Which is the busiest place in Fengtian?

Anyone who was born and raised in Fengtian knows that if Fengtian North Market is not recognized as the most lively place, no other place dares to call itself the most lively place!

The North Market, since its construction in the early Qing Dynasty and the large-scale construction by Dashuai Zhang, has gone through decades of history and has long been built into a prosperous area. "Famous for its prosperity, it is one of the three prosperous areas in Shenyang that are as famous as Taiyuan Street and Middle Street.

Moreover, the North Market is also comparable to Beijing Tianqiao, Tianjin Quanyechang, Nanjing Confucius Temple, and Shanghai City God Temple at that time.

In the North Market, brothels and kilns are an indispensable industry, even a very important industry.In a small area, dozens of kilns gathered, and a large number of prostitutes gathered in them, all of which were used for the enjoyment of those rich and powerful!

Qingyuntang was one of the eight famous kilns in Fengtian at that time. It was also known as the Eight Great Halls along with Ringling Hall, Tonghe Hall, Jiule Hall, Baoshun Hall, and Joy Hall. They were backed by Japanese military and police officers. There are quite a lot of forces in Fengtian City.

In addition to these eight halls, Wan Yuhai's Treasure Hall is very powerful, but something happened to Wan Yuhai's Treasure Hall recently, and it was completely burned down. Even if it is rebuilt now, it probably won't take half a year Time is not built.

In this way, the kiln in Fengtian City lost another opponent!

Recently, Zhang Peng, the kiln of Qingyuntang, is in a particularly happy mood, because he bought a few newcomers who are proficient in singing, reciting, sitting, and playing from Guannei. As a result, his business has exploded a lot.

Because Zhang Pengtian was in a good mood, he packed up as soon as it got dark, and was ready to go to the banquet held by Hashimoto, the captain of the Japanese Gendarmerie, to deepen his relationship with his backstage!

Seeing that his master was tidying up, the servants who had stood aside earlier hurriedly handed him a fragrant towel to wipe his hands.

After wiping his hands, Zhang Peng threw the towel to the servants, then stood up and walked out the door, preparing to go downstairs to the place where the banquet was held.

Zhang Peng's Qingyun Hall has three floors, the first and second floors are places for entertaining guests, and the third floor is where he lives, where he, his eight wives, and a large group of bodyguards live!

If you do too many bad things, you will naturally feel uneasy in your heart, and the bodyguards will never leave you no matter where you go!

"Brother, what gift are you preparing for Captain Hashimoto?" Zhang Biao, the manager of Qingyun Hall and his cousin, greeted him from downstairs, and said as he walked.

Zhang Peng pondered for a while, and then said, "The last time we gave his son's third aunt a Jade Avalokitesvara for her birthday, let's give our Hetian jade ornament this time!"

Hearing this, Zhang Biao frowned, with a displeased expression on his face, "Brother, this Hashimoto is too greedy, he held more than a dozen banquets a month, and every time we gave away so many things, if we continue to give away up?"

"You think I want to give it away!" Zhang Peng sighed, and then walked down the stairs, "But our business depends entirely on him. Without his backing, we would have been ruined by other companies!"

Zhang Biao was silent, he also knew that what his elder brother said was reasonable, but he just felt very suffocated in his heart.

Seeing Zhang Biao's out of breath attitude, Zhang Peng persuaded him a few more words, and then walked towards the gate, where his Volvo car was waiting to get in!

Kankan was about to reach the gate, and suddenly bursts of laughter rang out from outside the door, followed by a person stepping in from outside the door, "Haha, Boss Zhang, this is going out!"

As soon as he saw the person, a smile appeared on Zhang Peng's face, he clasped his hands together and said, "Oh, it turns out to be Master Ma, you are really a distinguished guest, please come in quickly!"

The person who came was a young man, about 21 or [-] years old, tall and slender, with decent facial features, but his face was blue and his eyes were sunken. At first glance, he was the result of staying up late and overindulging in sex. He was wearing a black suit, followed by several A bodyguard, looking like a kid from a rich family!

Of course Zhang Biao knew this person. He was Ma Guangyuan, the son of Ma Xueli, the commander of the second regiment of the Fengtian Security Army, nicknamed "Ma Sao Bao".

This kid is considered to be number one in Fengtian City, but he doesn't have a good reputation, but he is a veteran of seeking flowers and asking willows. He is a regular customer in almost every brothel, and often relies on his own power to do some jealous things!

For this kind of people, Zhang Peng naturally did not dare to offend, even the Japanese were unwilling to offend these local snakes, let alone him!

"Master Ma, why are you here today when you are free? Please sit down and serve tea!" Zhang Peng greeted him with a nod and bow, and ordered his servants to serve him tea.

Ma Guangyuan sat on the chair, then pulled the tie around his neck, then picked up the tea brought by the servant, took a sip and said, "Why don't you welcome your master Ma?"

"Don't dare, I'm too happy!" Zhang Peng flattered again, and Ma Guangyuan, the sassy young master who said it bluntly, was so happy that he almost had a snot bubble.

After a few words of gossip, Ma Guangyuan directly got to the point. He asked Zhang Peng, "Master Zhang, I heard that you have some new goods here, and one of them is Caicui?"

"Yes!" Zhang Peng replied with a twitch in his heart when he heard this.

Ma Guangyuan was happy when he heard it, and urged, "Then hurry up and call me down, let me take a good look, if it's good, I'll take care of it tonight!"

Zhang Peng laughed and explained to him in a low voice, "Master Ma, I'm really sorry, Caicui has already been taken over by someone, I'm afraid I won't be able to come down!"

"What—" Hearing Zhang Peng's words, Ma Guangyuan was furious. He twitched his eyes and said with a sneer, "I don't care who took care of it. If your master Ma doesn't see anyone today, Qingyuntang will not see you." Don't talk about it, don't say that I didn't say what I said!"

Hearing this, Zhang Peng felt that his head was three points too big. He didn't know what to do, because he couldn't afford to offend the one who took care of Caicui, and he didn't dare to offend the one in front of him. ah!

Seeing that Zhang Pengguang was in a daze but didn't take any action, Ma Guangyuan's face became even more ugly. He felt that Zhang Peng didn't take himself seriously, so he stood up awkwardly, stepped in front of Zhang Peng, and stretched out his hand to grab him. On his neck, he threatened viciously, "Zhang Peng, if I say a word, do you believe that I will order Qing Yuntang for you tonight?"

Zhang Biao, who was on the side, was about to come over to try to persuade a fight, but was immediately pressed against his chest by a few bodyguards holding shell guns. He didn't dare to move, and could only watch his cousin being threatened by someone grabbing his neck.

The hall was silent for a while, and the customers who came to consume all subconsciously stepped back, as if they were afraid of provoking the devil.


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