Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 261 1 See Gendarmerie Peeling Skin

Gendarmerie, an army or part of a military command at a certain level, which exercises police powers among soldiers and those attached to the unit, arrests deserters and guards prisoners.

Like the armored forces and the aviation force, the military police is also a regular permanent arm of the armies of most countries in the world.It is mainly responsible for maintaining military discipline, ensuring the execution of military orders, and organizing military courts.A veritable policeman in an army.

The function of the Japanese Gendarmerie during World War II was also to manage the army in the country, but after it arrived in China, its nature changed and it became an institution that specializes in managing Chinese people!

The Fengtian Gendarmerie is now located in an independent courtyard in the Marshal's Mansion, and the entrance is at the west gate of the Marshal's Mansion.

There is no sign on the gate of the Japanese Fengtian Gendarmerie. There is only a Japanese Gendarmerie standing there with a [-] cover on his back, but the passing people hide away, as if it is hell there!

In fact, for the Chinese at that time, entering here was like entering hell. It was a narrow escape, or even ten deaths!

Generally, those arrested by the gendarmerie are anti-Japanese elements, and they also adhere to the principle that they would rather catch and kill by mistake than let them go. Therefore, anyone who is arrested will be tortured and tortured. Many people were tortured to death!

The Fengtian Japanese Gendarmerie has set up two classes, namely the super high class and the economics class, which are responsible for criminal and economic matters respectively. The captain of the brigade, Quan Yangjian, is generally not directly responsible for specific actions, but sits at home!

Originally, the Japanese Gendarmerie was located in an independent compound in the west of the city. It was originally the residence of the prince in the Qing Dynasty, with high walls and a wide courtyard, easy to defend and difficult to attack. There is no need for maintenance at all!

Therefore, the gendarmerie moved to the Marshal's Mansion, crowded together with other Japanese agencies stationed in Fengtian!

If you want to talk about the gendarmerie, their cells are naturally indispensable. This is the hell for those prisoners!

From the ground through a long corridor, you can enter the underground cell.The light here is dim, the atmosphere is gloomy, and because of poor ventilation, the air is filled with unpleasant smells all the time.

In a spacious corridor, there are cells on both sides, and iron bars are installed on the thick iron doors, so that the prisoners who want to escape have no chance to take advantage of it.And the twelve Japanese military police standing with rifles in the corridor made the illusion of escape come to naught!

In the two cells closest to the end of the corridor, Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli were sitting in the corner, looking up at the roof above their heads with blank eyes. Not so dark!

There was no bed on the ground, only a pile of dry straw, which hadn't been changed for an unknown period of time. It was already moldy and exuded a suffocating smell.The wall was smeared with someone's blood, which had already dried up and was black and red!

Although the two were high-ranking officers of the security forces and had sacrificed their lives to the devils, once they were captured by the Japanese Gendarmerie, they received no preferential treatment like ordinary prisoners.

This is the fate of being a lackey!

The dungeon was very quiet, and from time to time one could hear a faint groan coming from the inhabited cell, or the clattering of leg shackles!

Zang Xuecheng closed his eyes, and the collar of the military uniform was unbuttoned, revealing the white shirt inside. They were also senior officers of the Security Force, so Quan Yangjian didn't beat them, but just locked them up!

The security forces are directly under the headquarters of the Kwantung Army, so Inuyang Ken has no right to handle this matter. He has to report it to the commander of the Kwantung Army Shigeru Honjo, and let the commander himself handle it!

Therefore, before Zhuang Fan arrived, Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli were imprisoned in the dungeon, and they were not brought up for interrogation or punished!

Three meals a day are delivered on time, but they are full after just looking at the rough steamed bread and the moldy pickles on it, so how can they eat it, so what they eat every day is delivered and brought back of!

Under the light, Zang Xuecheng's face looked quite haggard, and a long shadow was drawn out by the light. He closed his eyes, and he didn't know if he was asleep or not, but he just moved his body occasionally!

Suddenly, the sound of the iron door came from the corridor at the end. It sounded like someone had come down from above, and then there was the sound of the big lock on the iron door being opened, and then the iron door was pushed open with a creak!

Zang Xuecheng's slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, because he heard the sound of Japanese military officers' big leather boots sounding in the corridor, and the direction seemed to be where he was!

"Could it be that the commander is here?" Zang Xuecheng's heart moved, and he hurriedly stood up from the ground. After this tossing, he felt his head buzzing, and many gold stars appeared in front of his eyes.

It was only then that he realized that he hadn't eaten for more than a day, Zang Xuecheng laughed at himself, and then rushed to the window regardless of these!

Ma Xueli on the opposite side also showed the same behavior, and rushed to the window at the same time. The two looked at each other, and they both saw deep hatred in each other's eyes!

A line of Japanese military officers came from the other end of the corridor. The Japanese military officer in the front was wearing a general's uniform and carrying a bushido in his hand. It was the commander-in-chief of the Japanese Kwantung Army, Shigeru Honjo. He was accompanied by Ken Inuyang and Sakata!

"Commander, I was wronged!" Seeing Ben Zhuang Fan's shadow, Ma Xueli opened his mouth first, crying in a crying voice.

Zang Xueben opened his mouth too, but he didn't expect to be preempted by Ma Xueli. He glared at Ma Xueli angrily, and closed his mouth helplessly!

Benzhuang Fan heard Ma Xueli's shout, but he still remained expressionless, strode to the middle of the cell where the two were, looked at the two respectively, and then waved!

Inu Yangjian quickly ordered people to open the cell, and then several Japanese military police rushed up, tied the two people up with ropes, and then walked towards the torture room with Shigeru Honjo behind!

The torture room is at the end of the corner of the corridor, facing the passageway coming down. It is about a hundred square meters in size, and a large pool with a length and width of several meters was dug inside. one person.

The lower bodies of several people were in the water, up to their chests. The pool water had been left for an unknown amount of time, and it was covered with black foam. There were still blood and maggots floating on the water surface, and a smell of rotting flesh wafted from it.The few people who were fixed on the wooden stakes were already dying, their heads were hanging down, and their faces were covered by their messy hair!

Ma Xueli glanced and found that one of them was a woman, who was also fixed in the water, with her head down and motionless!

The sound of Quan Yangjian and the others walking in the door startled the few people in the pool. Two of them looked up and cursed in a weak voice, "Down with Japanese imperialism, long live the Chinese people!"


A spiked whip was thrown over, leaving a bloodstain on the man's chest, and the pool of water immediately submerged the scar, and he couldn't help moaning from the burning pain!

"These people are die-hards, just let them go until they die!" Inu Yangjian seemed to turn a blind eye to all this, and said to the Japanese military police standing by the pool with a whip.

Several Japanese gendarmes bowed to him, "Hi, captain!"

Ben Zhuangfan didn't even look at all of this, but went straight to the back of the interrogation table, sat on the chair, and waved to the other side!

Several wolf-like Japanese military police rushed over, picked up Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli, put them on the long bench opposite the interrogation table, and fixed them with iron rings!

Benzhuang Fan raised his head, glanced at the faces of the two, and said in a flat tone, "Zang Sang, Ma Sang, do you two have anything to say?"


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