"I said Dachun, you see there is no instructor following here, I think let's take a rest."

"Forget it, although the instructor is not in front of us, who knows if they are hiding in the dark and watching us." Another soldier put his rifle across his shoulder, panting heavily, shaking his head and following along. Like a drumbeat, "I won't play that game with you, let's run honestly!"

Seeing that no one responded to his proposal, the soldiers of the Fengyan team who spoke had no choice but to run forward together!

The roads chosen for the cross-country training were all carefully selected by Sun Dong and the others. Not to mention the ruggedness, there are also various terrains. It is very complicated. No matter how difficult it is to walk, the soldiers of the Beacon Team stumbled and ran very hard. !

Although their physical strength was not bad, they couldn't stand the fact that the training intensity was completely arranged according to their limits, so in the end they were all sweating profusely and out of breath!

"My dear mother, I really can't run anymore!" The soldier who spoke just now couldn't run anymore. He sat down on the ground and gasped heavily, no matter what the soldier named Dachun did. Pull and pull, it just won't move the place!

The soldier named Dachun couldn't move him anymore, so he kicked him on the buttocks angrily, and cursed, "You're just a lazy donkey!"

"Aren't you tired?" The soldier rolled his eyes and looked at Dachun with a helpless look, "I want to run too, but I have to be able to run. I vomited blood!" As he spoke, he untied the backpack from his shoulders, opened it and looked at the three sandbags inside!

"Okay, don't rest, the more you rest, the less you can run, hurry up and catch up with the team in front!" Dachun panted, taking advantage of this time to recover a little bit of strength!

The soldier who spoke ignored him, but looked at the three sandbags in the backpack, and Dachun jumped up when he suddenly returned, "Dachun, what do you think we should pour out the sand inside here?"

"Are you crazy? This is cheating!" Dachun was taken aback, and he scolded angrily, "If you are found out by the instructor, you boy will be punished!"

"Hey, it's okay, so many instructors can still check one by one!" Thinking about it, the soldier poured out part of the sand in the three sandbags, each about half a kilogram, so that the three sandbags would be less 1.5 kg weight.

Putting the backpack back on his back, the soldier wobbled, then clicked his tongue in admiration, "Well, Dachun, don't even mention it, it's a lot lighter!"

Dachun was so angry that he stopped talking to him and ran forward!

At this time, the troops had already passed in front of them, and in the end only the two of them were left, so the two of them had to speed up their pace, or they would not be able to catch up with the people in front of them!

Running fast all the way, they finally caught up with the large army not too far from the finish line, and then merged into the large army.

In the midst of stumbling and tugging at each other, the Fengyan team rushed back to the finish line set at the gate of the camp.

At the gate of the camp, Sun Dong and other special forces instructors lined up, staring coldly at the returning soldiers on the opposite side. On the ground beside them, there was a small weighbridge. Every returning soldier had to put his backpack on it. Weigh it.

The soldier of the Fengyan team who emptied the sand suddenly turned pale. He never thought that the special forces team had already figured out a way to deal with them stealing and cheating!

Luo Xiao was on the side, seeing the pale-faced soldiers in the team at a glance, knowing that they must be mischievous and lazy, he couldn't help laughing secretly, "These methods have long been used by the soldiers and they don't like to use them. There are still people who don't give up, now Zisun Dong and the others have something to play with!"

Sure enough, during the weighing, they found that their backpacks had lost a lot of weight, and after checking, they found that there was less sand in the sandbags.

This time, Sun Dong's face became even uglier. He stood in front of several soldiers with a livid face, walked back and forth twice without saying a word, and then said slowly, "What's going on, tell me why the sandbags lost weight?"

"Maybe it's less time to pretend!" A soldier of the Fengyan team excused himself.

"Nonsense, these sandbags were installed by several of our instructors by ourselves, and the weight of each of them has been strictly tested. There will never be such a big deviation!"

Another soldier rolled his eyes and said, "Maybe the sand leaked on the road, so there are fewer!"

Sun Donghu raised the three sandbags that belonged to him, shook them vigorously several times, and then roared angrily, "Look for yourself, is it missing?"

The soldier was speechless!

"Maybe—maybe it was eaten by mice!" I don't know who said this.

Luo Xiao couldn't hold back what he said, and burst into laughter, while Sun Dong standing in front of them didn't laugh, but the muscles on his face couldn't help twitching, it was obvious that he had endured a lot of hard work 1 "Oh, that's right, it's the first time I've heard that mice eat sand. It's so interesting!" While speaking, Sun Dong came to the soldier and looked at him with a half-smile, "Well, you , Come out!"

The soldier who said that immediately walked out of the team, then put his legs together, and gave a military salute, "Report to Instructor Sun, my name is Ge Cunli, and my nickname is Ge Huzi!"

"Well, you're a tiger!" Looking at the tiger-headed warrior standing in front of him, Sun Dong nodded and said, and then pointed, "See, you have already run this road once, now I will punish you again Run once, but the weight increased to 20 kg!"

"Ah!" The group of soldiers all exclaimed. Originally, carrying 15 kilograms on their backs would have killed them, but now it would be even more painful for them to switch to 20 kilograms.

But under the gaze of Sun Dong's wolf-like eyes, who dares to disagree, if he disagrees, the devil may add 25, 30 or even more weight!

The soldiers put on their heavy backpacks with a sad face, then turned around and ran towards the road they ran just now. I'm afraid no one will be lazy this time!

Luo Xiao watched those soldiers run away, he came over and said, "Sun Dong, these soldiers are still so cute, they always like to use some crooked brains, but they end up asking for trouble, ha ha!"

Sun Dong also laughed, "Captain, that's how we came here at the beginning. I remember I was so lazy the first time, but you punished me to run 100 laps around the playground. Afterwards, I just finished climbing, and dinner was all gone." Didn't eat it!!"

As if thinking of the original situation, both of them had knowing smiles on their faces!

While waiting for the soldiers to return, Luo Xiao asked Sun Dong about the training situation, and then agreed to come down and discuss the solution with Tang Tianhao. At the same time, he told him that the Bird Island base was temporarily handed over to them, and the training work of these players Sun Dong will be in full charge, with Han Yang and the others assisting.

Seeing what Luo Xiao said, Sun Dong seemed to have a premonition, and asked anxiously, "Captain, leave the training to us, what about you?"

"I want to go out for a while. I may not be able to stay with Fengtian at the Bird Island base for a while. Then you can keep in touch with me!" Luo Xiao seemed to be addicted to throwing away the shopkeeper, and handed over the matter to Sun Dong , I am ready to run away without a trace!

Sun Dong was very speechless towards Luo Xiao's habit, but he couldn't do anything about it. Who called him Luo Xiao, the leader of all the teams.He knew that since Luo Xiao said so, he would definitely run away in a short time!

Sure enough, after lunch, Luo Xiao disappeared, along with his tactical backpack.


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