A beggar is a person who lives by begging, also known as "beggar" or "beggar""

In the old society, beggars roamed the streets and alleys. They were either in groups of three or five, seven or eight, or a dozen or so people gathered together to beg for property or food from passers-by. They were a unique group!

Speaking of the history of beggars, it is very long. There is such a record in "Book of the Later Han Dynasty: Du Xing Zhuan": "Xiang Xu's character is Fuxing, and he was born in Chaoge in Hanoi. After Xiang Chang, he was rarely a scholar and had a strange personality. Unethical, bad language, but like to roar or ride a donkey into the market, beggars."

And "Zuo Zhuan? The 23rd year of Duke Xi" records that Jin Gongzi Chong'er once "begged for food in the wild, and the wild man gave him a piece, and the son was angry to whip him." It can be seen that Jin Gongzi Chong'er was also a beggar.

As for "Ji Shenlu", it is said: "Anlu has a human nature, is good at eating poisonous snakes and swallowing them with wine, tasted Qilu, and then went to Yuzhang, playing snakes in the market, and making a living as a beggar." A beggar who makes a living as an acrobat.

Luo Xiao also heard about beggars in the past, but the information is limited to the TV series and books he has seen, but he has never seen a real one!This time with Wuhen leading the way, he was finally able to see a live Republican beggar for once!

With a curious mood, Luo Xiao followed Wuhen through the streets and alleys, walked along the street for a long distance, until he reached an abandoned house in the west of the city, and then stopped!

After Wuhen stopped, he turned his head and said to Luo Xiao, "Brother Luo, wait a moment, I'll go in and talk to them, so that they won't be unhappy when they see strangers and do something impolite."

Luo Xiao understood that people like himself were strangers after all, if he rushed in rashly, he might cause dissatisfaction!It's like visiting someone's house as a guest and asking the owner to agree to it.

Seeing that Luo Xiao agreed, Wuhen was very happy, he jumped in the door!

Luo Xiao and several special forces members stood outside the door, waiting patiently. Five or six minutes passed, but there was no movement at all inside.

At this time, it was already eight or nine o'clock in the morning. The sun rose from the eastern sky and sprinkled thousands of golden lights on the ground, reflecting the ground and the flowers, trees, and houses all golden. Even Luo Xiao and others Several people were also plated with gold, just like wearing golden armor.

More than ten minutes passed, and there was still no movement in the abandoned house. Except for Luo Xiao, the special forces members couldn't hold back their emotions. They blinked a little irritably, and glanced around.

Luo Xiao, however, was the same as before, with his eyes slightly closed, and he stood there quietly and continued to wait!

It was almost half an hour, when the sound of footsteps finally came from the abandoned house, which brightened the eyes of the special operations team members, and they immediately concentrated.

Luo Xiao twitched his eyebrows, because what he heard was not a single person, but a group of people!But he stood there calmly, ready to see who it was.

With the sound of footsteps, a group of ragged beggars poured out of the gate, the oldest of which was over 50 years old, while the youngest was only about ten years old, also wearing rags, holding a broken beggar in his hand. The bowl and a wooden stick were standing there, looking at Luo Xiao curiously.

Wuhen was at the front of the crowd, and standing side by side with him was a child of similar age, with messy hair, and the clothes on his body couldn't see the original color, there was black in the gray, and yellow in the black, but It looks pretty neat.

The boy had a melon-shaped face, with two big bright eyes flashing on it, revealing a strange spirit, one could see that he had a rich experience that was not commensurate with his age.

Wuhen jumped down from the steps and headed straight for Luo Xiao, while the little beggars stopped on the steps of the abandoned house, quietly looking at Luo Xiao at the bottom of the steps.

"Brother Luo, this is the head of this group of beggars, called Xiao Jiu, he is my best buddy!" As soon as he ran up to Luo Xiao, Wuhen immediately began to introduce the little head of the beggar on the steps.

Luo Xiao nodded slightly when he heard this, and then asked in a low voice, "So did he agree to help me?"

"Agreed. When they heard that it was you, they were so happy. Just now they were tidying up. They found all the clothes they wore when worshiping the ancestors and put them on, and even cleaned the inside!" Wuhen nodded happily , and explained for Xiao Jiu.

Only then did Luo Xiao realize why it took them so long to come out, it turned out they were cleaning up inside!

However, looking at the clothes of these little beggars, Luo Xiao felt that their best clothes were still in disarray, to the extent that no one would pick them up when they were thrown into the trash!

After introducing Xiaojiu to Luo Xiao, Wuhen waved to the boy on the steps, signaling him to come over.

Standing on the steps, Xiao Jiu had been watching Luo Xiao and Wu Hen talking. Seeing Wu Hen calling him, she hesitated for a moment, then came down from the steps, came to Luo Xiao, and clasped her fist at him, "Xiao Jiu I’ve seen Big Brother Luo Xiaoluo!”

Hearing Xiao Jiuyi's words, Luo Xiao and the others were all taken aback. They didn't expect this handsome young man to have a very hoarse voice, as if he were an old man who had experienced many vicissitudes.

Luo Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and then he returned to normal. He cupped his hands at Xiao Jiu, "You're welcome, Xiao Jiu is in charge, I'm Luo Xiao, the captain of the Huya Special Forces Brigade, these are all mine. Comrades!"

Luo Xiao wasn't worried about these people leaking the secret, because Luo Xiao's Huya Special Forces Brigade had thousands of people, if these little guys dared to leak the secret, the ensuing revenge would definitely be fatal.

They are just little beggars with no power and power, not those high-ranking officials who are protected by force, and they can't do things with hands and eyes.

The names of the Huya Special Forces Brigade and Luo Xiao have already resounded throughout Fengtian City. What people lack is that they have never met themselves, so Luo Xiao does not shy away from his identity.

"Brother Luo, don't be too polite, Xiao Jiu and I have admired you for a long time, and I'm very happy to see you this time!" Wuhen rushed to speak at the side.

Xiao Jiu didn't seem to like to talk too much, except for a few necessary polite words, he didn't talk much. On the contrary, Wuhen, who was familiar with Luo Xiao, chatted one sentence after another, and it took him so long to hear him spoke.

While talking, everyone walked into the abandoned house. After entering, Luo Xiao saw these beggars' bedding everywhere in the abandoned house. I don't know where to find a piece of plastic sheeting, and put some dry straw under it.

These little beggars lived under extremely crude conditions!

Looking at these, Luo Xiao felt very uncomfortable. He was also an orphan in his childhood, but he grew up under the care of the old man. Then he was sent to the Special Forces when he was seven years old, and began his military life. As a result, he lived in the special forces for 20 years in a flash, and he is 27 years old now.

Over the years, Luo Xiao has almost never experienced such hardship. If it is bitter, it is training, but that kind of hardship is not considered bitter.

Feeling that his nose was a little sore, Luo Xiao hurriedly took a deep breath to suppress this feeling, and then followed Xiao Jiu and Wu Hen into the main hall in the middle of the house.


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