Five miles west of Fengtian City, there is a clear river.

On the north bank of the clear river, close to the river bank stands a manor with an area of ​​several hectares. The green brick wall outside the manor is about ten feet high, with barbed wire on it, and dense forests around the wall. In summer, the trees are full of shade, and the manor is very quiet and elegant.

Outside the gate of the manor, there were two security forces soldiers with rifles on their shoulders, and around the wall, there were four patrol teams of security forces dutifully patrolling back and forth, with about five or six people in each team. .

In the manor, there are also three steps, one post and five steps and one sentry. More than a dozen security forces soldiers with guns on their backs are patrolling the garden, which seems to be heavily guarded.

After entering the gate of the manor, you can see several cars and several carriages parked in the wide courtyard, all of which are very luxuriously decorated, and all the good horses pulling the carts are led to one side by someone specially assigned to cross the courtyard. The stables are carefully groomed and fed.

On the front of the compound is a tall villa with three floors. The style is completely imitated of Western European style. It has a unique shape. Wisterias are wrapped around the balcony and the outer wall. Brilliantly illuminated.

It was almost midnight, but the villa was still brightly lit, and servants were constantly coming in and out, holding various items in their hands, very busy.

The breeze blew by, and from the open window came the sound of young people laughing and guessing fists, occasionally mixed with women's coquettish and deliberate screams.

Anyone who is familiar with Fengtian knows that this was originally the villa of the young marshal in the suburbs, and he would come here to recuperate physically and mentally when he is not busy with official duties.But since Fengtian was occupied by the Japanese, Zang Xuecheng occupied this place and became his private manor.

Tonight, it was not Zang Xuecheng who lived in the villa, but his son Zang Haikui, and Zang Haikui's gang of friends!

Because of the accident, Zang Haikui didn't dare to be as arrogant as before. In order to protect his safety, his father ordered someone to send him here, and then arranged a company of troops to protect this place. He hoped to avoid the limelight first, and waited. Let's talk about it this time.

But Zang Haikui's bad habits did not change, and even if he took refuge, he still spent his life and feasted, so he summoned all his gang of cronies and friends here.

Outside the manor, Luo Xiao crouched among the dense branches and leaves of a big tree. He had been lurking for a long time with a group of special forces. He had a clear picture of the situation in the manor through the night vision binoculars, and he was waiting for the right time. Time to act.

Killing people with a borrowed knife was the method Luo Xiao used this time. He first provoked a conflict between Zang Haikui and Ma Guangyuan, and then killed Ma Guangyuan.

Now as long as he kills Zang Haikui, Zang Xuecheng and others will definitely think that Ma Xueli sent someone to do it, and a conflict will break out.Although there is a gap in strength between the two sides, they will be greatly injured in the end.

In this way, the contradiction between the two sides will be alienated, and the enemy's strength will be weakened, which kills two birds with one stone!

Luo Xiao came to the manor this time to implement the second step of the plan!

On the walkie-talkie, a sniper and special forces member replied softly, "Captain, the first target has appeared and is talking to a Japanese, do you want to kill him?"

Luo Xiao thought for a while, and then said, "Don't do anything for now, I think it's more interesting if you make a big fuss, right?"

The sniper froze for a moment, then understood what Luo Xiao meant, and he responded, "Yes, Captain!"

Leaving two snipers on the tree to monitor the manor, and after preparing for support for a while, he led the rest of the special forces and quietly moved towards the manor.

Surrounding the manor were those patrol teams, each of which was small in number and relatively far apart. It seemed that Zang Xuecheng didn't work very hard at the Japanese Army Military Academy and didn't learn anything.

Luo Xiao thought for a while, then gestured to several special forces members, and then the special forces members dispersed, divided into two groups, and touched the two patrol teams respectively.

The security forces on the patrol didn't notice the approaching danger at all, they were still slouching with their rifles slung across their shoulders, talking obscene jokes as they walked, and bursting into obscene laughter from time to time.

Luo Xiao led one of the special forces to approach quietly, then pulled out the Triangle Army thorn from his waist, then approached the last Security Force soldier silently, and then suddenly struck and strangled his neck.

When he was suddenly attacked, the security guard's body trembled violently, and he wanted to open his mouth to shout, but a cold stick pierced his body hard, and then he was pulled horizontally. I no longer know.

"Action!" Luo Xiao let go of the dead security army soldiers, and gestured towards the special forces around him. The team members immediately rushed out like cheetahs, and pounced on those security army soldiers!

At this time, there were only four security forces left. When they realized that something was wrong, the special forces had already rushed forward, wiping their fragile throats with sharp tiger-tooth sabers in their hands.

One hit kills, the movements of the team members are crisp and neat, and the soldiers of the Security Army fell to the ground without a chance to fight back.

"My dear mother!" Wuhen, who was watching the battle not far away, sticks out his tongue so long that he almost bites it off. He has never seen a murder before. When he suddenly saw such a scene, he felt his heart beating violently. Stomach churned upwards.

Luo Xiao patted him hard on the back twice, then pushed him to the side of the grass, and whispered, "It's okay, it's like this for the first time, just get used to it in the future!"

Just get used to it?Luo Xiao's words made Wuhen's efforts for a long time all in vain, and he threw up in the grass as soon as he lowered his head.

Luo Xiao couldn't care less about Wuhen, because there were still two patrols that hadn't been dealt with, so he led the special operations team and rushed straight to where the patrol was.

At this time, another special forces team has also solved a patrol team and rushed to the last patrol team.

The breeze is blowing, it's a night to kill!

The unprepared two patrol teams of the security forces met the special forces team who came with skilled tactics and well-prepared. The outcome can be imagined. They were killed without even a chance to fight back. Among them, the soldier who reacted the fastest It was just that the bolt was pulled away, and the carotid artery was wiped off before it could be lifted up.

Within 1 minute, the patrol outside the manor was wiped out!


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