Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 262 Interrogation

"Commander, I was wronged!"

The two opened their mouths almost at the same time, and what they said was surprisingly the same!

Whip, chili water, tiger bench, red bricks, bars, iron... Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli's bodies were chilled by all the instruments of torture around them. A real guy for torture to extract confessions!

Thinking that all these things will fall on them in a while, the two of them feel their stomachs sinking, and they seem to have the urge to go to the bathroom. If they didn't try their best to endure it, they might have already solved it on the spot!

Benzhuang Fanrao looked at the two with interest, he smiled slightly, and said, "Oh, what you two said is strikingly similar, so who should I listen to?"

"Commander, how loyal I am to you and the Kwantung Army, you must be very clear. At the beginning, despite the opposition of my cousin and family, I resolutely devoted myself to the construction of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. I think this is enough to express my sincerity. It's gone!" This time, Zang Xuecheng said this before Ma Xueli.

After finishing speaking, he took a breath, then turned his head and stared at Ma Xueli viciously, "Commander, Ma Xueli colluded with bandit gunmen, assassinated my son and the children of a group of famous people in Fengtian, and openly attacked Japanese military officers such as Hamamoto Zenzaburo. !"

"Zang Xuecheng, you spitting blood!" Ma Xueli was in a hurry, he almost jumped up from the bench, and shouted angrily, "The bullet that killed Chief Zenzaburo Hamamoto flew out of your team, and it was your people who shouted to kill you!" How can you blame me for what the little devil said!" Ma Xueli blushed, and he continued, "I didn't kill your son and those people, but your son killed my son. right?"

"You ordered people to do it!" Zang Xuecheng insisted, but he didn't let go.

Seeing the two dogs biting the dog, Benzhuang Fan showed a smile on the corner of his mouth. He called Quan Yangjian, and then whispered a few words in his ear.

"Yes, Commander!"

Inuyang Ken nodded, and then shouted, the Japanese military police loosened the ropes of the two people, but their hands and feet were fixed in the iron rings on a board.

Looking at the two people who were fixed in large characters on the wooden board, Inuyang Ken grinned grimly, "You two had better tell the truth quickly, otherwise these punishments from the gendarmerie won't be so easy!"

"Captain Quanyang, I'm telling the truth!" The two felt that they had been wronged to death.

"Okay, if that's the case, then don't blame me for not being sympathetic!" Quan Yangjian shouted, and several Japanese military police who took off their shirts and exposed their upper bodies walked up from behind him, standing between two Individuals!

"Next, I'll invite the two of you to have a taste of the whip!" Quan Yangjian gave an order with a ferocious smile!


In the office of the captain of the gendarmerie, Ben Zhuangfan finished reading the confessions of the two people, then pondered for a while, then raised his head and looked at Inuyang Ken and Sakata, "What do you think of the confessions of these two people?"

Quan Yangjian scolded viciously, "People in China have broken consciences, and those who don't tell the truth should die!"

Sakata disagreed with him. He said, "Judging from the situation during the interrogation and their confessions, it seems that these two people are not lying. I'm a little suspicious now?"

"What do you suspect?" Fan Zhuang asked.

Sakata pondered for a while, "I suspect that this is a conspiracy planned by someone, and both of them have been calculated by someone!"

"Oh, why do you say that?" Shigeru Honjo seemed to be quite interested in what Sakata said, and he signaled Sakata to continue talking!

"The whole thing went really smoothly, from Zang Haikui's jealousy with Ma Guangyuan to his shooting and killing of Ma Guangyuan, and then Ma Xueli hired someone to kill Zang Haikui; and then Zang Xuecheng went to Ma Xueli because of his love for his son, and asked Revenge!" Sakata seemed to be lost in thought, and murmured, "Sensei Zenzaburo Hamamoto went to mediate, there was already hope, but at this moment a soldier opened fire, which dragged the matter to the worse, and eventually led to a massacre. Rush!"

"Yeah, that's how it happened!" On the side, Quan Yangjian nodded.

Sakata reached out and touched his nose, "It seems that all the clues are connected together, and everything can be explained, but because it is so smooth, I feel that there seems to be something wrong!"

"What's wrong with this?" Quan Yangjian is simple-minded, he really can't figure out these things!

On the contrary, Shigeru Honjo showed admiration, stood up with a laugh, "Xiao Sakata, you guessed right, there is an invisible black hand manipulating everything in this incident!"

"Ah?!" Both of them were taken aback, they didn't expect that Commander Benzhuang Fan had already noticed.

Ben Zhuangfan smiled slightly, slapped his palms, and then the door of the office opened, and a young man wearing a Japanese Kwantung Army officer uniform came in from the door!

"Fujita-kun!" Seeing Fujita Hikaru standing in front of the two of them, Inuyang Ken and Sakata called out at the same time.

Hikaru Fujita was dressed in a straight military uniform, with a smile on his sharp-edged face, nodded to the two of them, and then said, "Captain Inuyang, Chief of Staff Sakata, I know who is behind this matter?"

"Who is it?" Both of them were a little curious, not knowing who the person behind this was, to have such a clever method.

"Luo Xiao, the captain of the Huya Special Forces Brigade!" Hikaru Fujita spat out these words lightly, but the weight of these words was no less than a blockbuster.

Quan Yangjian covered his forehead helplessly, and groaned, "It's Luo Xiao again, why is he everywhere?!"

He was too familiar with this name, as long as Luo Xiao appeared, the Japanese would be turned on their backs, with heavy casualties, and no one survived!

Up to now, the name Luo Xiao has become a nightmare for the Fengtian Japanese army. Whenever he is mentioned, the Japanese soldiers can't sleep well.

Sakata had a different idea from Inuyang Ken, he stared at Hikari Fujita with a little doubt, "Fujita-kun, do you have any evidence for that?"

"Of course I have evidence!" Luo Xiao said, took out a report from his pocket, and respectfully handed it in front of Zhuang Fan, "This is the report on the results of my investigation on the Qing Yuntang site and the manor site. The detection of the remaining bullet casings and ballistic traces all show that the murderer is undoubtedly Luo Xiao!"

Shigeru Honjo had already read the report, so he put the report on the table and motioned Sakata to take a look.Sakata hurriedly took it in his hand and flipped through it hastily!


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