For Inspector Liao who has the reputation of "Fengtian City's No. [-] Detective", Ma Zuoyi is naturally very familiar with his character, so he didn't think it was impolite. After saying hello, he stood aside and stopped talking!

Liao Hongbo carefully inspected the corpse, not sparing every inch of skin. Those shocking bullet holes and bright red blood could not cause any waves in his eyes, and he opened them calmly.

Soon, Liao Hongbo finished checking Ma Guangyuan's whole body and began to check his head. At this moment, he seemed to have found something, and stretched out his hand to press on the top of his head, with a strange look in his eyes!

Because he was bent over, the people standing behind him didn't notice the strangeness in his eyes, they all thought he was checking routinely.

He let go of his fingers calmly, and Liao Hongbo showed a playful smile at the corner of his mouth, and then continued to check.

Soon, Ma Guangyuan finished checking everything, and Liao Hongbo stood up, took the sterilized towel from the young apprentice he was leading, wiped his hands, turned and walked outside.

Ma Zuoyi and the detectives also followed, and a group of people stood still in the corridor!

"How is it, Inspector Liao?" Ma Zuoyi asked routinely. In his opinion, his nephew was killed by Zang Haikui's gun.

Hearing Ma Zuoyi's question, Liao Hongbo pondered for a while, and then said slowly, "Deputy Ma Tuan, do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

Hearing what Liao Hongbo said, Ma Zuoyi was startled, he didn't expect Liao Hongbo to say that, he became vigilant, and hurriedly said, "Inspector Liao, of course it's the truth!"

Liao Hongbo nodded, then stretched out his slender fingers like bamboo branches, and touched his bare chin, "The truth is, apart from the 23 gunshot wounds on his body, Ma Guangyuan also has a very hidden wound!"


Not only Ma Zuoyi, but also everyone else was taken aback!

The kiln owner of Qingyuntang, that is, Zhang Peng, asked in disbelief after listening, "Master Liao, you can't just say this casually, we all saw Master Zang Haikui shoot with our own eyes, and the one who was hit Young Master Ma, so many people could testify at that time!"

Liao Hongbo smiled slightly, raised his hand unhurriedly, and spread out his palm towards the people. There was a ball of dried blood in the palm, and there seemed to be some white things mixed in the middle, but no one knew what it was. .

"This, what is this—" someone asked, and of course this was also everyone's question.

Liao Hongbo shook the thing in the palm of his hand, and then said, "I found this from the topknot of Ma Guangyuan's head. It should be left behind when it was pulled out after being pierced by a needle!"

"Then Caicui is the most suspect!" After listening to the explanation, Ma Zuo knew what it was, and he looked at Zhang Peng with a gloomy face, "Master Zhang, where is Caicui? Come out!"

Zhang Peng couldn't help but smiled wryly, and bowed to the horses one by one, "Master Ma, Cai Cui is also dead, that's the woman on the bed just now!"

Ma Zuoyi didn't expect such a result, he has nothing to say now!

Liao Hongbo coughed lightly, then touched his chin with his fingers, and then said, "According to the current evidence, it can be inferred that Cai Cui suddenly stabbed her with a steel needle when Ma Guangyuan was approaching her body. into the top of his head, and then put him in the pose of pointing a gun at the door, and I originally planned to hide, but I didn't expect Zang Haikui to come too fast, and I was hit by Zang Haikui before hiding, and Zang Haikui was in panic The shot was fired, and the bullet not only hit Ma Guangyuan, but also hit Caicui on one side, killing two people!"

"Yes, yes, Detective Liao's reasoning is really thorough, and the case should be like this!" All the people on the side praised Liao Hongbo.

However, Liao Hongbo frowned, he felt that it was not that simple, there must be something else that he didn't understand!

However, Liao Hongbo wouldn't say anything until he figured it out. He didn't want someone to die unjustly because of his speculation. This is also his principle!

Since Caicui was believed to be the one to do it, the detective team stopped investigating and let Ma Zuoyi carry the body back, while Zhang Peng could just find a place to bury Caicui, and the case came to an end.

After everything was settled, Liao Hongbo declined Zhang Peng's invitation to treat him to a meal, and left Qing Yun Tang to walk towards his home!

At this time, it was already close to midnight, and there was not a single pedestrian on the street, only the patrolling Japanese soldiers passing by once in a while!

Liao Hongbo has a detective certificate from the detective team, so even if he meets a Japanese, he is fine, so he walked slowly along the street, thinking about the case that happened today!

There are many doubts in the case, one of which is that Caicui is a woman with limited strength, how did she pierce the needle into Ma Guangyuan's head?

You must know that the human skull is very hard, even if the seam of the skull is slightly weaker, not everyone can pierce it with a needle.

And the murderer was killed with a single shot, and his technique was very skillful and sharp, the strength, angle, and position were all very accurate, and he looked like a professionally trained expert. Could it be that this kind of person is Cai Cui who can't even hide well?

The more Liao Hongbo thought about it, the more he felt that there was something wrong with it, so he decided to go back to Qingyun Hall.

"No matter who it is, I will catch the murderer and bring him to justice!" Liao Hongbo secretly made up his mind, quickened his pace, and went straight to Qingyun Hall along the way he came.

Because of the murder case, Qingyun Hall has been sealed by the police station, and all the people inside have been temporarily cleared out, and another residence has been arranged. The entire Qingyun Hall is now empty!

Liao Hongbo stopped in front of the gate of Qingyun Hall.He looked up at the seal with the seal of Fengtian City Police Station, smiled and didn't take it off, but turned and left the door!

After walking a few steps along the outer wall, Liao Hongbo found a few big trees on the right side of the gate, with luxuriant branches and leaves, stretching out so high that they almost covered the building.


Liao Hongbo rolled up his sleeves, moved his arms, and suddenly moved his feet, tapped twice on the wall, and jumped onto the trunk of the big tree. Using both hands and feet, he climbed into the branch and leaves in the blink of an eye. between.

When he reached a branch with a bowl-thick mouth, Liao Hongbo took a deep breath, then kicked his feet suddenly, the branch trembled suddenly, and he used his strength to rush to the balcony on the second floor of that building!

This building is a combination of Chinese and Western styles, with a Chinese-style entrance, but a flat roof on the roof, and the corridor windows on the second and third floors are respectively a balcony, which communicates with the corridor through a door!


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