Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 269 Special Harvest

Crooked machine guns, [-] big covers, [-]-type heavy machine guns..., the devils fired light and heavy fire at the same time, and the bullets, like a torrential rain, slanted to the hillside where Lao Li and the others were, sending stone chips flying around!

Although they had the advantage of the terrain, the devil's firepower was too fierce, Lao Li and the others were suppressed and could only take a shot once in a while!

However, the marksmanship of the special operations team members is amazing, and they can almost hit a Japanese soldier every time they shoot, which makes the devils fly into a rage, but there is nothing they can do!

They have also organized several counterattacks in an attempt to seize Lao Li's position, but because the terrain of the place Lao Li and the others chose is very prominent, the side facing the devil is full of steep rocks. Climbing slowly along those rocks, he has become a living target for Lao Li and the others!

After several times of probing, the devil's commander finally gave up his plan to seize Lao Li's position, and began to cover an armored vehicle in the middle of the truck and retreat slowly, preparing to leave the battle!

Lao Li's ambush circle was originally designed to deal with the devil's transport team, and the number of transport teams passing by on these mountain roads is generally not too large, so his ambush circle is relatively small.

Unexpectedly, the devil is a big fish this time, and since then there has been a gap in his ambush circle, it may be more difficult to wipe out the devil's troops!

This is why Lao Li is willing to give Chu Yifei the credit!

You must know that every ambush team is competing, and no one wants to fall behind others!

There was a fierce exchange of fire with the devils. While watching the devils' movement, Lao Li felt a little anxious when he saw that they wanted to steal away. He pulled the walkie-talkie and shouted inside, "Chu Yifei, when are you going to steal it?" Here we go!"

On the walkie-talkie, Chu Yifei's voice was calm, "I've arrived at the predetermined location, and I'm just waiting for the devil to come into my pocket!"

Old Li was overjoyed when he heard this, and looked up, and saw a team appearing on the opposite hillside in the direction the devils were fleeing, it was Chu Yifei and the others!

Because the fire had already been exchanged, Chu Yifei and the others did not deliberately hide themselves, but quickly seized the position on the other side, and then set up a sniper rifle!

"Ready to fight!" Chu Yifei propped up the bipod of his [-]th Five-Year Improved sniper rifle on the ground, then fell behind the rocks, and turned the muzzle to the target!

At this time, the devil's artillery team was manipulating twelve grenade launchers to bombard the hillside where Lao Li and the others were. The [-]-type grenade roared in the air and landed on the hillside, bursting into flames. and smoke.

Chu Yifei put his cheek close to the scope of the sniper rifle, and then aimed the crosshairs inside at a mortar on the opposite side of the devil's artillery position, and then held his breath!


The bullet burst out, drawing a beautiful arc in the air, and accurately hit the devil's artilleryman on the head.The head wearing the helmet was as fragile as a watermelon, and it burst open immediately.

Chu Yifei's shooting was the signal, and the snipers he brought all started shooting, and the sniper bullets whizzed past, turning the devil's artillery positions on their backs!

After a round of salvo, the devil's artillery position was overturned, and even the mortars and grenades were shot a few times, completely useless!

After beating the devil's artillery, the snipers who hadn't had time to shoot quit, and they turned their guns to the devil's infantry, focusing on the machine gunners.

This time, the devil's machine gunners were out of luck. For the snipers, they were on the open ground without any shelter. It was no more difficult than shooting a moving target in the shooting range, and it was even bigger than the target!

The gunshots were more intense than before, but the battle situation changed. With the addition of Chu Yifei and others, the situation quickly turned to the special forces side. Even a squadron of devils was suppressed and beaten!

"Squadron leader, the Chinese army is too powerful, let's retreat quickly!" An officer said to the squadron leader of the squadron, the devil.

The devil's squadron leader analyzed the situation on both sides, and felt that what his subordinates said made sense, so he waved his sword and ordered his subordinates to retreat.

But even so, the Devils always had a small team protecting the armored vehicle, and there was no battle from the beginning!

This abnormal phenomenon moved Chu Yifei's heart. He put a special bullet into the sniper rifle, and then aimed at the engine of the armored vehicle!

With a gunshot, sparks exploded from the engine of the devil's armored vehicle. After a few hoarse roars, there was no movement!

There was a commotion in the devil's team. It seemed that something wrong with the armored vehicle made them panic!

Hearing that the soldiers under him reported that there was a problem with the armored vehicle, the devil's squadron leader drew out his saber and shouted hoarsely, "Hurry up, hurry up, push the tank away even if you push it, or the commander will kill all of us. of a human head!"

I don't know who is inside this armored vehicle, which made the devil's squadron leader so nervous?

Although Chu Yifei couldn't hear what the devil's squadron leader was yelling because of the distance, he could see the urgency and madness of the devil from the devil's behavior, and immediately understood that this armored vehicle was absolutely important to the devil. very important.

"Be careful, don't attack that armored vehicle, there may be very important people or things inside!" Chu Yifei gave an order to his subordinates, and at the same time told Lao Li and them on the opposite side through the walkie-talkie!

In this way, all the firepower avoided that armored vehicle, and the devils and special forces all fought fiercely around the control of that armored vehicle.

Although Lao Li and the others have an advantage in terms of form, they only have more than 50 people in total, while a squadron of devils has more than 500 people. Three heads and six arms can't stop it!

Seeing that the devil was about to break through the encirclement and push the armored vehicle out of the narrow valley, Chu Yifei became anxious. He grabbed the sniper rifle and rushed to the nearby hill, choosing a condescending position to set up the sniper rifle .

The sniper scope on the muzzle was shaking slightly. Chu Yifei locked the muzzle firmly on the bottom of the turret of the armored vehicle, and then pushed a high-explosive armor-piercing bullet into the magazine. Explosive armor-piercing shells will definitely explode that armored vehicle into a pile of fragments in an instant.

Ten steps, five steps, three steps... Chu Yifei took a deep breath, put his finger on the trigger, and was ready to shoot.


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