"Captain, it's me!"

Sun Dong, who sneaked up on Luo Xiao from behind, but was subdued on the ground, moaned and shouted loudly, fearing that Luo Xiao would be successful, give himself a shoulder twist!

With Luo Xiao's strength, he estimated that his head would turn 180 degrees at that moment, and he went directly to the underground to work as an underground worker!

"Hey, I know it's you!" Luo Xiao recognized Sun Dong when he subdued him, so he smiled and let go.

Sun Dong, a carp, jumped up, shook the dust off his body, and then said with a playful smile, "Captain, it seems that you haven't put down your kung fu, and you still haven't made a sneak attack!"

What he said reminded Luo Xiao of the time when Sun Dong attacked him for the first time, and couldn't help laughing.

At that time, Sun Dong was still a recruit, and he was a troublemaker among the recruits, which made people very troubled. He was the instructor of the recruit team at the beginning, and he taught these troublemakers a lot. Sun Dong was very unconvinced. He once attacked the instructor who was an instructor Once by myself, I was thrown badly by myself!

Unexpectedly, after so many years, Sun Dong's temper has not changed, he is still so naughty!

"I said Sun Dong, you are also a young man of 25, why are you still the same as back then!" Luo Xiao scolded with a smile, "You really haven't improved at all!"

Sun Dong and Luo Xiao walked forward, giggling, "Captain, I don't think I can change my temper in this lifetime!"

Luo Xiao was a little speechless towards him, couldn't help but shook his head and said, "No wonder you and Song Lan are a couple, if it wasn't for her—" At this point, Luo Xiao suddenly realized something, and hurriedly stopped talking.

Hearing Luo Xiao mention Song Lan, Sun Dong's eyes flashed with sadness, but he quickly recovered his happy look and said to Luo Xiao, "Captain, do you still remember the twelve fighting styles you taught me? Do you want to compete with me!"

Knowing that Sun Dong was trying to relieve the oppressive atmosphere, Sun Dong smiled and opened his posture, "Okay, I haven't abused you for a long time, kid, today I'll have a good time!"

"I'm afraid of you, come on!" Sun Dong also opened his posture, and the two of them started fighting!

Luo Xiao was originally much stronger than Sun Dong, but because he knew that Sun Dong was in a bad mood, he held back and didn't use his full strength.

But even so, Sun Dong was beaten to the ground by Luo Xiao, and couldn't help howling, "Captain, be gentle, I'm not your sandbag!"

The two fought for more than ten minutes. Sun Dong jumped up from the ground countless times, but in the end he was instantly knocked down by Luo Xiao.Compared with Luo Xiao, Sun Dong's skills were far worse.

Once he was knocked down to the ground, Sun Dong sat down on the ground this time, didn't move any more, and waved his hands at Luo Xiao, "No more beatings, no more beatings, captain, if you beat me again, I will be abused by you !"

"Happy, I haven't had such fun in a long time, hahaha!" Luo Xiao laughed loudly, and sat down beside Sun Dong, with his hands on his knees and his eyes on the trees in the distance!

After fighting for so long, Luo Xiao is very skilled, but his camouflage uniform was torn in several places, while Sun Dong was even worse, not only his clothes were torn in some places, but his face was also swollen some places.

Sun Dong put his hands behind his head, his eyes were deep, and he seemed to be thinking about something!

For a while, neither of them spoke, they just remained silent!

As the night gradually fell, the light on the playground dimmed, and a gust of wind blew past, shaking the clothes of the two of them.

After a long time, Luo Xiao finally opened his mouth, "Sun Dong, do you miss Song Lan again?"

"Yeah, if she's still there, then—" Sun Dong's voice was very low, he said halfway, and then stretched out his hand to grab his arm.

Regarding the process of Song Lan's sacrifice, Luo Xiao knew very well, it was always a thorn in his heart, and it made him feel sorry for Sun Dong when he thought about it.

When choosing who to send to carry out the mission, Song Lan was not in the scope of candidates, but Song Lan asked to go, and after her repeated requests, Luo Xiao had no choice but to agree to his request.

Originally, the task was carried out very smoothly, and Song Lan easily completed the task, but on the way back, an accident happened!

After this incident, Sun Dong was in a low mood for a long time, Luo Xiao could feel the pain in his heart, and he always felt that he was very responsible for this incident, and he kept blaming himself.

But Sun Dong never blamed Luo Xiao!

Hearing Sun Dong talk about these past events, Luo Xiao couldn't help sighing, and reached out to pat Sun Dong's shoulder, "Sun Dong, I'm to blame for this incident. She shouldn't have been sent on a mission in the first place. You were all planning to get married. If it wasn't for me—!"

Sun Dong turned his head to look at Luo Xiao, with determination in his eyes, "Captain, I don't regret that she went on that mission. Since she is a soldier, she should have the awareness to sacrifice at any time. She is a qualified Warrior, a qualified special forces soldier, I am proud of her!"

Luo Xiao was silent for a while, not knowing how to persuade Sun Dong!

Sun Dong suddenly laughed and stood up, stretched long, then turned and walked towards the cafeteria, "Captain, you see that your face is longer than mine, you don't need to do this, okay Alright, let's go back to eat, there will be no more dinner later!"

Luo Xiao stood there, watching Sun Dong stride away without moving for a long time!

Sun Dong strode forward, thinking to himself while walking, "Song Lan, how are you doing over there? Do you know I miss you?"

A drop of tear falls with the wind in the night!


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