Grabbing Zhang Peng's neck, Ma Guangyuan pulled out the small Browning pistol his father gave him from his waist, and pressed it against Zhang Peng's temple!

Ma Guangyuan and Zang Haikui had conflicts for a long time before. At the beginning, they had already made a big fight over an actor. Since then, the two of them would fight whenever they met. If it weren't for the concern that both fathers were in the security forces, they might have made a real move. Guys are no surprise either!

Hearing that it was Zang Haikui's woman, Ma Guangyuan would never let it go, even if it was a gamble, he would not give in!

Being grabbed by the neck by Ma Guangyuan, Zhang Peng didn't panic anymore. He calmed down his heartbeat, then raised his hand and gently pushed away the pistol that Ma Sao wrapped on his temple, and said, "Master Ma, it's not that I don't want to give you , you really can’t afford to offend this master, so you might as well forget about it!”

"Fart, I don't believe in Tiancheng, and I can't afford to offend!" This kid is really arrogant, even his old father Ma Xueli would not dare to say that, but he dared to shout like this, really a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers .

Zhang Peng was already in the lake, so naturally he didn't care about these things, but said softly, "The one who wrapped Caicui is Zang Xuecheng, the eldest son of Commander Zang Haikui!"


Upon hearing the word Zang Haikui, Ma Guangyuan's eyes narrowed, and a ray of light shot out from it, but this ray of light made Zhang Peng feel dangerous, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Hey, if it was someone else, I might be able to take a step back, but I, Ma Guangyuan, will definitely be the one for Zang Haikuibao!" Ma Saobao sneered again and again. He pushed Zhang Peng away, and surrounded by several bodyguards Go downstairs and rush upstairs.

Zhang Peng got up from the ground, ignoring his painful butt, and hurriedly chased upstairs, crying inwardly, "These two ancestors are together, I'm afraid something will happen to me!"

Although there were some thugs in Qingyun Hall, those people dealt with ordinary people who had no power. When they encountered such a person with all-hands and eyes, they would not dare to stop them even if they were killed. They could only watch Ma Guangyuan go straight up to the second floor.

Zhang Peng turned his head and pulled Zhang Biao, and told him in a hurry, "Go outside the building immediately and bring a few people to watch. If Master Zang comes later, try to persuade him to go back. Don't let him go. He knows about it!"

Zhang Biao naturally knew the seriousness of this matter, so he responded, hurried out of the gate with two thugs, and went straight to the place Zang Haikui must pass through to wait!

After arranging for Zhang Biao to stop Zang Haikui from coming, Zhang Peng hurriedly followed behind and climbed upstairs!

After going up to the second floor, Ma Guangyuan looked around, then waved and called a handyman over, and asked, "Let me ask you, which room is Caicui in?"

The handyman was terrified by the gun in the bodyguard's hand behind Ma Guangyuan's back. He mumbled for a long time without saying a whole sentence, and was finally pushed far away by Ma Guangyuan, "You trash, you can't even say a word!"

Just when he was about to find another one to ask, Zhang Peng had already followed, "Master Ma, I'll take you to Caicui!"

Nodding in satisfaction, Ma Guangyuan went straight to the room where Caicui was led by Zhang Peng!

As one of the trump cards of Qingyun Hall, Caicui's place of residence should not be too shabby. Her residence is a large suite, which is located at the end of the second floor and the innermost room near the window.

Zhang Peng brought Ma Guangyuan to the door of the house, knocked on the door, and then the door opened, and a beautifully dressed face appeared in front of the people!

Seeing so many people suddenly appearing in front of her, the girl froze for a moment, then calmed down, and said with a smile, "Welcome, welcome!"

Before Zhang Peng could say anything, Ma Guangyuan pushed Zhang Peng away, rushed in, and closed the door behind him.

Zhang Peng and the bodyguards were all stopped outside the door, so they could only helplessly look at the door and shook their heads!

"Master Zhang, go down and get busy, we'll wait for our young master here!" Several bodyguards asked Zhang Peng; after leaving, he stood outside the door, waiting for Zhang Peng while protecting his safety!

Zhang Peng was driven downstairs by Ma Guangyuan's bodyguards, feeling uneasy. He wondered if Zhang Biao could stop Zang Haikui.

Once Zang Haikui also arrives, there will definitely be a fierce conflict between these two demon kings, and it will be his own Qingyun Hall who will suffer!

Thinking of this in his heart, Zhang Peng has already started praying, hoping that Zhang Biao's obstruction will work!

It's a pity that he has no one to bless him who has done too many bad things. Less than 10 minutes after Ma Guangyuan entered, there was a commotion outside the gate, followed by Zhang Biao being kicked in from outside the gate!

Zhang Peng's heart felt cold, he guessed that Zang Haikui was here, and the trouble was coming!

Sure enough, right behind Zhang Biao, a tall man walked in from the door. He was as thick as a bear, and his chest was exposed in the open military jacket. On it was a palm-sized chest hair, which was so fluffy. I feel uncomfortable!

Behind him followed four or five horses with guns, all of them wearing their hats askew, squinting their eyes, full of hooliganism.

Stepping in from the door, Zang Haikui, the leader, walked up to Zhang Peng with his hands on his hips, tilted his neck to look at him, and then said, "Master Zhang, you are very dishonest!"

"Master Zhang, I can't help it!" Zhang Peng knew that lying to him was useless, so he might as well just admit it and make him less angry!

"You can't help your grandma!" Zang Haikui kicked up suddenly, and the big leather boots he was wearing kicked on Zhang Peng's stomach. The strong force made Zhang Peng stagger back several steps, and sat on his buttocks. on the ground!

Zang Haikui stretched out his foot to hook a bench, then raised his leg and stepped on it, smiling sinisterly, "Zhang Peng, tell me why you did this, don't let my grandma ask you a second time!"

Zhang Peng got up from the ground clutching his stomach, and felt a sharp pain in his stomach, which made his eyes go black, but he still had to answer Zang Haikui's question.

With a wry smile, Zhang Peng replied, "Master Zhang, it's not that I want to go back on my word, it's that I really can't afford to offend someone, so I can only let Zhang Biao wait for you at the door, so that I can tell you in advance!"

"Oh, who is that person who dares to break ground on Zang Haikui's head!" Hearing that Zhang Peng couldn't offend this person, Zang Haikui was also a little curious, and he asked.

Zhang Peng hesitated for a moment, then looked at Zang Haikui's ferocious gaze, finally gritted his teeth and said, "It's Ma Guangyuan, Master Ma!"

"Hey, so it's Ma Sao Bao again!" Zang Haikui heard that it was him, kicked over the stool and stood up, "This is really a narrow road for Yuanjia!"


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