A few people walked into the main hall of the abandoned house!

It is said to be the main hall, but in fact there is only half of the roof left now, and the remaining half of the roof has long been turned into scorched purlins due to the flames of war. The sun is exposed during the day, the moon is exposed at night, and the rain is exposed when it rains.

In the main hall, the ground was cleaned very clean. On the flat bluestone floor, there were a few green bricks with some straw spread on them. From the brand new color, it could be seen that this was specially laid for Luo Xiao and the others.

Luo Xiao looked at Xiao Jiu who was sitting on the green brick without straw, and then raised his hand to wipe off the straw on the green brick, and then sat on the green brick as well.Several other special forces members did not sit down but stood behind Luo Xiao with their heads bowed.

As a result, only Luo Xiao, Xiao Jiu and Wu Hen were sitting in the room.

Seeing Luo Xiao touch the straw on the green brick, Xiao Jiu's eyes flashed with admiration, and then he said, "Brother Luo, what's the matter with you this time?"

Wuhen just said that Luo Xiao was coming, not why he came, so Xiao Jiu asked now.

Luo Xiao looked at Xiao Jiu and saw that he didn't seem to be interested in acting, so he realized that Wu Hen definitely didn't reveal his intentions, so he said, "Xiao Jiu, I'm here this time to discuss something with you! "

"Oh, Brother Luo, what's the matter, why did you come here by yourself?" Xiao Jiu's eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something.

Luo Xiao laughed, he took two washed persimmons handed over by a little beggar, bit them down, and then sucked them hard.

Xiao Jiu was on the side, watching Luo Xiao eat, and did not rush to ask Luo Xiao, he believed that Luo Xiao would speak first.

After eating the persimmons, Luo Xiao wiped his mouth, and then said, "I came this time to take you into the Huya Special Forces!"

"Oh, so what's the benefit of us?" Xiao Jiu remained calm, not at all like a twelve or thirteen-year-old child, but as experienced as an old fox!

"Of course there are benefits!" Luo Xiao was not in a hurry, he didn't believe the conditions he offered, Xiao Jiu could not be tempted.

Leaning close to Xiao Jiu's ear, Luo Xiao muttered a few words in a low voice, Xiao Jiu's face suddenly showed surprise, and then looked at Luo Xiao suspiciously, "Brother Luo, you are not lying, are you?" ?”

Luo Xiao smiled and said, "I, Luo Xiao, always keep my word. Since I promised you, I will naturally do it. Besides, it's not a difficult task, it's easy to do!"

Hearing what Luo Xiao said, Xiao Jiu lowered his head and pondered for a while, then raised his head, "Okay, since Brother Luo said so, then I will believe your words, but these brothers have been with me for a long time, You can't separate us!"

Luo Xiao nodded and said, "No, only when you get together can you play a greater role, isn't it a waste to separate you!"

Only then did Xiao Jiu feel relieved, and he asked Wuhen to go out and call in the beggars who were mainly in charge of the beggar group, and then told him the result of the discussion with Luo Xiao.

The beggars were all very happy. If they had a good life, no one would like to live a life of living in the open, so Xiao Jiu's decision went smoothly and was accepted by everyone!

In this way, Luo Xiao's team has expanded again, adding a group of small soldiers with special identities who can also play special roles. For this reason, Luo Xiao specially notified Yan Beifeng about this, to make him happy too!

When he came to this world, the problem of intelligence has always been a headache for Luo Xiao. The special operations team members he led are good at fighting, but they are much worse when it comes to lurking and doing intelligence. Therefore, it is not too late to get a lot of information. Affected his development plan.

With Xiao Jiu's team, Luo Xiao's intelligence problem has been solved. When it comes to familiarity with Fengtian City and good news, almost no one can match them, even those rogues and The characters in the underworld should be a bit inferior!

However, Luo Xiao knew that what they could collect was low-level intelligence, and those higher-level and insider information could only be obtained through some senior military and political leaders in Fengtian City!

So what Luo Xiao plans to do next is to subdue Fengtian's local hooligans and the leaders of Green Forest Road, so as to further consolidate his intelligence network!

Those people are different from Xiao Jiu and the others, most of them are unruly people, so Luo Xiao has made up his mind, when the time comes, he will use thunderous means to subdue them, and if they are stubborn, he will resolutely suppress them, and will not be soft.

Now that Xiao Jiu and the others have become part of Luo Xiao's army, they can no longer suffer so hard. After Luo Xiao's guidance, the exterior of the abandoned house has not changed, but several tents have been built behind, and then broken bricks and tiles are used to The camouflage is good, leaving only one exit, so that Xiao Jiu and the others can have a more comfortable home.

As for food and supplies, Luo Xiao naturally couldn't forget, he would order someone to bring them over as soon as possible to improve their food.

In this way, everyone is naturally happy, and they think it's good to hang out with Luo Xiao!

After dealing with Xiao Jiu and the group of beggars, and instructing him to send people to monitor the movement of the main Japanese strongholds in Fengtian City, Luo Xiao left the abandoned house with a few special forces and rushed back to the barracks, where there was still a big stall Things are waiting for him to deal with!

After finishing these things, Luo Xiao will continue with the second step of the plan at night, go to the hiding place of Zang Haikui, and give him and his father Zang Xuecheng a big "surprise"!

Luo Xiao didn't feel apologetic at all for these dandies who were used to doing harm to the world and robbing men and women, and just regarded it as asking for some interest for those sisters who were ruined in their hands!

There were a lot of things to do today, Luo Xiao was busy from noon until it was time to light the lamps, and he finally finished his work. He had a quick bite of food, and then called the special forces team together to arrange the tasks for tonight.

Wuhen was also kept by Luo Xiao's side. He was very familiar with Fengtian City and knew the specific situation of many big families, which would be of great help to Luo Xiao's future actions.

Time passed by every minute and every second. While everyone was busy analyzing the situation and determining the plan, it was time for action.

Luo Xiao looked at the fully armed special forces team members, then at Wuhen who was wearing a Kevlar helmet, waved his hand, and shouted in a deep voice, "Let's go!"

The team members filed out and ran towards the wall of the barracks. Although there is no need to jump through the windows now, for the sake of privacy, everyone still has to climb over the wall to avoid disturbing the soldiers of the first battalion.

After everyone had gone out, Luo Xiao jumped up, and then hung his arms on the top of the wall, flipped over the wall lightly, landed on the open space outside the wall, and then disappeared with the special forces in a different area. In the bushes in the distance!


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