Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 259 Dog bites dog, 2 mouth hair

Seeing Hamamoto Zenzaburo and other Japanese officers arrive, Luo Xiao knew that something had gone wrong, and it might not develop according to his plan!

Although Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli have the hatred of killing their sons, the Japanese still have to give them face, even if they plot against each other secretly, or even shoot black guns when fighting together, at least they can't fight today!

But Luo Xiao didn't want to let go of today's great opportunity. If he missed it, it might be difficult to find him in the future!

Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli are both old foxes with deep scheming minds. The reason why they are so impulsive now is because the pain of bereavement made them lose their minds. Once they calm down, they will probably find something strange!

If you don't fight today, the possibility of fighting in the future will be even smaller!

Luo Xiao thought about it and made up his mind to find a way to make them fight if he took the risk!

Having decided so, Luo Xiao turned around and grabbed a Type [-] rifle, then aimed at Colonel Zenzaburo Hamamoto, ready to kill with a borrowed knife.

Colonel Hamamoto Zenzaburo didn't know that someone was already thinking about him, and he was still aiming at him with a gun. At this time, he walked to stand between Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli with a smile on his face.

He looked at Zang Xuecheng, then turned his head to look at Ma Xueli, he cleared his throat, and said, "Both of you are capable generals of our Great Japanese Empire, and they will be recorded in the imperial records as heroes of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere in the future." In the annals of history, swordsmen are now facing each other over such a small conflict, and people will laugh at it if it is spread out!"

"Master Hamamoto, the conflict between us is not as small as you said, but the revenge of killing a son!" Facing the Japanese officer, Zang Xuecheng naturally did not dare to speak with the attitude and tone just now, and said with a friendly face, "There is an ancient Chinese saying that the hatred of killing a son is irreconcilable, and Ma Xueli and I will be incompatible in the future!"

"Yes, I must avenge the murder of my son. From now on, if there is him, there will be no me, and if there is me, there will be no him!" Ma Xueli also said angrily on the other side.

Seeing that the persuasion was ineffective, Hamamoto Zenzaburo immediately put on a serious face and assumed the posture of his master, "As senior officers of the security forces, you do not put the interests of the Great Japanese Empire first, but are entangled in your personal interests. On behalf of the Great Japanese The Imperial Kanto Dispatched Army expresses its great disappointment to you, and we will consider whether you are suitable for the post of senior officer of the Security Force!"

What he said was a blatant warning, and the implicit meaning was: If you two dogs are disobedient, we Japanese will consider replacing them with another two!

These words had more weight than the persuasion just now, and made Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli silent. Although they didn't speak, it could be seen that the tension was gradually weakening, and the atmosphere at the scene was changing for the better!

"No, if this goes on like this, this good show will be interrupted by the little devil!" Luo Xiao's heart moved, and he decided not to wait any longer.

The front sight of the Type [-] rifle aimed at Zenzaburo Hamamoto's forehead, and then he put his finger on the trigger, and pulled the trigger after a deep breath!

The crisp gunfire of the Type [-] rifle was particularly obvious in the silence, and at the same time, Zenzaburo Hamamoto's eyes suddenly widened, and then he stared blankly ahead in disbelief, then his body froze and fell down!A bullet hole in his forehead spurted blood!

The place is in chaos!

The shot came so abruptly that Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli were a little caught off guard. They looked down at Zenzaburo Hamamoto who had died on the ground, and then turned their heads and shouted to the soldiers behind them, "Who told you to shoot?" !"

The security army soldiers behind Mengmeng looked at each other, none of them fired, but the bullet was indeed shot from the crowd, even if it was an explanation, no one would believe it!

Hamamoto Zenzaburo also brought several Japanese officers with him when he came this time, all of whom were commanders of his 16th Regiment.When these people saw that their commander was beaten to death, they became anxious all of a sudden, pulled out their command knives from their waists, and yelled at Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli, "Your conscience is so bad that you even killed the regiment leader!" Colonel!"

"We didn't do it, we didn't shoot!" Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli felt that they had died unjustly. They obviously didn't shoot, but they were planted on their heads!

Their gazes fell on the person opposite, their hearts moved, and they raised their fingers almost at the same time, pointing at the enemy standing opposite each other, "It was him, and it was his people who shot and killed Your Excellency the Colonel!"

Maybe they didn't expect the other party to do the same, so both of them were stunned for a moment, and then both drew out their pistols and pointed at each other.

"Who the hell fired the shots?" The Japanese officers were also confused. Both sides insisted that the other side fired the shots, which made them unable to tell who did it.

At this moment, there was another gunshot from Ma Xueli's side, followed by one of the Japanese soldiers turning over and falling to the ground.

The soldiers of the security forces present were in a mess. Everyone looked towards the place where the gunfire sounded, but they couldn't see who fired it.

"Baga, your conscience is greatly broken!" The Japanese military officers were furious. Under their noses, these security forces dared to kill their officers of the Great Japanese Empire. This is too arrogant!

At the same time, someone did not know who shouted, "Brothers, kill the little devil!" Then the gunfire rang out again!

Both Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli had a sudden change in their minds, thinking that this was a good opportunity to get rid of each other, so they shouted, "Brothers, they were shot by the other side, catch them!"

With an order, all the security forces on both sides opened fire, light and heavy machine guns went into battle at the same time, and the second regiment's gate was shot with mud flying, shrapnel flying across, and a large number of corpses fell in the blink of an eye.

The most unlucky ones were those Japanese officers caught in the middle. They happened to be located in the core area of ​​the exchange of fire between the two sides. The bullets bathed them in an instant, and these little devils were beaten all over their bodies like colanders. Well, a pool of mud fell on the ground!

The reason why Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli did not prevent the soldiers from killing them was also to kill them, because they were all there just now, and if they said something bad to themselves, it would be a trouble in the future, so it would be better to kill them quickly.

As for the opposite opponent accusing himself, because of the contradictory relationship, the credibility is questionable.

It was with this kind of thinking that those Japanese officers were very unlucky and became their ghosts.

Now that there is no mediator, Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli have no more worries. They throw off their arms and fight hard, taking turns to fight with light and heavy weapons. It is a joy to fight!

In Fengtian City, this area was like setting off firecrackers. The gunshots rang out, disturbing most of Fengtian City. Other troops nearby sent people to check, even the 16th Regiment of the Japanese Army stationed near Huangjue Temple They were all shocked!

It's a pity that all of their officers died at the scene of the firefight. Without the commander's order, these troops could only watch the lively fighting there, but they couldn't go to suppress it.


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