Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 245 The Enraged Captain Ma


A good hardwood table was kicked over by someone, followed by the belongings on it. Those plates and bowls fell to pieces on the ground, and the vegetable soup slowly flowed along the cracks in the square bricks on the ground.

The Ma Bian and the sentinel standing outside the door were all silent, and they didn't dare to vent their anger. They knew that since Ma Xueli got the news of his son's death, he was like a mad dog. Whoever came close to biting someone, several people had already been beaten out by him. .

At this time, the house is extremely lively!

"Zang Xuecheng, I'm not finished with you!" Ma Xueli in military uniform had a livid face, his muscles were twisted so ferociously, and he touched the open space in front of him with trembling fingers, as if Zang Xuecheng was standing in front of him, "Even if he is the commander of the security forces, even if he There are four to five thousand people under his command, and he doesn't bully people like that, Xiao Yuanzi provoked his son or provoked his son, and he actually got a black hand, I can't finish with him!"

"Xueli, you should extinguish the fire. You can't be impulsive about this matter, and you have to think about it!" Standing beside him was the regimental deputy of the second regiment of the Security Army, who was also his confidant and family member, because he was one-eyed. , so it is also called "single one". Seeing Ma Xueli falling into a rage, he hurried over to persuade him.

At this time, the pain of losing his son caused Ma Xueli to lose his mind a little bit. He threw off Ma Zuoyi's arm in a rage, pulled out the pistol at his waist, and was about to rush out, "I'm so calm, your nephew can't stand it!" Let that bastard Zang Xuecheng get killed, can I calm down?"

Ma Zuoyi was staggered by Ma Xueli, but he immediately stabilized his body, rushed to Ma Xueli again, and stretched out his arms to block him.

"Xueli, can you use your brain, Zang Xuecheng, with so many people and guns, what will be the result even if you go?" Seeing Ma Xueli's eagerness to go crazy, Ma Zuoyi hurriedly said, "Let's talk about his back There are Japanese backing, you can't touch him!"

Ma Xueli is now in a hurry and doesn't care about anything, but Ma Zuoyi knows that he can't be impulsive, because Zang Xuecheng is the commander of the Fengtian Security Force, and although he is also a regiment, the number has reached 5000 people, and his strength is very strong.

Moreover, Zang Xuecheng has a very good relationship with the Japanese. When he returned from Tianjin to the three eastern provinces to declare himself a traitor because of his family’s objection, the commander of the Kwantung Army, Fan Zhuang, once met him in person, and the two even had a meal together. Woolen cloth.

It can be said that apart from the traitor Ling Yinqiong, the commander-in-chief of the Northeast Security Force, he is the most popular among the Japanese. In comparison, Ma Xueli's weight among the Japanese is much lighter.

If Ma Xueli had a conflict with Zang Xuecheng because of this matter, then the Japanese would almost certainly be inclined to Zang Xuecheng, after all, the value that Ma Xueli could use was much smaller!

After being told by Ma, Ma Xueli gradually came to his senses. Although he was still heartbroken over his son's death, he still had to worry about his Ma family in Fengtian. There were hundreds of people in his family. If the impulsiveness caused the disaster of destroying the family, I would be sorry to my ancestors!

However, he couldn't swallow this breath. Ma Guangyuan was his only son. Although he was stubborn since childhood, he was his only flesh and blood after all, so he always turned a blind eye to his troubles.

This time he died at the hands of Zang Haikui, and Ma Xueli was like an extinct queen, because he was shot in the lower body by a bullet during a bandit suppression, lost the ability to carry on the family line, and could no longer have children!

Wanting to avenge his son, but also worrying about the safety of the Ma family, Ma Xueli felt that he was going to be suffocated. He squatted on the ground with his head in his hands, and he couldn't help sighing.

Ma Zuoyi felt uncomfortable seeing his brother in the same family so aggrieved, but he had no choice but to persuade him, "Learn the etiquette, let's be sad and change, and have another one in the future!" As soon as the words came out, Ma Xueli woke up. He could no longer have a child, so he hurriedly stopped talking.

Ma Xueli didn't listen to him at all, but was thinking hard. For a while, the two thoughts kept fighting, and no one could suppress the other.

Ma Zuoyi didn't say a word, and handed over the right to make decisions to Ma Xueli. He was still very confident in his family's famous brother who was able to speak well.

He believed that Ma Xueli would definitely make the right choice!

After about an hour, Ma Xueli let go of his hands and stood up. He raised his head and let out a long breath. Although his face was still very ugly, Ma Zuoyi could tell that his mood should be much calmer. !

"Notify Xiaoyuanzi's mother, just say that Xiaoyuanzi has gone to Peiping, and it will take several months to come back!" Ma Xueli said in a deep voice, then turned around and walked into the house, leaving a sentence from a distance, "I'm tired and want to come back." Take a break!"

Ma Zuoyi knew that he was exhausted physically and mentally, and wanted to be alone for a while, so he didn't stop him, and ordered the guards to stand outside the door so that no one would disturb him, and he retreated himself!

Seeing Ma Xueli staggering into the door, and then closing the door behind him, Ma was silent for a while, knowing that this incident had hit Ma Xueli very, very hard, almost like a bolt from the blue!

The reason why Ma Guangyuan was not allowed to tell his mother was because she was worried that she would not be able to bear the sad news of losing her son, and there would be some accidents, so she would hide it for a while, and then reveal the news little by little, so that there would be a buffer!

It can be said that Ma Xueli has worked so hard!

Ordering the guards to take good care of Ma Xueli, Ma Zuoyi retreated with a sigh. He had to go to Qingyun Hall to collect Ma Guangyuan's body.

When we arrived at Qingyuntang, someone from the detective team of Fengtian Police Station had already arrived, led by a tall man who was as thin as a hemp stick. If someone says that he has the figure of Master Ma Sanli, it is probably the same!

This slender man was wearing a coat, which was a custom-made coat, and it looked like it was hanging on a hanger. It looked quite interesting as he wandered back and forth with his movements.

However, the several detectives who followed him were all arrogant and did not dare to snort. They were all extremely respectful. It seemed that this person had a very unusual identity!

When Ma Zuo entered the room, this man was bending over to check the condition of the corpse. He heard footsteps behind him, and he didn't even lift his eyelids!

Ma Zuoyi saw that it was this person, immediately put on a smile on his face, bowed his hands respectfully, and said, "Inspector Liao, are you here in person?"

Only then did Liao Hongbo turn around, give a slight nod to the horse as a salute, and then replied flatly, "Well, Liao's duty is to come here!"


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