Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 249 Strong Rivals

Luo Xiao took a step forward and confronted Liao Hongbo a dozen steps away!

Blood spurted from the wrists of the two snipers behind him. Although they didn't hurt the arteries, they probably won't be able to do it for a while!

Liao Hongbo squinted his eyes, stared at the calm Luo Xiao opposite, and said word by word, "You are not a businessman!"

"Really?" Luo Xiao didn't admit it, nor denied it, but asked instead, "Is it clear to you, well, don't waste your time, come back to the police station with me." Liao Hongbo smiled coldly, Take a step forward, I know you have a gun, but it's best not to try to resist, or I'm afraid you will suffer! "


Luo Xiao suddenly laughed, and laughed very loudly, which stunned Liao Hongbo, and he looked at Luo Xiao suspiciously.

"Why are you laughing, do you think I'm trying to scare you?" Liao Hongbo was very upset that his stunt was doubted, and he put more force on the playing cards between his fingers.

Luo Xiao stopped laughing, then took off the automatic rifle behind his back and threw it on the ground, and then ordered to the two snipers behind him, "Put down your pistols and sniper crossbows!"

The two snipers didn't know why the captain asked them to do this, but they still put the sniper crossbow and the [-]th improved pistol on the ground.

After Luo Xiao gave the order, he turned around and looked at Liao Hongbo on the opposite side, and said, "Inspector Liao, since you are so confident in your poker skills, then I will compete with you!"

Hearing what Luo Xiao said, Liao Hongbo suddenly became suspicious. He looked at Luo Xiao who was empty-handed, and then sneered, "You want to take my poker empty-handed, I think you are asking for trouble!"

"How will you know if you don't try?" Luo Xiao had already moved as he spoke, and he rushed towards Liao Hongbo opposite him like a raging cheetah.

Liao Hongbo didn't expect the guy on the opposite side to attack as soon as he said attack, he was shocked for a moment, but then calmed down, with a flick of his arm, four poker cards flew out of his hand, attacking Luo Xiao like four butterflies.

Luo Xiao swiped his arm around his waist, and the five-inch steel needle reached the palm of his hand, and then he threw it out suddenly, meeting the flying poker.

There was a muffled popping sound, the playing cards were blown away, and the steel needle hit a tree trunk not far away without exhaustion.

At this time, Luo Xiao had already rushed in front of Liao Hongbo. He swung his right fist and hit Liao Hongbo's face directly. A little dazzled.

However, Liao Hongbo's movements were also very fast, he almost made the same movements at the same time, punching, elbow sweeping, knee bumping, the two unexpectedly thought of the same thing.

There was a muffled sound of bang bang bang, the hands and feet of the two collided together, and there was a sudden sound of flesh touching, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Liao Hongbo grinned and took a few steps back. He felt that Luo Xiao's fists and knees were made of iron, colliding with him, causing his arms to go numb for a while, and then a sharp pain.

"Is this kid a human?" Liao Hongbo took several steps back, while moving his sore arm, he looked at Luo Xiao who was opposite in surprise.

In the instant they fought just now, he found that Luo Xiao's reaction speed seemed to be slightly higher than his, and his physical strength was much stronger. Such an opponent is really depressing!

But at this time, Liao Hongbo was not allowed to think too much, because Luo Xiao had already pounced on him again, and his fist hit his neck again.

Liao Hongbo had no choice but to cheer up and fight Luo Xiao!

The two fought very lively in the arena. Although Luo Xiao had some advantages physically, Liao Hongbo was also very skilled. It would be impossible to tell the winner for a while!

Although the thief had already escaped from under Liao Hongbo's feet, he immediately fell into the hands of two special forces and was held aside by them. At this time, he was watching and muttering, "Okay, beat it well!" Alright, let’s have a black dog poking at the crotch, and a monkey picking peaches—”

The sniper special forces member was so angry that he slapped him on the head, "Be quiet, kid!"

After being slapped, this kid became more honest and only dared to mutter in a low voice!

"This man is very skilled, he is the most powerful one I have ever met!" Luo Xiao, who is a master of Chinese Kung Fu, discovered that this man who looked very slender had actually practiced Xingyi Quan, and it was still very advanced. , if I didn't rely on my physical advantage, I'm afraid it would be impossible to defeat him!

But now, Liao Hongbo will soon be unable to sustain the fight like this!


After punching Luo Xiao, Liao Hongbo turned his body, pulled out his pair of Brownings from his waist with both hands, and then pointed his gun at Luo Xiao who was facing him.

At the same time, Luo Xiao pulled out two pistols from nowhere and pointed them at Liao Hongbo!

The two are still tied!

Liao Hongbo looked at Luo Xiao on the opposite side, and suddenly smiled. This was the first time the two of them had met and he smiled sincerely, "Brother, may I ask your name?"

"Captain of the Huya Special Warfare Brigade, Luo Xiao!" To the outside world, Luo Xiao usually reported the name of the Huya Special Warfare Brigade. In fact, he was already the captain of several teams, and he was also the commander of the Huxiaoling Base.

Hearing what Luo Xiao said, Liao Hongbo couldn't help but feel complacent. He hurriedly asked, "Could it be that you are the Luo Xiao who has been severely injured by the devil recently?"

"Yes, it's me." Luo Xiao didn't want to hide anything about this opponent, he felt from the fight that this is a hot-blooded guy, so he should be handable!

Hearing that it was Luo Xiao, Liao Hongbo turned his arms, put away his guns, and walked towards Luo Xiao quickly, "I didn't expect it was you, what a misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstanding?" Luo Xiao also put away the pistol, he didn't know there was any misunderstanding.

Liao Hongbo had already arrived in front of Luo Xiao at this time, nodded, and explained, "I saw you carrying guns and wearing weird clothes just now, and I thought you were bearded people who came here to find out the news!"

It was only then that Luo Xiao understood what was going on, but he thought it was the same thing, the three of them were dressed too weirdly, there was no way to avoid suspicion!

The misunderstanding was resolved, and the two became acquainted quickly. Luo Xiao introduced the two team members to him.

Liao Hongbo cupped his hands at the two of them, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, brothers, I was the one who acted recklessly just now!"

The two special forces members hurriedly waved their hands, saying that it's okay, this matter is over!

The rest was about the thief, but Luo Xiao and Liao Hongbo didn't care, and let the two special forces interrogate instead!


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