"Strange, how come the patrol has been gone for so long?"

At the gate, the two guards looked around suspiciously, while clenching the rifles in their hands, they felt a little strange.

In the past, the patrol team would pass by the gate every three to four minutes, but it has been a full 4 minutes since they left, why is there still no one?

"Hey, it can't be that these boys are going to sleep lazily?" A security soldier explained this, but he himself didn't believe it.

Zang Haikui, the eldest son of Commander Zang, is here. No matter how courageous the patrols are, they will grind their hands. If they leave their duties and go back to sleep, it will definitely not work!

Since he didn't go back to sleep, could something have happened?

There was a big question mark in the hearts of the two guards. They looked around the corners of the walls on both sides, hoping to see the patrol team coming.

It's a pity, let alone the patrol team, even the shadow of the patrol team is gone, only the rustling of the withered and yellow leaves being blown by the breeze.

"Goofy, I don't think the situation is right!" A security force soldier said with a trembling voice as he poked another.

The other one was not much better than him, he swallowed, and then tried to persuade him calmly, "It's okay, there are so many people on patrol, who came here to seek death?"

Before the words fell, I heard a sneer from behind, "Really, what if I come?"

With a sound of "Ah", the two guards turned around reflexively, only to see a bright saber flashing across the throats of the two of them as quickly as lightning.

The fiery blood shot out from the throats of the two of them like a spring, instantly staining the clothes on their chests red, draining their energy in the blink of an eye, and causing them to fall to the ground.

With a wave of his arm, Luo Xiao wiped off the blood on the uniforms of the two men, then inserted the scabbard back, turned around and gestured towards the dark place, and the special forces members rushed out immediately.

After getting together, Luo Xiao spread out a temporary topographical map, and said in a low voice, "Now, all the surrounding areas have been cleaned up, and we will enter the manor next. Remember, apart from the servants, those who attended the banquet Not a single dude will be left behind, and they will save the common people from this scourge, and let their elders bite their dogs, killing two birds with one stone!"

"Understood!" The special forces members had no sense of belonging to the people of this era, so they agreed very simply, and then began to act!

Luo Xiao rushed to the gate, looked in through the iron fence of the courtyard gate, and saw at least a dozen people patrolling the courtyard, he couldn't help frowning!

It's easy to kill these people, but the trouble is that this will alarm Zang Haikui and others in the building. If they are prepared to escape by then, the plan will fail!

Luo Xiao must come up with a complete plan to ensure nothing goes wrong!

After thinking about it, Luo Xiao saw the clothes of the security forces on the ground, and when he rolled his eyes, he came up with an idea and whispered something to the two special forces members.

The two special forces members took the order, put their weapons beside them, began to take off the coats of the two security forces soldiers, and put them on themselves.

After changing his clothes, Luo Xiao waved to the other special forces members, and then they all stuck to the two sides of the gate, holding up their weapons and waiting.

Only then did the two dressed special forces take their rifles, staggered up the steps, pushed the door open and yelled inside, "Which brother has a fire, light a cigarette!"

A security soldier approached the gate, and when he heard the sound, he walked towards the gate, muttering as he walked, "It's a lazy donkey with a lot of shit and urine!"

As soon as his feet stepped out of the gate, the security army soldier was grabbed by the neck, and then he was pulled out of the gate, and then a sharp saber was pressed against his throat.

"Hook out the people inside one by one!" Luo Xiao's eyes under the helmet shone with a cold light, and he shouted sharply, at the same time, the special forces team member holding him tightened his saber tightly.

The soldiers of the Security Army were frightened, their bodies were trembling constantly, and a hot yellow liquid flowed down their trouser legs. He begged hurriedly, "Guys, I am a soldier, not an officer, so don't kill me." me!"

Luo Xiao shouted again in a deep voice, "Stop talking nonsense, shout!"

The security soldier had no choice but to drag his neck and shout towards the gate, "Brothers, there are Hardman cigarettes here, everyone, everyone!"

With this voice, the courtyard immediately became active, and a dozen or so soldiers stopped standing guard, and all walked towards the door, it seemed that they were thinking about the two cigarettes.

Seeing that those people had taken the bait, Luo Xiao winked at the special forces team members by the wall, and then dodged to the wall at the door.

The knife flashed, and a red line appeared on the neck of the security soldier who shouted, and then he rolled his eyes and collapsed on the ground!

At this time, the dozen or so soldiers of the security forces rushed out of the gate in a swarm with their rifles and hats crooked, looking around, and shouting, "Where is the dog, take your Hardman cigarettes quickly!" Come out, you want to eat alone, you just deserve a beating!"

But there were no dogs outside the gate at all. On the contrary, the security soldier who called them just now sat in a corner facing the wall, turning a deaf ear to their shouts.

"What the hell is going on with you kid—" A Security Army soldier walked over, stretched out his hand and pulled the kid, but the kid fell down, his eyes rolled up, and he was out of breath for a long time.

"Ah, no, something happened!" Everyone realized that they had been fooled, and quickly reached out to touch their rifles, but unfortunately they were too late to react, and there was a soft whizzing sound in the darkness, one by one flashing with metal. The cold and shiny crossbow arrows shot out, penetrating into the chests, throats, faces, etc. of these soldiers, leaving them no chance to fight back!

After firing a crossbow arrow, more than a dozen security forces soldiers fell outside the gate, blood stained the grass at the gate red, and a strong smell of blood wafted in the air!

Luo Xiao gestured to a few people, and then he was the first to rush through the door, followed by the special forces behind him.

As for the security forces outside the door, the snipers in the trees were watching, and they would give these people a shot if they were still alive.

Luo Xiao was the first to rush into the gate, passed through the cars and carriages parked in the yard, and went straight to the door of the villa, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the door of the villa!

With a flying kick, he smashed the gorgeous craft glass door, and then rushed in first!


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