue of the security forces!

Before coming to Tang Tianhao's [-]st Battalion, Luo Xiao had obtained information about the security forces from the intelligence station in the Shanhe Tea House, and learned some information!

And after entering the Security Army, Luo Xiao got more detailed information from Tang Tianhao, which gave him a detailed understanding of the intricate relationship between the various forces in the Security Army!

The Security Army is now mainly divided into three major forces, which also occupy most of the troops in the Security Army!

The first force is Zang Xuecheng, the commander of the Security Force and concurrently the head of the first regiment.

Zang Xuecheng is a distant relative of the young marshal. His father was once an uncle of Zhang Dashuai.The commander-in-chief was grateful for the old love, so he kept him by his side. First, he was sent to the Japanese Army Officer Academy for further studies, and later he was allowed to serve in the Northeast Army. He was promoted from battalion commander, regiment commander to brigade commander in his 20s.

When the Northeast Army withdrew from the three eastern provinces, Zang Xuecheng did not follow, but stayed. Later, he even joined the security army, and became the commander of the Fengtian security army, becoming a hardcore traitor.

Because of his special status at the beginning, he was the most powerful in the public security army. A regiment under him actually had more than 3000 people, many light and heavy machine guns, and very well-equipped. Moreover, he was determined to follow the Japanese. There is no possibility of winning over!

In addition to the first regiment in Zang Xuecheng's hands, Ma Dashuo, the deputy head of the third regiment of the public security army, was also his minion, who did many bad things for him.

The second force is Ma Xueli, the head of the Second Regiment of the Public Security Army, who is in the same family as Ma Dashuo. This kid was originally a squadron leader of the Fengtian Gendarmerie Corps of the Northeast Army. Later, he was about to be dismissed because of corruption, but But he was transferred to the Tieling garrison team and became the captain through the relationship activities, and he was promoted instead of demoted.

This kid is a typical idiot, whichever side is stronger, he will fall to that side. Recently, because the Japanese have gained power, he runs to the Japanese very frequently.

Ma Xueli's regiment has about 300 troops, the weapons and equipment and training are average, and the strength is not too strong!

As for the third force, it was Tang Tianhao's first battalion in the third regiment.

Although Tang Tianhao is a battalion, the actual number of troops is more than 1000. This has caught up with a regiment of the second regiment, and its combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of the second regiment.

In the security army, Tang Tianhao is a hardliner. Although he had no choice but to join the security army, he is always passive and sabotage, and does not contribute to the devils. This makes the devils very angry, but there is nothing they can do!

Of course, Tang Tianhao didn't dare to make it too obvious, he had to deal with it when it was time to deal with it, even if it was superficial!

In addition to these three forces, the rest are the others in the third group. They generally have only two to 300 people, and the largest group has only 400 people. Naturally, they must be attached to these three forces!

Among those strengths, there is a battalion commander and two company commanders who have a good relationship with Tang Tianhao. They are all old men from the Northeast Army, so they can get along easily!

After mastering these, Luo Xiao started his fishing operation!


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