Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 263 Interrogation

"5.8 caliber bullets, automatic weapons with silencers, and high-spec sabers... these are not equipped by bandits, only professional special forces can equip them!" Sakata couldn't help exclaiming as he looked at these things.

Hikaru Fujita interjected, "The advanced level of these weapons and equipment, according to my estimation, is at least 50 years old. Our commando team has already ordered the most advanced weapons from Europe, but it is still far inferior to these weapons!"

"So, this team is Luo Xiao's special combat team?" Sakata now believed in Fujita Hikaru's speculation!

"Yes, the murderer is undoubtedly Luo Xiao, what a pity!" Fujita Hikaru sighed at this point, "I have admired these weapons and equipment for a long time, and I want to get some research, but the other party has always been very vigilant. After each battle, nothing of value is left except for the eggshells, how cunning!"

At this level, even a simple-minded guy like Quan Yangjian understands that this is a trap set by Luo Xiao, and Zang Xuecheng is wronged!

However, when he knew that Commander Shigeru Honjo knew that the two people were wronged before the interrogation, Inuyang Ken asked a question, that is why they were tortured.

Ben Zhuangfan said meaningfully, "The Chinese people are like war horses. If you are arrogant and indulgent to them, they will lose their temper from time to time. At this time, you need to teach them a lesson with a whip, so that they will He listens a lot!"

"Oh, so that's the case, the commander is because the two of Zang Xuecheng are a little confused about who is the master and who is the servant?" Sakata thought carefully, and immediately guessed the intention of Honzhuang Fan!

"Hehe, in this incident, Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli relied on our trust and some troops in their hands, so they didn't take the cause of the Great Japanese Empire to heart, and fought in Fengtian City without authorization. If they don't teach them an unforgettable lesson this time, They will commit another crime if they cannot be saved in the future!"

Inuyang Ken and Sakata nodded knowingly!

"Okay, you all know the matter, I should go too, let Mr. Fujita cooperate with you for the rest!" Shigeru Honjo spoke, stood up, and walked outside. When he reached the door, He stopped and said again, "Remember, you need to use a whip and a steamed bun to deal with those people, so that they will be obedient!"

The two responded in unison, and then respectfully sent him out of the gendarmerie!

Hikaru Fujita stayed by the two of them until he sent Shigeru Honjo away, and then he said to the two, "Captain Inuyang, Chief of Staff Sakata, next we are going to see those two who were wronged!"

"Okay, let's go to the torture room!" The three of them walked towards the torture room together!

In the underground torture room, Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli were tied to wooden boards, their bodies were covered with bloodstains from the whip. There are bruises inside!

The sweat flowing through the wound brought a burst of burning pain, which made the two of them twitch involuntarily!

Under the two of them, at some point, a stool was placed on it, their calves were tied to it, and two red bricks were placed under their ankles, and the rope was strangled into their muscles. The pain made them want to Shout but can't shout again.

"How about it, do you want to tell me?" The executioner carried a brick in his hand, and kept shaking it in front of the two people, tempting them, "Whoever you tell the truth first, I will put it on the other side!"

Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli looked at each other, naturally wanting to see the other party being tortured, but they really had nothing to recruit.

As for the confession according to the devil's desire, it is estimated that after the confession is over, the day of beheading will not be far away. They are not so stupid yet, joking with their own lives!

So the two of them simply closed their eyes and didn't say a word!

The executioner was so bored that he couldn't help but get angry. Anyway, the captain said that as long as he didn't kill him, he grinned grinningly and raised the brick, intending to stuff it under Zang Xuecheng's ankle.

At this time, the door of the torture room was pushed open, Inuyang Ken and Sakata walked in from the outside, and behind them was a young officer in military uniform.

As soon as he entered the door, Quan Yangjian saw the executioner holding a brick, so he hurriedly shouted, "Stop, the torture will be cancelled!"

The executioner was stunned by the captain's shout, he didn't know why the captain wanted to stop him, but since the captain said so, he had no choice but to put down the brick, and then he and a few others tied the two people together. The hoop is off!

As soon as the hands and feet were free, the two of Zang Xuecheng were paralyzed on the ground, with severe pain as if his legs were broken, and it was as difficult for the two of them to stand up as to climb to the sky!

A few Japanese gendarmes rushed up, lifted the two people up, and put them in two chairs beside them, letting them have a rest!

I don't know where Quan Yangjian is acting, Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli looked at him, panted and asked, "Captain, what do you mean?"

Sakata walked over hurriedly with a smile on his face, and explained as if he had just understood, "Commander Zang, Commander Ma, it is really a mistake in our work, and we have wronged you and made you suffer for so long in vain. Bitter, Sakata is here to apologize to you on behalf of the gendarmerie!" As he spoke, he stood at attention with both legs and bowed at ninety degrees!

The change was so fast that both of them couldn't turn their minds around for a while, they looked at Sakata suspiciously, "Chief of Staff Sakata, is what you said true?"

"Really, of course it is true. Fujita-kun has obtained strong evidence that this is a conspiracy by a man named Luo Xiao. You have all been framed by him!"

"Luo Xiao!" Both Zang Xuecheng and Ma Xueli had heard of Luo Xiao, but because they hadn't met them before, they didn't pay much attention to it, and now they noticed it!

"Yes, all of this is his conspiracy. If I, Fujita Hikari, am not wrong, he also killed your two sons!" Fujita Hikaru opened his mouth.

"What, he killed the sea anemone?" Zang Xuecheng gritted his teeth when he heard his son was mentioned, as if he wanted to eat people.Ma Xueli on the other side had a similar expression to him.

Hikaru Fujita smiled slightly, and then handed a report to them, "There are some investigations and tests on the crime scene, you can see for yourself!"

After receiving the report, the two of them looked word by word, and the more they looked at it, the more ugly their expressions became, and in the end they were on the verge of breaking out!

After tearing the report into pieces, Zang Xuecheng roared, "Luo Xiao, I'm not done with you!"

Now that he knew that the murderer was Luo Xiao, Zang Xuecheng's hatred towards Ma Xueli had been somewhat reduced, but because both of them had killed and injured many subordinates, the knot had been formed, and it was impossible to get rid of it so easily.

The Japanese don't want the relationship between two people to be too close, and this is what they want to see!

After ordering the Japanese military police to send the two of them home, Inuyang Ken and Sakata, with the assistance of Fujita Hikaru, launched a search across the city, hoping to find Luo Xiao's trace!

Although they also know that there is little hope of finding it!


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