Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 242 Dog bites dog

"Brothers, copy guys!"

Following Zang Haikui's shout, the horses behind him groped around, reached out and grabbed the nearby chairs, fell to the ground and fell apart, then grabbed a horizontal stick and followed Zang Haikui upstairs break in!

Zhang Peng was behind them, grinning distressedly. Those are all mahogany tables and chairs, and they were harmed by these devil kings just like that. "I said, Young Master Zang, be careful, these things are worth a lot of money!"

Zang Haikui said without looking back, "How much money is down, you can go to my father to get it, and I will give you double!"

Now Zhang Peng has nothing to say!

Zang Haikui took the lead and rushed up to the second floor. He looked left and right, and found the bodyguards standing outside the door of the room at the end of the corridor, so he rushed towards them with big strides!

A few horses followed closely behind with their stool legs, and went straight to the bodyguards all the way!

At this time, the people on the second floor also knew that something was going to happen, so everyone dodged one after another, avoiding the right and wrong place far away!

"Stop!" A few bodyguards spotted Zang Haikui and the others from a long distance away. They recognized him as the leader at a glance, so they shouted loudly and raised their pistols!

The horses behind Zang Haikui faltered in their footsteps, and the raised muzzle of the gun on the opposite side gave them a lot of pressure, but then Zang Haikui shouted loudly, "What are you afraid of, I don't believe that these bastards dare to shoot at me, Go for me!"

With his young master rushing forward first, those Ma Bian also became more courageous, and went straight to Ma Guangyuan's bodyguards one by one with sticks in their hands!

Zang Haikui really guessed right, these ten or so bodyguards really didn't dare to shoot, they were just thugs hired by Ma Guangyuan, that is, the eldest son who usually protected him and asked them to shoot the commander of the security force, and lent them Not even ten guts!

Seeing that the intimidation was ineffective, several people had to put away their pistols, and then rushed towards Zang Haikui and the others with bare hands, and then the two sides started a hand-to-hand combat!

The fight on the second floor was exhilarating immediately, you punched me with a stick, and from time to time someone was hit and groaned in pain!

Zang Haikui's team has a guy in their hands, but Ma Guangyuan's bodyguards are many, so the advantages of the two sides are evened out.

They had a lively fight, the second floor of Qingyun Hall was in a state of chaos, the vases, bonsai and other decorations in the corridor were smashed to pieces, and the doors of several rooms were knocked down by people's bodies. The woman in the room kept screaming!

Zang Haikui is worthy of being the son of Zang Xuecheng, and his skills are not bad. After that, he knocked down two bodyguards and rushed to the door of the house.

Lifting his left leg, Zang Haikui kicked on the door of the house, kicked the door flying out, and then rushed in, but stopped immediately!

"It's his grandma, stop!" A shout came from inside the room, and then Zang Haikui was seen with his hands down, and his body slowly retreated outwards, the muscles on his face twitching from the tension!

The thugs under him were all taken aback, they stopped the sticks in their hands one after another, retreated and gathered behind Zang Haikui, and Ma Guangyuan's bodyguards also retreated one after another. The loss is even greater, all of them have bruised noses and swollen faces!

Zang Haikui's body slowly retreated outwards, and when his head retreated from the gate, the muzzle of a pistol between the crowd was pressed between his eyebrows, and he walked out the door!

Zhang Peng and Zhang Biao followed closely behind to go up the stairs, and they also approached at this time. When they saw the pistol that Ma Guangyuan pushed to the center of Zang Haikui's eyebrows, they felt as if a ladle of cold water had been poured on their heads, and their bodies were icy cold. !

"If Ma Guangyuan shoots this, I think Qingyuntang will be over!" Zhang Peng's head is already sweating. He knows which of the two will die. The forces behind it will definitely be furious, even Captain Hashimoto of the Japanese Gendarmerie will have nothing to do with it!

Because of him, the Japanese can't afford to have a big conflict with Zang Xuecheng and the others. At worst, they can abandon themselves and support another one!

"Both young masters, put out the fire, put out the fire, there is something to discuss!" Zhang Peng was about to cry, he felt that it was because he didn't worship the God of Wealth when he opened the door today that such a big misfortune happened.

Zang Haikui raised his eyebrows, his head pressed tightly against the muzzle of the gun, and shouted at Ma Guangyuan, "Your surname Ma, shoot if you have the guts!"

"Zang Haikui, your grandma really thinks I dare not shoot, don't you?" Ma Guangyuan pushed the pistol in his hand hard, then stared at Zang Haikui, "Don't be so stubborn, kid, I will really kill you if you push me!"

"I believe you ass, you kid, try driving it once!" The two of them took Zhang Peng aside as air, and let him beg hard, ignoring him at all.

The two confronted each other, Ma Guangyuan didn't dare to shoot, and Zang Haikui didn't dare to move. If Ma Guangyuan got fired, he would die unjustly!He doesn't want to die if he can live. The purpose of making such a fuss is to scare Ma Guangyuan!

For a while, neither side had any good ideas. If you give in, you have no excuse to step down, but if you don't give in, it won't be a problem if you continue like this!

Zang Haikui was anxious, he looked at the stupid horses behind him, and he had the urge to kick them, "You idiots, just look at them like this, quickly help me find a step, do you want me to stand like this forever No!"

After he winked several times in a row, a boy finally understood. He hurried up and purposely shouted in a voice that everyone could hear, "Young master, didn't the master tell you to let you know at eight o'clock today?" Why don't you go home before, and say I have something to see you!"

Zang Haikui was overjoyed, thinking that this kid was too sensible, but he still pretended to snort reluctantly, "Hmph, I have something to do today, so I will take advantage of you kid, next time I see you, I will kill you !" As he spoke, he slowly backed away, towards the door of the building!

Seeing that Zang Haikui retreated, Ma Guangyuan also breathed a sigh of relief. Otherwise, he would also be worried about how to step down. This would save him trouble, but he also bluffed and shouted, "Zang, wait for you, I will I have to come down to look good for you!"

The bodyguards all knew that their young master was trying to save face for themselves, so they bluffed together, "Don't run away if you have the guts, let's fight another three hundred rounds!"

Ma Guangyuan was so angry that one of them gave a mouthful, and cursed, "A group of trash can't even look at the door!"

Several people all lowered their heads, not daring to explain!

After scolding a few people, Ma Guangyuan turned around and went back to the house, installed the damaged door, and rushed to the back room!

Caicui is still waiting for him there!


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