Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 244 I Didn't Kill It

Amidst the sound of chaotic footsteps, Zang Haikui rushed up to the second floor with two box cannons in his hands, his eyebrows twitched into a ball, and his face was full of evil spirits!

As soon as he got up the stairs, Zang Haikui ran directly to where Ma Guangyuan was, and it seemed that he was here for revenge!

Behind him, followed a large group of soldiers with sticks. They were dressed in the clothes of the security forces, and they probably got this kid from his father Zang Xuecheng's first regiment.

A hundred or so people came and crowded the first and second floors of Qingyun Hall to the brim. Apart from dozens of people left on the first floor, the remaining forty or fifty followed Zang Haikui to the second floor, ready to deal with them. Ma Guangyuan.

Zhang Peng and Zhang Biao followed Zang Haikui, bowing to each other as they walked, begging him, hoping that he would raise his hands high.

Zang Haikui was annoyed by these two people, he stopped, turned his head to look at Zhang Peng, and said with a sneer, "Master Zhang, Ma Guangyuan was so arrogant just now, if I, Zang Haikui, give in so softly, then I won't be ashamed from now on." If you're in Fengtian, you'd better get out of the way!"

Zhang Peng wanted to say something, but Zang Haikui's subordinates rushed up and dragged them away!

After chasing away the annoying "flies" in his ears, Zang Haikui stopped, looked at the dozen or so bodyguards not far away who were terrified, and laughed grimly, "Hit me, beat me to death!"

Following his order, the Security Force soldiers who followed behind rushed up, surrounded the dozen or so bodyguards, and then greeted them with the sticks in their hands, and rushed straight to their heads and faces!

Even if a dozen people wanted to run at this time, they had no chance, so they had to stretch out their hands to protect their vitals, and those beaten by those sticks rolled on the ground, wailing incessantly!

Zang Haikui ignored them, but came to the door of the house, looked up, kicked the door open again, and broke in!

After entering the house, he found that it was a suite and the outer room was a living room, so he rushed directly towards the moon door, intending to settle accounts with Ma Guangyuan!

There is a bead curtain hanging on the Moon Gate, swinging swayingly, through the smoke-like bead curtain, one can see a person sitting beside the bed!

Zang Haikui stopped suddenly, he raised the box cannon in his hand, and shouted, "Ma Guangyuan, get out of here, or I'm going to shoot!"

The person in the room didn't move or speak!

Zang Haikui yelled again, seeing that the people in the room were still sitting still, he couldn't hold back his mood, and rushed up directly!

When he came to the moon gate and pulled down the bead curtain, Zang Haikui was about to take a step inside, when suddenly two gunshots rang out inside the room!

The gunshot sounded very abruptly, startling Zang Haikui, he subconsciously dodged to the side, and then the box cannon in his hand fired, and all the bullets from the magazines of the two guns shot into the room!

After the gunfire stopped, Zang Haikui took a breath in shock, lowered the two guns with empty magazines, and then looked into the room by himself!

"Damn, I got into trouble this time!" It didn't matter at first glance, Zang Haikui found that Ma Guangyuan was sitting on the bed in the house, but at this moment his body was covered with bullet holes, and his whole body was beaten like a sieve, stained with blood. The whole body was red, and the quilt on the bed was soaked, and there was a woman lying on the head of the bed. She was naked and also covered with bullet holes. She hadn't breathed for a long time!

Zang Haikui's box cannons are all [-] rings, and now there are [-] rounds of bullets. The two people in the room are like a bullet rain, so there is still a possibility of being spared?

As soon as the gunshot rang out, the two sides fighting outside the room stopped their hands immediately. They were all stunned by the gunshot inside the room, and forgot to fight for a while!

"No, something happened to the young master!" The two groups of people came up with this idea almost at the same time, and then rushed into the room, wanting to see the result!

As soon as they entered the house, everyone saw the situation inside the house.I saw Zang Haikui standing at the door of the Moon Gate, holding a box cannon in one hand, staring at the inner room with dull eyes, not talking or moving!

When they looked into the house again, the blood splattered and the horrific death made them all take a step back in shock.

"Zang Haikui, you actually killed our young master!" The bodyguards immediately saw Ma Guangyuan who died beside the bed, and exclaimed, and then someone rushed out of the crowd and ran back to report the news!

"I didn't do it on purpose, he fired first!" By this time, Zang Haikui was also scared. He is not a person who kills without batting an eyelid. I don't even know what to do!

Moreover, he knew that Ma Guangyuan was the only son of Ma Xueli, the second regiment of the Security Army, and killing him would probably cause his father a lot of trouble!

"What to do, what to do?" Zang Haikui was in a state of confusion, and stood there for a long time at a loss, when suddenly an idea popped up in his mind, "Run, I'll run quickly, find a place to hide, later It'll be fine in a while!"

Thinking of this, Zang Haikui threw down the box cannon that was out of bullets, then pushed away the security forces around him, and ran out like crazy!

People were taken aback for a moment, then they understood and chased after him in a swarm!The soldiers of the Security Army wanted to protect the young master, while the bodyguards wanted to follow Zang Haikui and not let him escape!

People chased them out, and the room was empty in the blink of an eye, and it became quiet all of a sudden.

The bed curtain moved, Luo Xiao crawled out from under the bed, looked at the dying Ma Guangyuan, then turned around and climbed out of the small building from the window, and climbed to the roof along the rope outside the window!

The two snipers on the top of the building were still on guard. Seeing Luo Xiao coming up, they hurriedly asked, "Captain, how is the situation?"

"The first target has been killed, the plan is going well!" Luo Xiao gestured to them, and then said, "Retreat immediately!"


The two snipers from the special forces put away the tripods of the sniper rifles, put the sniper rifles into the box, put them on their backs, and followed Luo Xiao down the zipline from the roof of the building, disappearing into the small building In the nearby bushes!

Luo Xiao did this without anyone noticing, and Ma Guangyuan's death was all attributed to Zang Haikui, and the matter was confirmed because of Zang Haikui's escape in fear of crime.

After the detectives arrived, they briefly inspected the scene and concluded that they were shot, and the murderer was naturally Zang Haikui who went in with a gun!

The bullet was shot from his gun, and Ma Guangyuan was also the one who hit him. There were so many witnesses at the scene, all kinds of evidence showed that Zang Haikui was the murderer!

Now, even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he wouldn't be able to clean himself up!


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