Like a civet cat, Liao Hongbo's lean body turned out to be extremely light and nimble. He rolled forward in the air and landed on the balcony, then stood up.

Looking around, Liao Hongbo walked towards the balcony door, reached out to open the small door and went upstairs!

As soon as you enter the door, there is a long corridor leading to the center of the second floor, where there is a square corridor around the center, leading to the stairs and going downstairs. The hall of the whole building leads to the roof and sky. So there is nothing in the middle of the second floor and the third floor, only a circle of luxuriously decorated railings!

The room where Ma Guangyuan was killed was located opposite the corridor he came in, facing each other.

Liao Hongbo walked out along the corridor, walked out of the corridor, and then walked half a circle along the corridor before coming to the opposite corridor.

The floor was covered with thick carpets, so Liao Hongbo didn't make any sound when he walked, and there was no one in the whole building, and the silence was penetrating!

Liao Hongbo has solved not one hundred major cases, but eighty. There are many more terrifying scenes than this, so the atmosphere here is nothing to him at all, so he is neither happy nor sad, calm It's like a pool of still water.

Stepping into the corridor, Liao Hongbo slowly walked towards the murder scene at the end, looking for traces on the ground and walls as he walked, to see if he could find any clues!

However, along the way, he did not find any useful clues, only found some messy footprints, probably left by those horses, soldiers and bodyguards.

In this way, he came to the room where Ma Guangyuan lived, stretched out his hand to push the door and walked in!

There was a squeak, the door was damaged several times today, and there was something wrong with the door shaft. At this time, when it was pushed, it made a hoarse moan. It was nothing normal, but it sounded very strange in this quiet building. Horror, even those who are less courageous may be frightened to scream out.

Liao Hongbo acted as if he didn't hear, he opened the door calmly and walked in!

Standing in the middle of the living room, Liao Hongbo turned on the small flashlight he carried with him, and then began to examine the house carefully. He reckoned that if Cai Cuisha hadn't done it, there would definitely be traces of the murderer in the house!

The outhouse is a small living room, just a few chairs and a table, and there are two or three bonsai and decorations, so Liao Hongbo quickly finished the inspection!

Not finding the situation, Liao Hongbo couldn't help frowning, and then went into the back room!

In the inner room, the original bloodstains still remained on the floor and the bed, and the shape of the human body was outlined with white powder on the side of the bed where Ma Guangyuan sat and the place where Caicui was lying down, and there were no fixed places for other things.

Liao Hongbo searched bit by bit, starting from the door, searching clockwise along the wall, and slowly approached the bed!

The bedside was where Ma Guangyuan died, so Liao Hongbo searched very carefully, but still found nothing.

"Strange, did I think too much, this case was really done by Cai Cui?" Liao Hongbo searched, but found nothing abnormal, which made him doubt his own judgment!

Inadvertently lowering his head, Liao Hongbo's eyes lit up. He found that the big carved hardwood bed hadn't been searched yet!

Turning on the flashlight, Liao Hongbo got under the bed, only to see a large piece of dust on the ground was wiped off by someone!

"So it is!" Liao Hongbo suddenly realized that there must be something hidden in this case, because the person hiding under the bed should be the real murderer!

Knowing that there was a fourth person in the house, Liao Hongbo immediately began to expand the search area, and quickly locked the target on the window of the outer room.

If his guess is correct, the murderer should have sneaked in through the window, attacked Ma Guangyuan and Cai Cui, and then hid under the bed, witnessing the scene he personally directed.

In order to confirm his speculation, Liao Hongbo opened the window and looked down. He saw a clear small river, and understood that the person who attacked could not have come from the river, otherwise there should be water stains on the ground.

Since it didn't come from the water, it should come from the roof!

Liao Hongbo took out a thin velvet rope from his waist pocket, then swung it a few times in his hand, then threw it towards the roof, and hung it on the roof!

After pulling, he made sure that the rope was firmly fixed. He jumped out of the window and climbed up the rope like a monkey!

In just a few seconds, Liao Hongbo jumped onto the roof, and then retracted the rope.

"Sure enough, it went down from here!" Looking at the traces rubbed by the climbing rope beside the parapet, Liao Hongbo completely confirmed his judgment.

In this way, although one problem was solved, a bigger question immediately arose?Who did it?Why kill Ma Guangyuan?And why blame Zang Haikui?

This series of questions made Liao Hongbo feel that there was a huge conspiracy hidden behind the incident!

"It seems that this matter has just begun, and I'm afraid there will be more troubles to follow!" Liao Hongbo sat on the parapet, took out a cigarette from his clothes, lit it, and smoked slowly.

He was thinking, filtering out all the possible perpetrators in Fengtian City in his mind to see who was most likely to commit the murder.

However, Liao Hongbo did not find anyone who had a motive for committing the crime after filtering out all the famous criminals in Fengtian City in the past three years. After all, the cost of killing Ma Guangyuan was too high, and the benefits he got were too little. Those criminals would not do such a thing. A loss-making business!

Since it wasn't them, who on earth had an enmity with the Ma Zang family and insisted on instigating them to fight?

But if this is counted, there will be many people who want to kill Ma Guangyuan and Zang Haikui. These two boys rely on their family's power to bully men and women. They have done all kinds of bad things, and even if they die a hundred times, they will not be wronged!

"Hehe, should I take care of this matter?" Thinking of the bad things those two boys did, Liao Hongbo really treated it as if he didn't find anything. Unfortunately, as an agent, he must speak with facts. The rules prevent him from concealing it like this, otherwise he will have a disturbed conscience!

"If you commit a crime, you will be brought to justice!", this is Liao Hongbo's principle of doing things. Because of this, he has offended various forces, so he is still a small detective, but he has never regretted it!

While he was sitting on the roof thinking wildly, a figure flashed across the street downstairs, which immediately caught his attention!

The breeze blew across the roof, and the figure flashed, and Liao Hongbo had disappeared without a trace!


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