Fengtian City was alarmed today. Pedestrians were everywhere on the street. Everyone put down their work and walked out of their shops, vendors and workshops, leaning their necks to listen to the gunshots.

Since the Japanese occupied Fengtian, without their provocations, no major battles broke out in the city. This is the first time that the gunshots in the city were so intense.

Everyone listened and guessed, until a team of Japanese military police arrived and dispersed them, and then they dispersed slowly!

The battle between Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli lasted for a full hour and a half, until the captain of the Japanese Mukden Gendarmerie, Quan Yangjian, arrived with a squadron of devils, and then it slowly stopped.

However, he was already late. After more than an hour of fierce fighting just now, both the first and second regiments of the security forces suffered serious losses, with more than half of the casualties!

Among them, because it was a charge, Zang Xuecheng's first regiment suffered more losses. Of the more than 2000 people they brought, only more than 800 were left to fight, and many of the remaining survivors were injured!

Inuyang Ken stood in the middle of the battlefield, looked at Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli who were standing beside him, and growled angrily, "You two stupid pigs, you actually killed Mr. Hamamoto Zenzaburo, and the 16th Regiment So many officers, come here, pull them out and shoot them?"

The security forces had already been disarmed, and they were guarded by the military police of the Japanese Fengtian Gendarmerie, so Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli had no chance of resisting, and they were set up by the Japanese military police and dragged aside for execution.

"Captain Quanyang, we were wronged!" The two of them were also terrified at this time. This battle cleared their brains from the anger they had been burning with. Thinking of the serious consequences they had caused, the two of them almost urinated He took off his pants, and when he was being dragged away, he was still yelling loudly.

Chief of Staff Sakata stood beside Inuyang Fitness, he frowned, and whispered to Inuyang Jian, "Mr. Inuyang, I think something is very strange here, these two people can't die for the time being, and we still need to investigate the situation Woolen cloth?"

"Okay, then bring the two of them back to the Gendarmerie, and wait until the investigation is clear!" Regarding Sakata, Inuyang Ken could almost be said to be obedient, seeing what he said, he waved his hand and asked the Japanese Gendarmerie to take the two of them away up!

Of course, the officers of the security forces who participated in the war were also taken away together, and they were slowly loaded into the trucks used by the two armies.

The officers were captured, and the rest of the security forces had to clean up the battlefield under the surveillance of the Japanese. They collected the bodies of the soldiers who died in battle, buried the blood on the ground with sand, and demolished the fortifications at the entrance of the Second Regiment. What!

More than half an hour later, Zang Xuecheng's first regiment returned to the station, and the remnants of Ma Xueli's second regiment also went back dejectedly!

A tragic fight came to an end with a loss for both sides!

From then on, the first regiment and the second regiment became sworn enemies. Whenever they met, they glared at each other, and often even fought violently, which caused headaches for the police, detective team and Japanese military police in Fengtian City.

When the two sides began to exchange fire, Luo Xiao quietly retreated to a distance, found a high place, and watched the battle here with binoculars.

As he watched, he was happy in his heart. Generally speaking, the fishing plan was a success. Although the arrival of the Quanyangjian Gendarmerie Brigade did not kill the two teams, at least the current security forces are seriously injured. , The threat to future actions has been greatly weakened!

After losing so many people, it would be impossible to recover within a year or so, but within a year, the Fengtian City Division might already be in Luo Xiao's hands, and there would be no security forces at that time. It's necessary!

After observing that there was no one on the battlefield, Luo Xiao left the high place and returned to Tang Tianhao's barracks!

Inside the barracks, Tang Tianhao was waiting excitedly for the result of the fight between the two sides. Seeing Luo Xiao came back from outside, he immediately walked over happily, and asked in a low voice, "Luo Xiao, how is the battle going?"

Luo Xiao chuckled, looked to the left and right, saw that no one else was there, and then said in a low voice, "The fight was quite lively. Zang Xuecheng's first regiment died more than 2000 people, and Ma Xueli was reimbursed for nothing. All of a sudden, the security forces are like having an arm broken!"

"it is good!"

Tang Tianhao slapped his thigh and said excitedly, "Now, I'm afraid they will have to be honest for a while!"

Luo Xiao nodded, and then said, "This time is also your chance. Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli's troops were greatly damaged, and they were sent to the gendarmerie. I am afraid that the defense of Fengtian City will be handed over to you. In this way , it created favorable conditions for us to counterattack Fengtian!"

Tang Tianhao thought about it, and thought it was right. Based on the fact that Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli killed Colonel Hamamoto Zenzaburo, I am afraid that this time the gendarmerie will be easy to get in, but it will not be so easy to get out. The layers of skin fell off, so the security forces were leaderless for a while.

In this way, if the devils want to find someone who can take on Fengtian's defense, they only have their own three regiments and one battalion.

If you master Fengtian's eight gates and nine passes, it means that Fengtian's gate has fallen into Luo Xiao's hands, and when the time comes to attack, you will be able to reduce a lot of sacrifices!

Luo Xiao made a lot of money from this fishing plan, which not only weakened the power of the devils, but also planted a good foreshadowing for himself, waiting to be uncovered in the future.

When people are in good spirits on happy occasions, Tang Tianhao asked the cooking team to cook a few side dishes, and then there is still the Shaodaozi wine in reserve. The two of them had a small stove today and had a drink or two in his camp.

During the meal, the two of them were not idle, they discussed a lot of things to do next, and sorted out a clear clue.In this way, even if Luo Xiao is not around, Tang Tianhao can still follow the pre-discussed plan, so that he won't be caught blind!

After eating this meal for an hour, Luo Xiao left Tang Tianhao's first battalion and headed to the Bird Island Base in Dongling. He wanted to check how the Beacon Team's training was going!

Three days ago, the Beacon team's base had already been built, and formal training began, and the follow-up facilities and equipment were also being delivered in full swing, and it is estimated that they will arrive in a short time!

With these things, coupled with the meticulous training of the special forces members, I believe that the skills and tactics of the soldiers of the Beacon Team will definitely be greatly improved, and they will grow up soon!

The Beacon Team is another main force of Luo Xiao, and it will be an important trump card for counterattacking Fengtian in the future, so he must make this team a sharp knife team, at least it can't be worse than Duan Ying's Dragon Wing team!

In this way, he must have more snacks!


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