The hall was full of men and women, all of them were dressed very elegantly. It could be seen that they were all children of powerful families. At this time, they were gathering together, talking and laughing, or guessing fists. Some men and women even hugged each other. Together, full of ugliness!

The loud noise of Luo Xiao kicking the door could not have disturbed everyone in the room. Everyone looked up and found that a man in colorful clothes rushed in. It radiates murderous aura, making people feel hairy at a glance!

"Ah!" The timid woman screamed in shock, shrinking into the corner of the sofa or the arms of the man next to her in fright!

A few more courageous ones stood up and shouted at Luo Xiao sharply, "Who are you, get out of here!"


Luo Xiao raised his arms expressionlessly, and the first man in a suit who stood up to ask a question had a bullet hole between his eyebrows. all over the place!

This time, those people panicked even more, and ran away in all directions!

Luo Xiao didn't even look at the people below, and shouted coldly, "You guys stay and deal with them, I'll go find Zang Haikui!"

Looking through the binoculars just now, Luo Xiao saw that several couples went up to the second floor, and they seemed to have entered their respective rooms. He didn't find Zang Haikui on the first floor, so he probably went up to the second floor.

Going up the carpeted stairs, Luo Xiao came to the second floor. As soon as he went up the stairs, he met a Japanese Lang, kicking clogs, and holding a beautifully dressed Chinese woman in his arm!

When the two met, the Japanese was taken aback for a moment, and then his eyes met Luo Xiao's murderous eyes, and he hurriedly let go of the woman to pull out the samurai sword at his waist.

The samurai sword was only half drawn, Luo Xiao kicked him on the wrist with one kick, causing him to let go of his wrist with pain, followed by Luo Xiao dodging to his side, his left elbow hit his ribs back, Backhand pulled out half of Bushido from his waist and inserted it into his chest!

The Japanese slang staggered a bit, then smashed the wooden railing while clutching the samurai sword stuck in his stomach, and fell down the stairs.

"Master, please forgive me—" the woman knelt on the ground with her mouth open, and Luo Xiao's arm strangled her half of her begging for mercy.

Loosening the woman's neck, which had no support at all, Luo Xiao let her fall to the ground, and walked forward without a trace of mercy. He couldn't feel sympathy for such a traitorous scum.

On the second floor is a corridor, with rooms on both sides. At this time, at least a dozen of the rooms have their doors closed, and there are men and women gasping in the room!

Luo Xiao pulled out the [-]th improved automatic pistol, and then kicked the door of the first room away, and saw a man and a woman inside, with half of their clothes off, startled by the sound of kicking the door, looking up.

"Bang bang" two shots, Luo Xiao turned around without even looking at him for the second time, and went straight to the second room...

Walking all the way, Luo Xiao walked through most of the rooms, and he didn't see Zang Haikui's shadow, so he couldn't help but feel strange.

Seeing that there were only the last two rooms left in front of him, Luo Xiao was also a little anxious. The target this time was mainly Zang Haikui. If he was not killed in the end, then the plan would have failed!

Just as he was walking, a woman's scream suddenly came from the innermost room, followed by a hoarse cry for help. Although it was weakened a lot due to the sound insulation effect of the room, Luo Xiao still heard it. !

Stepping up to the door, Luo Xiao looked it up and down, and saw that the door of this room was double-leaf, more than double the door of the room just now, it seemed that it was prepared for noble people !

The woman's cry for help sounded again in the room, accompanied by the crackling sound of clothes being torn.

Knowing that there was no further delay, Luo Xiao flew out with his foot, and the door suddenly opened!

The interior of the house is resplendent and resplendent. In a room of almost [-] to [-] square meters, it is magnificently decorated and filled with all kinds of high-end furniture and accessories.

Near the wall was a large bed covered with thick velvet covers and bedding. At this time, a woman was being pressed down by a man, struggling!

The woman's upper body has been torn open, revealing the white underwear inside, but she is still struggling and has no intention of giving in!

"Stinky bitch, if you don't make a toast, you will be punished!" The man on the bed cursed viciously, then grabbed the woman's neck violently, raised his big slap, and was about to slap her in the face.

Luo Xiao strode over, raised his arms and grabbed his neck, and pulled him backwards, he fell off the bed and landed on the ground.

Raising his leg to step on Zang Haikui, Luo Xiao looked at the woman on the bed, but was stunned.

The woman on the bed was also stunned. She never dreamed that she would meet Luo Xiao here. After being stunned for a moment, she realized that the clothes on her upper body were torn, and she quickly folded her arms on her chest to cover her exposed skin. skin.

Luo Xiao quickly looked away, reached out and grabbed a cloak on the chair beside him and threw it to her, "Xiaoyue, put it on!"

Shen Yue quickly grabbed the cloak, wrapped her upper body tightly, jumped off the bed and hid behind Luo Xiao, looking at Zang Haikui lying on the ground immobile with lingering fear!

Luo Xiao didn't know why Shen Yue appeared here. All he had to do now was to execute Zang Haikui, so he waved to Shen Yue and said, "Xiaoyue, you go out first!"

Shen Yue heard that Luo Xiao might be doing something that she was not suitable to be there, so she lowered her head and ran out first!

Luo Xiao turned Zang Haikui's face with the muzzle of the pistol, making him face him, and then asked coldly, "Zang Haikui?"

"Yes, it's me, and my father is Zang Xuecheng. If you let me go, I'll give you whatever you want!" Zang Haikui thought that the other party knew that he was Zang Haikui, and would hold his hand high, nodding his head hastily!

Luo Xiao sneered, then raised his foot, "Since it's you, then I didn't make a mistake!" He raised his pistol and pointed it at Zang Haikui's head.

Zang Haikui was frightened out of his wits, only then did he realize that this person was coming to kill him, so he hurriedly got up from the ground and fled outside.

As soon as he stood up and took two steps, a gun went off behind his back, and Zang Haikui felt that something hit him on the back of his head, and he didn't know anything after that.

Seeing that Zang Haikui's body rushed forward two more steps before falling to the ground, Luo Xiao shot him two more times in the vitals, then exited the door and walked downstairs along the corridor.

Shen Yue was waiting at the end of the corridor at this time, her face was pale and trembling, because she ran out just now, and when she got to the stairs, she saw the bloody corpses of the dudes killed by the special forces. , making her legs go limp, and her stomach churned unceasingly, as if she was about to vomit it out at any moment!

"Brother Luo!" Seeing Luo Xiao coming out of the house, Shen Yue threw herself into his arms as if grabbing a life-saving straw!


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