"What a great shooter!"

Now that Zang Xuecheng has arrived, he feels that this incident does not seem to be a simple robbery by bandits. It is estimated that there may be a deep inside story behind it!

At this time, Inspector Yang had finished examining the corpse, and came over to greet the chief of police and Zang Xuecheng.

Zang Xuecheng asked anxiously, "Inspector Yang, what's the result?"

"Well, the opponent's murder method is very skilled, almost all of them are killed by one blow. The murder weapon is a knife or a pistol, and after the murder, the victim's vitals are repaired, so there is no one alive!" Inspector Yang explained, " All the people upstairs were shot to death, and they were all killed by one shot, only your young master was shot three times, all in vital parts!"

"This damned murderer!" Zang Xuecheng cursed through gritted teeth.

"These people are more likely to be bandits or killers!" Detective Yang hesitated at this point, as if he was considering whether to say it, but finally said it, "According to the traces left at the scene and other evidence, I deduce that It’s fake for this group to rob money, but it’s true for them to seek revenge!”

"Seeking revenge?" Zang Xuecheng was stunned, and he tried to think, "It is said that those who have hatred against sea anemone are all mud legs, no one has such a large amount of activity!"

"Commander, I heard from the young master yesterday that I had a dispute with Ma Guangyuan, the son of Captain Ma, last night. Later, he killed Ma Guangyuan by mistake, so he ran to the manor to hide!" The company commander brought people to follow him yesterday. Zang Haikui went to Qingyun Hall to seek revenge, so he was there when Zang Haikui shot Ma Guangyuan!

Hearing what he said, Zang Xuecheng seemed to understand, he snorted viciously, "Yes, that old man Ma Xueli must be upset that his son died, so he hired a killer and assassinated my son!"

"Xuecheng, you can't just say this casually!" The police chief Han Jinggong said in a deep voice. This matter involves two senior officers of the security force, so it has to be handled with caution!

Zang Xuecheng sneered, "Old Han, what do you not understand? I asked him why Ma Xueli was so honest yesterday. He didn't even fart when his son died. It turned out that he was holding back this trick behind his back!"

"Xuecheng, calm down again!" Han Jinggong tried to persuade him, hoping that he would not be so impulsive, but Zang Xuecheng had already gotten into the horns, and decided that Ma Xueli had hired someone to do this!

Seeing Zang Xuecheng who was in a hurry to gather the team, Han Jinggong was also in a hurry. If there was a fight, it would be a lose-lose for both sides!

He hurriedly called Hamamoto Zenzaburo, the commander of the 16th regiment of the Japanese Kwantung Army stationed in Fengtian, and told him the situation here, hoping that he could stop the fight between the two sides in time.

When Hamamoto Zenzaburo heard this, he immediately agreed, and promised to take people to the camp of the second regiment of the security forces immediately, and find a way to prevent the intensification of the conflict between the two sides!

"Successful, brother, I can only help you so far!" Han Jinggong put down the phone, said to himself, and then drove back to Fengtian.


Zang Xuecheng quickly assembled two battalions with more than 500 troops, two-thirds of his own total strength. Not only light and heavy machine guns, but also mortars and two infantry guns were brought. He went straight to the station of the Second Regiment of the Security Force.

The second regiment was stationed in the north of the city, not too far from the third regiment where Luo Xiao and the others were. The two regiments were separated by three or four streets. It was just that Tang Tianhao's first battalion was near a remote vegetable field, while the other troops were In the bustling downtown area.

Leading the team, Zang Xuecheng did not take a car, but rode on his own war horse, with a sword in his hand, walked ahead aggressively, and went straight to Ma Xueli's regiment headquarters!

With so many troops, it was natural that there would be no small movements. Ma Xueli had received the letter in advance, knowing that Zang Xuecheng was bringing the troops to find trouble.

Originally, he was suffocated because of his son's death, but now Zang Xuecheng even brought his troops to provoke him. Ma Xueli couldn't bear it any longer. He ignored Ma Zuoyi's efforts to dissuade him, purge the team, and pulled the team into the regiment. department mouth!

Sandbags, barbed wire, deer firewood, fortification bunkers, light and heavy machine guns, Ma Xueli has set up a position at the regiment gate, and it looks like he intends to fight Tibet Xuecheng!

Therefore, when Zang Xuecheng arrived, he saw the soldiers of the second regiment waiting in full force, and Ma Xueli with bloodshot eyes, which just confirmed his guess about Ma Xueli.

"Zang Xuecheng, what are the people from your first regiment doing at my second regiment's station?" Ma Xueli stood behind the fortifications and shouted towards the people here.

Zang Xuecheng sneered again and again. He straddled the horse and yelled angrily, "Ma Xueli, don't pretend to be stupid, you think you're playing tricks that others can't see?"

"Conspiracy, hehe, I haven't settled with you yet, but you bit me instead!" Ma Xueli did not show weakness, and retorted, "Why did my son die? Could it be that he committed suicide, but you hid him and thought I was I do not know!"

"Yes, of course you know, otherwise why would you find someone to kill him!" When Zang Xuecheng said this, he thought of Zang Haikui who had fallen in the room again, and his anger rose, "How could my son die in vain? I will let you pay for his life today!" Zang Xuecheng waved his hand behind him while speaking!

The soldiers of the first regiment of the security forces dispersed immediately, and then put all the light and heavy machine guns they brought on the ground. A little farther away, mortars and Type [-] infantry artillery were also placed. All the mouths were aimed at the position of the second regiment.

Ma Xueli became angry when he saw it, and he roared, "Zang, you are too deceitful, can my son die in vain?"

Following his order, the light and heavy machine guns on the second regiment's position heard a burst of bolt pulling sound, ready to fire!

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely tense!

"Get ready!" Zang Xuecheng raised his arm, as soon as it fell, a fierce fight would start!

Behind the corner not far away, Luo Xiao, who had changed into the uniform of the Security Force, hid in the dark, observing the movement on the scene, he seemed to be about to fight, and was secretly happy in his heart!

But at this critical moment, someone suddenly shouted, "Stop it!"

This voice startled everyone present. Everyone looked back together and found a passage flashed out from the crowd, and a group of Japanese filed in from outside!

The one who walked in the front was Colonel Hamamoto Zenzaburo, who was the one who spoke just now!

Seeing their master coming, the anger on Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli's faces subsided a little, and their raised arms slowly lowered!

When the Japanese arrived, they naturally wanted to save face!


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