"It seems that we can only shoot!"

Seeing that the devil was about to rush out of the valley pushing the armored vehicle, Chu Yifei knew that he had to shoot. He held his breath, and slowly pulled his finger towards the trigger!

Just when he was about to fire, there were fierce gunshots outside the valley, and the shouts of killing were earth-shattering, with the sound of machine guns on the multi-purpose personnel carrier sandwiched in between!

Chu Yifei was ecstatic in his heart, the gun in his hand shook slightly, and the bullet flew past the armored vehicle, smashing the head of a Japanese soldier.

"Old Li, Political Commissar Yan has sent reinforcements!" Chu Yifei shouted happily, and Lao Li on the other end of the walkie-talkie felt his ears ringing.

At this time, a huge roar sounded in the sky, and a Hippo helicopter flew over from a distance, pressing down on the heads of the Japanese soldiers like a dark cloud, and the cabin door was suddenly opened, revealing the A Gatling-style rotary machine gun, the black muzzle pointed at the Japanese soldiers below!

Puffing half a cigar in his mouth twice, Cheng Tianlei held a Gatling-type rotary machine gun and smiled at the Japanese soldiers below, "Little devil, these peanuts are delicious, eat more ah!"

Da da da da, the barrel of the rotary machine gun spun crazily, and a string of bullets shot out from the barrel, spraying at the Japanese soldiers below at a crazy speed, and fell down in the blink of an eye!

A few bullets hit the front of the devil's armored vehicle. The thin steel plate was like paper under the large-scale bullets. Bullet holes appeared one after another, and then there were puffs of blue smoke!

When Chu Yifei saw this scene from the top of the mountain here, he immediately became anxious. He pulled the walkie-talkie and shouted inside, "Cheng Tianlei, be careful, there are important things inside the armored vehicle. Don't break it!"

Cheng Tianlei's happy laughter came from the walkie-talkie, "Don't worry, we are the best student of the latest machine gun shooter, this problem can't be difficult for us!"

The rotary machine gun continued to sweep wildly, and where the guns pointed straight, the devils fell in piles, which was even more efficient than harvesting wheat in the autumn field!

Some devils raised their rifles and fired at the helicopter. The bullets hit the helicopter's outer armor, causing sparks, but they only left some white marks, which could not penetrate the helicopter's armor at all.

The Hippo helicopter is the latest generation of armed transport helicopter independently designed by China. The high-strength alloy used for the outer armor has reached a special level of defense. Not to mention the devil's [-] rifle, even the [-]-type heavy machine gun, it does not hit the weak armored parts, don't even think about causing damage to the helicopter!

During this trip, the Huya Special Operations Brigade brought a total of four Hippo helicopters and six multifunctional armored personnel carriers. These things are definitely sharp weapons on the battlefield. If not for the limited fuel in storage, Luo Xiao would have put them into battle a long time ago. bingo!

Luo Xiao has made a plan. After the arsenal is completed in the future, if there is enough fuel, he will build a rapid armored reaction force and an aviation force, so that the force will develop into a three-dimensional model and fully grasp the initiative on the battlefield!

As for the high-tech weapons of the Peng-type fighter that far surpassed this era, Luo Xiao didn't think about it for the time being, not to mention the high cost of building that kind of aircraft, the existing equipment and personnel alone could not meet the requirements!

However, it is not difficult to build a few J-[-]s that can easily defeat the Japanese Type Zero fighters, provided that there are sufficient equipment, personnel, and resources!

In addition to helicopters and multi-functional armored personnel carriers, the troops who came to reinforce this time also have a special operations team. The veteran Huya team member Xiao crossed over!

In terms of combat effectiveness, the special warfare unit of Cheng Tianlei and Chu Yifei is far behind, and they won't be able to catch up for a while!

With the addition of this new force, the devil's squadron was like a weeping flower in the sea, it turned into a pile of foam after a bit of tumbling.

The battle lasted for about half an hour, and when it stopped, only a few dozen people were captured and captured in a squadron of the Japanese army, and the rest were all shot to death!

"Squad leader, what should we do with these prisoners?" The soldiers of the special operations team didn't know what to do with the captured prisoners, so they had to ask the team leader who led the team!

The team leader thought about it, and then said, "Okay, let's take it back first, and let the Yan instructor decide how to deal with it!" Then he led people to start cleaning the battlefield.

In this battle, all the troops of the devil's squadron were wiped out, and the leader of the devil's squadron was also killed. If such a result were placed on the troops of the warlords at that time, it would definitely be publicized as a brilliant record, and it would not cause trouble all over the country. You know you won't give up!

But this kind of record was not taken seriously by Luo Xiao's Huya special combat team. As soon as Luo Xiao arrived here, he wiped out the three battalions of the devils. In every subsequent battle, the devils suffered heavy casualties. People become numb over time!

Even if Luo Xiao led someone to take over the devil's Kwantung Army headquarters one day, people would not be surprised at all, because they thought this was what the Huya Special Forces Brigade should do!

Regardless of the special forces members cleaning the battlefield, Chu Yifei, Lao Li and the squad leader all gathered around the armored vehicle, wanting to see what was inside, which made the devil so concerned!

You must know that an elite field squadron of a squadron is not a small force for devils, and the value of using such a large force to protect things can be imagined!

The engine of the armored vehicle has been damaged by Chu Yifei. The armored vehicle that has lost its power is like a tortoise that has been turned over, unable to move at all. It used to be pushed by a small team of devils, and it could still move slowly. Now The possibility of moving is completely lost.

"Old Li, what do you think is inside that deserves the devil's attention?" Chu Yifei looked at the tortoise shell, wondering inexplicably!

Lao Li chuckled, and his eyes sparkled, "I think it must be a gold bar, otherwise the devil wouldn't be so reckless in protecting him!"

"That's not necessarily the case, maybe it's a senior officer of the devil!" The squad leader grinned beside him, "It would be great if it was a general, but it would be fine to be a brigade commander if it wasn't a general, at least it would have to be a regiment leader Bar!"

"Let's don't think about it yourself, just open it and see!" Chu Yifei said so, took out the tools from the multi-purpose personnel carrier, and opened the hatch of the Devil's armored vehicle!

The hatch opened, and the special forces members pointed their automatic rifles inside to prevent the people inside from violently injuring others. Then Chu Yifei carefully touched the hatch door and peeked inside!

Seeing this, Chu Yifei was dumbfounded!


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