As if he was born with a busy life, Luo Xiao left Tang Tianhao's barracks after lunch and rushed to the Bird Island base, but this helped him instead, avoiding the search by Hikaru Fujita in the city!

At this time, on the small island where the Beacon Team is located, intense training is going on, and there are soldiers of the Beacon Team everywhere!

Sun Dong is wearing a grass-green camouflage special combat uniform, wearing a training cap on his head, holding a branch in his hand, and is supervising the soldiers of the Beacon Team standing in a military posture!

Standing in the military posture, also known as "drawing the military posture", is the first lesson for soldiers. When you first enter the barracks, you must learn to stand in the military posture. It can be said that standing in the military posture is the mother of all military actions.

Speaking of the significance of standing in the military posture, it is to temper the tenacious will of the soldiers, hone the unyielding perseverance of the soldiers, and cultivate the discipline of steel.

Sun Dong folded his hands behind his back, with branches swaying behind him, and walked slowly among the soldiers of the Fengyan Squadron. Show the true colors of soldiers, show the bravery and loyalty of soldiers, show the blood and masculinity of soldiers, and a soldier who does not have a good military posture is not a good soldier!"

The soldiers stood upright, each one like a pole, connected into a straight line, and then formed a square like a knife!

"The first point of the essentials of standing in the military posture is: separate your feet at [-] degrees, keep your feet straight, stick your thumbs to the second joint of your index fingers, and let your hands hang down naturally. Make sure to stick them tightly. If someone pulls your hands hard, Even if your people are torn down, you can't let go of your hand!"

While talking, he suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled the arm of the next soldier, and it moved!

"Go, a hundred push-ups!" Sun Dong roared, his voice shaking the entire training ground, "This is the end of being lazy!"

The soldiers didn't get angry, they clamped their arms desperately, Sun Dong pulled a few more, and then nodded in satisfaction!

"The second point of essentials: Tighten your abdomen, hold your chest up, raise your head, look forward, and stretch your shoulders back!" Sun Dong continued to yell, I really don't know where he got so confident, he yelled three times and still does the same Full of energy.

This time the soldiers were very well-behaved, and they all followed Sun Dongjiao's essentials, and Sun Dong didn't let Sun Dong check out any problems!

Sun Dong turned around in satisfaction, and continued to roar, "Clamp your legs tightly, and grab the ground with your feet, you must have a feeling of stepping on the ground; keep your eyes on the front and don't squint, and don't blink when the wind blows and sands your eyes; close your eyes." Raise the abdomen and buttocks, protect the body, make the body as strong as steel..."

The soldiers strictly followed the essentials he said. Although it was late autumn, everyone's faces and bodies were covered with sweat!

Standing in a military posture is very exhausting, and it is fine in the short term, but after a long time, all these soldiers are a little bit unable to hold on, and some people start to be lazy!

Sun Dong kept his composure and walked around in the crowd. When he got around behind the lazy soldier, he suddenly raised his leg and kicked behind the opponent's knee!

Because he was being lazy, the soldier's legs didn't stretch at all. This kick caught him off guard, and he knelt on the ground as soon as his knees softened!

The soldiers all burst out laughing!

"What are you laughing at, what's so funny about being lazy!" Sun Dong stared, and shouted, "Give me a long memory, whoever is lazy will be like him!" The lazy fighter, "I tell you, if you are lazy, I have a lot of ways to punish you, and I will make you feel comfortable and call your mother!"

These words combined with Sun Dong's man-eating expression, all the soldiers of the Fengyan team trembled in their hearts, no one dared to be lazy, and they all tried their best to clenched their teeth and persisted!

After the military posture training, the formation training began, such as turning left, turning right, turning backward, straddling, walking in unison, walking forward... All kinds of basic formation drills made the soldiers feel dizzy swelling.

However, no one dared to raise their opinions. They had already seen how powerful these instructors were. Some people were not convinced. As a result, they were beaten so badly during the competition with the instructors that they didn't even have the strength to resist!

Facts speak louder than words. The soldiers of the Beacon Team convinced these instructors who didn't look particularly strong, knowing that their ordinary-looking bodies contained terrifying energy!

In this way, during the sweaty training of the soldiers, one day passed, and then it was time to eat!

This time is the most favorite part of the soldiers, because they can play songs before eating. Although they don’t sing very well, everyone is very excited. They sing with the loudest voice while pulling their necks. The sound was blown away!

Sun Dong withdrew from the cafeteria, looked at the high-spirited soldiers, and secretly sighed in his heart, "Seeing them, it's like seeing how I was when I first joined the army. They are so energetic and passionate!"

Looking at it now, my heart seems to have been sharpened like a stone, and there are very few times when there are waves!

While thinking, he walked towards the playground, there are still some things that have not been dealt with clearly, he wants to go back!

While recalling the days when he was at the base, Sun Dong walked towards the playground. When he came to the edge of the playground, he saw a familiar figure standing on the climbing wall in a daze!

Sun Dong's heart moved, as if he had seen the scene when he attacked the captain for the first time!There was a smirk on the corner of his mouth, and he tiptoed over!

Luo Xiao stood in front of the climbing wall, holding on to the rough bricks with his hands, full of thoughts!

He thought of the base where he had lived for 20 years, his comrades-in-arms who were like brothers, and the old man at home!

At the beginning, it was the old man who strongly supported him to enter the special warfare base. Later, he became the captain of an elite special warfare brigade and was promoted to the rank of colonel!

"Old man, how is your health at home? Is your blood pressure high again? How many times have I told you to drink less alcohol, but you just don't listen? I don't think you can change it in this life!" Luo Xiao said to himself , as if this cold brick wall was his old man who started to like to chatter, he couldn't help showing a happy smile on the corner of his mouth!

Just when Luo Xiao was immersed in warm memories, suddenly he felt a warning sign appeared in his heart, and immediately after that, he heard a gust of wind coming from behind.

When he was attacked suddenly, Luo Xiao didn't panic at all. He swung his body to the left and got out of the way of the opponent's pounce. shoulders, and at the same time, his feet hooked the opponent's head!

With a twist of his hand and a hook of his foot, Luo Xiao threw the opponent to the ground and restrained him with his arms and knees at the same time. The whole process was neat and neat, not even half a second!


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