Zang Xuecheng's face was very gloomy, like the sky before the storm in June, which made people shudder a bit!

He couldn't be in a good mood. Just now, someone under his command reported that his eldest son, Zang Haikui, was killed in the manor in the west of the city. At the same time, more than a dozen children of the rich and powerful also died!

When he first heard about this incident, Zang Xuecheng was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, and cursed angrily, "Are the people below getting impatient and dare to spread such rumors?" Then Put it in the back of your mind.

In his opinion, the manor in the west of the city was heavily guarded, guarded by a company of confidantes, unless they were mobilizing troops to attack, otherwise even if a few bandits from the top of the mountain went there, they would definitely be disgraced.

Under such strict protection, how could something happen to my son and those powerful children?

However, shortly after he received the news, the company commander in charge of guarding the manor sent someone to deliver a letter, and the panting soldier told him the shocking news that Zang Haikui had died, and all the guests in the manor had died. died.

Zang Xuecheng was stunned. He sat there for more than ten minutes without moving, then suddenly pushed his chair away, stood up, and strode out!

In the security forces headquarters, the people playing cards with him at that time were Han Jinggong, director of Fengtian Police Department, Zhao Muzhen, vice chairman of Fengtian Chamber of Commerce, and one of his chief of staff.

Seeing that Zang Xuecheng's expression was wrong, the three of them pushed away the cards in their hands and stood up. Han Jinggong asked first, "Brother Xuecheng, what happened?"

Zang Xuecheng gritted his teeth and said, "Your sea anemone nephew was killed!"

"Ah, how is this possible?" Several people were quite surprised. The collectors are very powerful in Fengtian, so no one would dare to do anything!

Zang Xuecheng didn't bother to say much, he hurried out of the headquarters, got in his car and headed towards the manor outside Fengtian City!

Han Jinggong and the other three looked at each other, discussed again, and decided to follow to see what was going on!

Inside the manor, a large number of security forces soldiers who arrived have surrounded the manor completely, completely blocking people's access, and are waiting for Zang Xuecheng's arrival!

Young master Zang Haikui died. This is a big deal, and the soldiers of the security forces couldn't help but care about it!

People from the Fengtian Police Department have arrived, led by Inspector Yang of the Criminal Investigation Team, but Inspector Liao Hongbo, who is known as "Fengtian's No. [-] Detective", was not present due to physical reasons.

The police were busy collecting traces, collecting evidence, and examining the corpses. With so many victims, they might have to be busy for a while.

Inspector Yang, surnamed Yang, was also squatting busy in front of a dead body. He was in his forties, with a turmeric complexion, and the corners of his two eyebrows were drooping downwards. Cry like that!

But people should not be judged by their appearance, he is one of the main force of the criminal police team, with rich experience in handling cases and solved several major cases.

While the police were busy, a car horn sounded at the gate of the manor, and a car rushed into the yard and stopped under the steps!

The car door was opened, and the tall figure of Zang Xuecheng appeared beside the car. He was 43 or [-] years old, with a Chinese character face, a pair of piercing eyes under two thick eyebrows, and a handsome appearance. He was wearing a general of the security force. He was in a woolen military uniform, with a big cap on his head, a pistol on his waist, and big shiny riding boots underneath.

However, the present Zang Xuecheng has a ferocious expression on his face, distorting his originally Zhou Zheng's face into a disfigured appearance, stretching out his hand and pushing away the horse who came to pick up his cloak, Zang Xuecheng strode into the villa.

Seeing Zang Xuecheng coming in, the company commander in charge of guarding the manor hastily greeted him, and gave him a military salute, "Commander!"

"What's going on?" Although he felt like he was going to explode, Zang Xuecheng still suppressed his anger and asked in a deep voice.

The company commander lowered his head and stood in front of Zang Xuecheng with his legs together, and said in a low voice, "Just over half an hour ago, a group of people broke into the manor, killed the young master, and his gang of friends, robbed The thing drove away!"

"What about you, are you just for idle food?" Zang Xuecheng asked through gritted teeth, the expression on his face made the company commander's heart jump wildly, "You guys in a company can't even look down on the manor, what do you think you can do to keep you?" Use?" As he spoke, he pulled out the pistol at his waist, aimed at the company commander, and pulled the trigger.

There was a "bang" gunshot, and the bullet flew past the company commander's head, hitting a floor lamp against the wall, and shattering the glass lampshade outside.

Zang Xuecheng turned his head, glared at the police chief Han Jinggong who was holding his wrist, and shouted, "Old Han, what are you doing to stop me!"

Han Jinggong pressed his wrist and persuaded him, "Indeed, this kid is incompetent and should be shot, but you have to wait for the matter to be clarified before taking action, otherwise how will you know the situation?"

Hearing Han Jinggong's persuasion, Zang Xuecheng calmed down a little, and he cursed at the company commander, "You bastard, tell me what's going on?"

The company commander nodded, wiped his sweat and said, "Commander, half an hour ago, I was on duty in the barracks across the courtyard, and suddenly I heard the noise of the motor of the car in the courtyard, because it was already midnight, I thought it was strange, so I came out to check. It turned out that the patrolling brothers in the yard were all gone, and several cars rushed out of the gate like crazy and disappeared, so I called my brothers to chase after them, but they were stopped by the other party's dead people!"

"How many people are there?"

"About a dozen people!"

"What, a dozen of you can beat a company without the power to fight back. What are you doing?" Zang Xuecheng became angry again, "What are the sentries and patrols outside the manor doing? Are they setting up?"

"They, they are all dead!" the company commander whispered.

Zang Xuecheng heard what the company commander said, but he didn't believe it, so he asked, "What did you say, they are all dead?"

"Yes, Commander, not only the brothers guarding the gate died, but even the patrol team died. The brothers in the courtyard were also deceived and killed. They were all killed silently!"


Zang Xuecheng, Han Jinggong and others all gasped, and couldn't help but look at each other!

There were more than 30 patrols and sentries, which was equivalent to a platoon of people. So many people were killed silently. This opponent was too terrifying.

From this point of view, this company commander is not negligent, it is indeed that the opponent is too difficult to deal with!

Zang Xuecheng's face improved a bit, and he continued to ask, "Why didn't you chase after them when they left?"

The company commander was very helpless, and said, "We also chased after him, but the opponent behind him didn't know where to hide, and even shot us as soon as we showed up, but we couldn't find where the opponent was!"


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