"Luo Xiao, did you kill Ma Guangyuan?"

Liao Hongbo put away the poker cards he had thrown out just now, turned his head to look at Luo Xiao who was pulling out the steel needle from the tree trunk, and asked suddenly.

His playing cards are all made of fine steel, and the edges are polished very smooth. After throwing them out and adding the force of rotation, the power is amazing. That's why Luo Xiao's steel needles just flew the playing cards, while they There is no reason for the damage anymore.

Hearing Liao Hongbo's question, Luo Xiao, who pulled out the steel needle from the tree trunk and was inserting it into his belt, smiled, "Inspector Liao, how did you know that?"

"I've found the evidence that you're hiding under the bed, and I've also found the traces of the rope left behind the parapet on the roof. Now that I saw you using the steel needle, I'm [-]% sure that the one who killed him was you!" Liao Hongbo talked eloquently, it was rare to meet such a congenial person.

Luo Xiao suddenly realized that it was his steel needle that exposed him. It seems that it is better to use it less in the future, since he has weapons in his hands anyway.

Knowing that Liao Hongbo had recognized him, Luo Xiao asked him strangely, "Then why didn't you arrest me?"

Liao Hongbo sighed, his tone seemed rather helpless, but his eyes showed a smile, "According to my principle, I wanted to take you away, but you are too powerful, I can't beat you, so I just Just pretend I didn't see you!"

Luo Xiao understood that it was because he knew that what he did should be aimed at the Japanese, so he gave up his principles once to help himself, "Inspector Liao, thank you!"

"Thank you, what I said is the truth, if you don't believe me, take a look!" Liao Hongbo raised his hands as he spoke, motioning for Luo Xiao to see, "Look at what it looks like!"

When Luo Xiao saw it, he couldn't help laughing, because the faces of Liao Hongbo's fists were bruised and swollen, like steamed buns!

Of course, this was all the result of the fight just now. Luo Xiao himself was fine, but Liao Hongbo's hand was horrible!

The two chatted and laughed, and then Liao Hongbo was about to go back to rest. Before leaving, he looked at the thief, turned his head and asked Luo Xiao, "Luo Xiao, is this person useful to you? If not, I will take him away!"

Hearing this sentence, the thief's body trembled, it seemed that he was quite afraid of Liao Hongbo!

Luo Xiao hurriedly said, "Leave this person to me, I have some use!"

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you!" Liao Hongbo saw that Luo Xiao wanted to use it, so he didn't say anything more, and before leaving, he threw a sentence to the thief, "Don't let me touch you again, boy, anyway, I Remember what you look like!"

Seeing Liao Hongbo disappear into the night, Luo Xiao turned his head and shouted to the special forces, "Pack up your things and get out of here immediately!"

The special operations team had already packed up the weapons on the ground. Hearing what Luo Xiao said, they immediately left here with the thief!

As soon as they left, a patrol team of Japanese soldiers arrived, and the two sides were just working hard!

After leaving there, Luo Xiao chose an abandoned house nearby, and then carried the kid inside.

Throwing the thief to the ground, Luo Xiao sat on a piece of dirt wall opposite, stared at him with a smile, and after a while he looked at him with horror, "What are you looking at, I, I, I—"

"Your name is Wuhen, right?" The two special forces members had already interrogated this kid just now. Although they didn't find anything useful, at least they knew that this kid was called Wuhen.

Luo Xiao knew that Wuhen should be his nickname, which meant that he was good at stealing things, but it didn't matter, the name was just a title, and Wuhen sounded good too!

Seeing Luo Xiao asking himself, Wuhen nodded hurriedly, "Yes, my name is Wuhen. This is the nickname given to me by the old beggar who raised me and taught me skills. As for the real name, I have already given it to you." Forgot!" Unexpectedly, the thief Wuhen was very cooperative, Luo Xiao asked a question, and he said a bunch of things, which made Luo Xiao very strange!

Seemingly seeing Luo Xiao's strangeness, Wuhen said with a smile, "Brother Luo, you still don't know, since you fought with the devils several times and beat them to the ground, it has spread all over Fengtian City. Everyone knows that you are an anti-Japanese hero and a real man, and those of us who live on the streets regard you as an idol!"

Luo Xiao understood, it seemed that the effects of his actions against the devils these few times left a good impression on him in the hearts of the people in Fengtian.

In this way, when he counterattacks Fengtian in the future, maybe these common people can help a little bit.Even if you don't help, it's a good thing not to make trouble!

With this in mind, Luo Xiao questioned Wuhen and learned a lot of news that he couldn't get from other places!

If you want to be well-informed, I am afraid that no one is better than these hooligans, beggars and thieves who spend their days on the streets of Fengtian. They wander around every day, and there are a large number of them. They are simply natural candidates to form an intelligence network. .

Luo Xiao decided to follow Wuhen to meet those thieves and beggars first. If he can subdue them, he can become a great help for him, and play an important role in grasping the information in Fengtian City in time!

When Luo Xiao told Wuhen what he thought, the sneaky boy immediately patted his chest and promised to take Luo Xiao to find their gang immediately, and promised to persuade them all to follow Luo Xiao.

However, Xiao Wuhen also made a request, that is to let them join Luo Xiao's team, and they will hang out with Luo Xiao from now on.

This request was in line with Luo Xiao's plan, so it was naturally not a problem, so Luo Xiao agreed without the slightest hesitation, which made Wuhen Poshi happy, and immediately took Luo Xiao to find those people.

Luo Xiao raised his head and looked at the sky above him, seeing that after such a toss, it was already past three in the morning, so he said, "Okay, we won't go today, you and I will take a break and have something to eat, Let's go after dawn!"

Hearing this, Wuhen was very happy, he hadn't eaten for more than a day, and when he heard that there was something to eat, he was about to salivate, so he couldn't help asking Luo Xiao while walking, "Brother Luo, do you have any chicken butts to eat? "

"Yes, there are not only chicken butts, but also chicken legs!" Luo Xiao replied with a smile.

When Wuhen heard it, he was overjoyed, and he couldn't help shouting in a low voice, "Okay, there are chicken legs to eat!"

"Shh, it's night, be careful to recruit the devil's patrol team!" Luo Xiao made a silent gesture to Wuhen.

Wuhen understood, shut his mouth immediately, and followed Luo Xiao closely towards Tang Tianhao's barracks!


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