Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 248 Inspector Liao Hongbo

Luo Xiao was running on the street, followed by two special forces soldiers, and the three of them rushed forward in a zigzag shape, chasing a figure.

It never occurred to him that he would also be attacked by a thief, and it was a very skilled thief who touched his pistol without his knowledge.

Thinking that the other party was right behind him just now, if the palm of his hand was not to grab the pistol in the holster on his leg, but to wipe his neck with a knife, Luo Xiao would sweat profusely and was startled.

"It's so careless, I almost capsized in the gutter!" Luo Xiao complained to himself, and followed the thief leisurely with the other two snipers, and followed him through several streets.

According to the intention of the two snipers, they had brought down the sniper crossbow long ago, and then snatched the things back, but Luo Xiao thought this kid was very interesting, so he stopped their actions, he was going to catch him, and then asked about his In this situation, as long as you didn't commit a great evil, you can still forgive it!

Therefore, the thief was chased to nowhere by them, and he had nowhere to go, and he had run through several streets but couldn't get rid of him!

"Captain, this kid is really slippery, let's not waste time with him, just knock him down with a sniper crossbow!" A sniper special forces member was a little impatient, and he suggested to Luo Xiao on the walkie-talkie.

Luo Xiao smiled and shook his head, vetoing his suggestion, "No, I can't hurt him, I want to see how long he can run?"

Hearing this, the two sniper special forces members couldn't help rolling their eyes. They realized that their captain had become more and more individual since he came to this world.

In this way, the four escaped and chased three times, all the way from Daximen to Qingyun Hall in the North Market!

Luo Xiao saw that the thief was running slower and slower until his physical strength was basically exhausted, which should be almost the same, so he greeted the two special forces members, and then speeded up, ready to catch the thief.

Seeing the people behind him getting closer and closer, the thief ran out of energy and panicked. He gritted his teeth and ran for tens of meters. He felt as if his chest was on fire. Don't move!

"Grandma, don't run away!" Since he couldn't run anymore, the thief planned to stop, at worst, return the thing he stole just now to the person who was chasing after him, anyway, he didn't see what it was, and he didn't touch it. bad.

While he was thinking wildly, a figure suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, and then the thief felt that his feet tripped on something, and he fell to the ground on his stomach, almost scratching his nose and face.

Just as he was about to get up, someone stepped on his back, and he struggled for a long time but couldn't get up, and then no one took out the things he stole and put in his pockets.

Struggling to get up, the thief saw the long and thin gown, and immediately despaired, "It's over, this time I met the inspector surnamed Liao, this old thing is very strict with us, I'm afraid it will I have been squatting in the bureau for a few days!"

He is Fengtian's boss, so he has heard of this unusual figure in the police circle, and knows his ruthless face, so he can't help but lament his bad luck.

Stretching his legs to trip the thief and taking out the stolen goods from his pocket, Liao Hongbo couldn't help being taken aback because he found that the stolen goods turned out to be a strange pistol.

Although he had never seen this type of pistol before, he could tell at a glance that this kind of gun was definitely not an ordinary one. It should be a high-quality gun, probably not inferior to the two rare Brownings he used.

Thinking of this, he raised his head and looked back, only to find that the person chasing after him had already arrived!

When he first saw Luo Xiao and the two special forces members, Liao Hongbo was taken aback, because the faces of the three were all painted with camouflage camouflage, people who were not prepared would be surprised if they saw it!

However, Liao Hongbo is also a veteran, so he quickly realized that this should be a kind of camouflage rapeseed, similar to the oil paint painted on the faces of Indians, so he was relieved!

"Who are you? Is this thing yours?" Li Hongbo raised his arms towards Luo Xiao and the other three with no expression on his slender cheeks, holding Luo Xiao's [-]-improved pistol in his hand.

Luo Xiao had already come to Liao Hongbo at this time, he looked up and down the person who appeared out of nowhere, feeling strange in his heart, "This person has a very strange shape, I don't know what he does?"

But since he asked, Luo Xiao bowed his hands and said politely, "Hello, we are the owner of this thing, thank you for your help, thank you very much!"

Liao Hongbo was playing with the pistol in his hand, and he didn't intend to return it to Luo Xiao. After a while, he raised his head and stared at Luo Xiao, "Who are you? What are you doing when you don't sleep at night? Why do you have a gun on your body?"

Luo Xiao chuckled, and also said, "Sir, we are businessmen. This gun was bought for self-defense. It was stolen by him because he wanted to walk around at night. Please give the gun and him to him." Can I?" As he spoke, he raised his hand and pointed at the thief.

Liao Hongbo frowned slightly, then shook his head, "No, you are acting very suspicious, I think you should go back to the police station with me, and I will send him in for a few days as well!"

"So you're a policeman?"

Liao Hongbo looked at the big man in front of him, then nodded and said, "That's right, I'm Liao Hongbo, the detective chief of the police department!" He took out his detective certificate from his pocket and waved it in front of several people.

At this time, the thief who was stepped on by him interjected, "Can you lift your foot, I will be trampled to death!"

It was good not to speak, but when he spoke, Liao Hongbo's feet increased a little bit of strength, and he groaned when he stomped on it.

Ignoring the thieves who were moaning under his feet, Liao Hongbo raised his head, turned the pistol in his hand in a smart circle, and then looked at Luo Xiao on the opposite side with an indifferent expression, "You don't have to try to resist, just obediently report to the police with me. Bureau"

"Captain, what should we do?" Two snipers and special forces were on both sides behind Luo Xiao. The three of them formed an equilateral triangle shape, about three or four meters apart. If Luo Xiao gave an order, they could be within 0.23 Shot within seconds, killing this weird-looking man.

Luo Xiao said softly, "You can subdue him, but don't kill him!"

When the two special forces members heard this, they looked at each other, and then raised the sniper crossbow hanging in front of them at the same time, and the arrow of the crossbow arrow pointed at Liao Hongbo who was facing him. It was just his arms and thighs, and they just wanted to hurt him. .

Just as the two people moved their arms, Liao Hongbo on the opposite side also raised his arms, and two poker cards flew out, and the second-handed one hit the wrists of the two people, blood shot out suddenly, and the sniper crossbow deviated from the direction , shot into the sky.

"Don't move!" Liao Hongbo flipped his palm, this time four playing cards appeared between his fingers!

Luo Xiao's heart shuddered, and he realized that this man who looked very thin was surprisingly fast.


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