Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 268 Special Harvest

A few kilometers to the west of Huxiaoling, a wide road runs at the foot of the mountain, with towering mountains on both sides!

At this time, there were four or five large military trucks parked on the road. From the model of the trucks and the sun flag hanging on the front of the trucks, it could be seen that this should be a convoy of devils.

A wheeled armored vehicle that opened the road was crooked in a ravine beside the road, and raging flames were already burning on it. The corpse of a devil was hanging on the opened hatch, and it seemed that he wanted to escape and did not escape.

On the road, around the big truck, there were dozens of dead bodies of devils, which seemed to be about the size of a small team, but the invaders who used to show off their might now all fell to the ground and turned into corpses.

The corpses of these people are covered with bullet holes, the positions are very precise, most of them are vital parts, and there are almost no wasted bullets. Such precise shooting techniques can be seen to be done by specially trained people!

When the last gunfire ceased, the last two devil soldiers who resisted in the end also fell in a pool of blood, ending their sinful lives!

At this time, dozens of figures emerged from the grass on the surrounding hillsides. Looking at the camouflage uniforms of the special forces, they knew that they were Luo Xiao's Huya special forces.

"Quickly, clean up the battlefield, and then evacuate the battlefield to prevent the devil's counterattack!" The person in charge of the ambush was a tall young officer with a cropped cut, carrying a [-]-improved sniper rifle in his hand!

"Captain Chu, it seems that the harvest is good this time!" The voice of another ambush team leader came from the walkie-talkie next to my ear, sounding a little envious, "I don't even have a rabbit!" See, if this goes on like this, we won’t be able to open today!”

Hearing the other party's complaints, Chu Yifei couldn't help laughing, he comforted, "Old Li, don't worry, I believe you will get something soon, maybe you are still a big fish?"

"It's still a big fish, not even a shrimp!" The other side snorted angrily, "I think it's because the goose instructor is biased and gave you all the areas where devils are active. Corner!"

Chu Yifei laughed loudly. He could understand the other party's depression. He set up an ambush all day long. If he couldn't even defeat the puppet army, he would still be depressed to death!

At this time, the sniper team led by Chu Yifei had already rushed to the road, some of them checked whether the devils were still alive, and shot again, and the rest went straight to the trucks to check what was inside!

The results of the inspection disappointed Chu Yifei. They were all rice, flour, grain, oil, canned beef and so on. He had already intercepted several trucks of these things. In addition to the intercepted by other teams, the base warehouse could hardly hold them!

"Captain, what should we do?" Seeing Chu Yifei's disappointed attitude, the soldiers of his stinger unit hurriedly asked how to deal with these things!

Chu Yifei thought about it, and felt that these things were food after all, and they couldn't be left for the devils, so he ordered the soldiers to load up and evacuate, and the remaining trucks were blown up into fireballs by the devils!

After dealing with all these, Chu Yifei led the team to retreat from the main road, and threw the devils a scene that made them go crazy!

Ten minutes after Chu Yifei and the others withdrew, a devil's field force arrived, but all they saw were corpses all over the ground, and a blazing truck!

Leading the team to withdraw towards the Huxiaoling base, Chu Yifei was thinking about his thoughts while walking. He felt that the current task of ambush was too boring, and he was already a little bored.

"I fight against the devil's transport team every day. I haven't even fought against the devil's field troops. It's really boring!" Chu Yifei put his sniper rifle behind his back and looked around boredly. Find time to talk to Instructor Yan, let me go to Brother Luo, how good it is to fight devils with him!"

Luo Xiao is in Fengtian City, and Chu Yifei knows that there are devils everywhere, so there are many more opportunities to fight against devils, Chu Yifei is already a little bit unwilling to be reconciled to the monotonous task of setting up an ambush now, and wants more exciting fighting!

It's a pity that he made several requests, but was finally dismissed by the Yan instructor, who told him to complete these tasks well and hone his actual combat skills!

"When I go back this time, I must find a way to do the work of Instructor Yan. If it doesn't work, I will beg my godfather to come forward. I think Instructor Yan should give me some face!" Chu Yifei is determined to go this time. I'm looking for Luo Xiao.

Just as they climbed over a mountain ridge, the walkie-talkie rang suddenly. After he turned it on, he heard the intense gunshots inside, like popping beans.

Chu Yifei was stunned for a moment, and then he understood. He shouted excitedly, "Old Li, why did you catch a big fish?"

In the fierce gunshots, Lao Li's equally excited voice was mixed, "Chu Yifei, you really made me talk, this time is a big fish, and a big fish with a lot of weight?"

"Really, it's enough, if it's a transport team, you'll be so happy that you'll wake up laughing at night!" Chu Yifei curled his lips in disbelief, "Could it be that you still caught a general?"

Lao Li laughed loudly and said, "I don't know if it's a general, but the entire squadron of devils in charge of escorting, do you think it's a big fish?"


Chu Yifei was taken aback. He didn't expect that what Lao Li encountered this time was really a big fish. You must know that the scale of mobilizing a squadron of devils is not small, at least at the level of the captain of the alliance!

Lao Li continued to stimulate Chu Yifei, "Also, let me tell you, boy, this squadron is not a transport team, but a devil's field force, and its combat effectiveness is very strong!"

When Chu Yifei heard this, he couldn't sit still anymore, and he shouted into the intercom, "Lao Li, don't eat alone, kid, leave me a portion!"

"Fuck you kid, why didn't you leave me a copy?" Lao Li scolded with a smile, but then said seriously, "However, I really need your sniper team to cooperate, the devil's team has a The mortar squad, a dozen grenade launchers and two Type [-] flat-fire guns are like flies, very annoying!"

When Chu Yifei heard this, he was happy. He ordered the sniper team to put the loot under a rock on a cliff first, and sent a sniper to guard it. The location, ready to support him!

The area where the two set up an ambush was not too far away, so Chu Yifei climbed over two hills and arrived at the mountain road where Lao Li set up an ambush!

Before reaching the front, Chu Yifei heard the lively gunshots like New Year's firecrackers, and his spirit was shocked, "It seems that it is really a big fish!"


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