Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 266 To toss you, why?

It was late at night, and the Bird Island base fell into silence!

The intensity of the training during the day was too high. The soldiers were so tired that they walked with their legs dragging. When they went to bed at night, they couldn't lift themselves up, so they had to use their hands to help them up!

As long as their head touches the pillow, they can fall asleep, but if you shout in their ears, they won't wake up!If they were all like them, it is estimated that An Ding, which treats insomnia, would have closed down a long time ago!

Although it was a temporary camp, those tents were specially customized according to Luo Xiao's requirements, and the quality was undeniable, so the soldiers slept quite comfortably!

However, would Sun Dong and his perverts make the soldiers of Beacon Team sleep comfortably?

After two o'clock in the morning, when human beings are sleeping most soundly, several figures appeared outside the tents of the soldiers. Got a tent!

The moonlight shot down from the treetops above and landed on the face of a black figure, making it clear that this person was Sun Dong, the acting instructor of the Beacon Team. As for the rest of the shadows, they were of course instructors. Team special forces instructors!

This night, Sun Dong and the others didn't sleep in the tent, they all sneaked out and went straight to the tent where the soldiers slept, not knowing what they were going to do!

On a tree not far from the tents where the soldiers slept, Luo Xiao sat on a tree branch, holding up the night vision binoculars, watching the secret actions of Sun Dong and the others, and couldn't help laughing out loud, "Hey, this Help the boy to start pranking people again!"

It seemed that he was very clear about what Sun Dong and the others were going to do, but he didn't stop it, instead, he looked like he was waiting to see the good show!

Sun Dong touched the outside of a tent door, then hid beside the tent door, carefully opened the tent door and looked inside.

There is a felt blanket on the ground of the tent, and several rows of sleeping bags are placed on the felt blanket. In each sleeping bag lies a soldier of the Beacon Army, each wrapped in a quilt, sleeping very deeply. The loud snoring sound You can hear it clearly even if you're hiding outside the hood.

Sun Dong showed a smirk, then stooped and slipped into the tent, then touched the open space between several sleeping bags, and then took out the whistle from behind and put it in his mouth.

The sound of beeping, the piercing whistle sounded in the tent, the sound was so loud that the eardrums hurt a little, Sun Dong kept blowing the tee, and then he stood in the middle of the tent and shouted, "Emergency assembly, Get up!" After shouting, he jumped out of the tent and left!

At this moment, the tent exploded, and the soldiers were awakened by the piercing whistle. They got out of their sleeping bags in a hurry, and put on their clothes in a hurry. Fold them all up and put them in your backpack!

The entire camp was full of the instructors' shrill whistles, mixed with their hoarse voices, urging the soldiers to hurry up!

"Hehe!" Seeing this scene, Luo Xiao leaned against the tree and laughed, because he didn't bother Sun Dong and the others that much!

When I was a recruit, I gritted my teeth and hated the instructors who tormented others; but when I became an instructor, I started to torment the recruits again. This is the same principle in the army, and it is also a very unique one!

That's how every qualified soldier is made!

In just 3 minutes, it was time for emergency assembly. Sun Dong and other instructors stood by the playground, and in front of them gathered a team that had thrown away their helmets and armor and was in a panic!

Because of the haste, many soldiers wore their clothes crookedly and in a variety of patterns: some buttons were tied in the wrong place, some long johns were worn backwards, some leather shoes were left and right, and some belts could not be found. In the end, he could only run out with his pants in hand!

Looking at these hard-working soldiers who were tossed by him, Sun Dong smiled wickedly, then he sternly yelled, "Disband!"


The soldiers all thought they heard it wrong. They thought that there must be something wrong after such a toss in the middle of the night.

Isn't this tossing people?

The soldiers were quite helpless, but they had no choice but to yawn and walk towards the tent!

Seeing that the people had dispersed, Sun Dong and the others nodded to each other, and then smiled knowingly.

Soon, the camp became quiet again, and people soon fell asleep.

Luo Xiao leaned against the branch of the tree, but didn't intend to move. He still held up his binoculars and watched the situation in the camp.

He knows that this tossing game is not over yet, this is just the beginning!

Sure enough, after more than half an hour, the shrill whistle sounded again, which caught the soldiers who thought they were all right by surprise, and tidied themselves up one by one with more flustered movements than before.

After the 3-minute assembly time came, only one-third of the people who could arrive in time were left, which was more than half less than the two-thirds just now!

Looking at those soldiers who came late, Sun Dong didn't speak, just waited with a tiger face!

After waiting for another 3 minutes, the rest of the fighters finally arrived.

Forming the team, reporting the number, ..., it was a lot of trouble.

After the team was organized, Sun Dong stepped out from the instructor team and stood in front of the square team.Behind him, more than a dozen instructors lined up, all of them tall and straight like nails.

After scanning people's bodies several times, Sun Dong said, "Today's emergency assembly, your performance is very bad, it should be said that it is very bad, very, very bad!"

The soldiers didn't speak, they all bowed their heads and listened to Sun Dong's reprimand!

"As a soldier, you should maintain a high degree of vigilance at all times. Once the situation changes, you must respond quickly to get away from the enemy's first target and reach a safe area!" Sun Dong said coldly , suddenly raised his voice, "But what about you, take a look at yourself, look at yourself, and look at the teammates around you. How are you doing? Are you like the stragglers who have lost a battle?"

The soldiers looked at themselves, and then at the teammates around them. The embarrassed look made some people laugh out loud.

Sun Dong roared, "Laugh, you still have the face to smile. Fortunately, this is an emergency gathering. If you were in actual combat, you would have died countless times!"

Now no one laughed, everyone blinked their eyes and waited for the result of Sun Dong's reprimand!

Sun Dong snorted, and then said loudly, "In view of your poor performance, I decided to carry out a 10-kilometer cross-country immediately. Each person will add a few sandbags to the backpack. The weight is 15 kg. If anyone is lazy, don't say I will punish him." Make two more trips!"

"I'm down, 10 kilometers, and it's cross-country with heavy loads!" When the soldiers of the Fenghuo team heard Sun Dong's decision, they immediately grinned to their ears as if they had eaten bitter melon!

Sun Dong said angrily, "What, do you feel lighter? Then increase it to 20 kilograms!"

When the soldiers heard this, they almost collapsed, but after seeing Sun Dong's skyrocketing price increases, who would dare to speak up, and followed the instructor obediently to get the sandbags.

The sandbags are 5 kg each, and three 15 kg sandbags. Although the weight is not too heavy at first, when you run for a long time, you will feel that it is heavy, and the weight will become heavier as you go.

When the limit is reached, the 15 kg is like a five-element mountain. It is difficult for people to breathe under the pressure, let alone lift their legs to run!

In this way, the soldiers with sandbags on their backs grinned and ran to the gate of the barracks, and then ran hard along the path in Bird Island.


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