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"Chu Yifei, what's in the car?" Lao Li felt very strange why the demon Chu Yifei had such an expression, so he leaned over and asked.

Chu Yifei swallowed his saliva, and then came back to his senses. He moved aside, and then gave the place to Lao Li and the team leader, "Look for yourself!"

The two squeezed to the door of Tibet, poked their necks and looked inside, but they were all stunned just like Chu Yifei!

After a while, Lao Li came back to his senses first, and said with a wry smile, "Really, I haven't opened for several days. I opened it once and thought I could get something valuable, but it turned out like this!"

Chu Yifei smirked, and said, "Lao Li, you've made money this time. Others beat devils to get something, and your results are a real living thing!"

Lao Li's face was so depressed that it looked like a bitter melon, and he said angrily, "Come on, my heart is so cold!"

Just as the two were arguing, the team leader suddenly said, "Look, these people are all tied up, and they seem to have been injected with some kind of drug and fell into a coma!"

Hearing what he said, Chu Yifei and Lao Li all stopped, and once again approached the door of the armored vehicle. After careful observation, they said in unison, "Yes, they are tied up. It seems that there is a problem here. !"

Several special forces members rushed up immediately, lifted all the people in the car out, and put them on the ground!

There were six people in the car, four of them were men and two women, they were all tied up tightly with ropes, and they all passed out!

The squad leader squatted down to check, then turned around and shouted at the special forces, "Antidote!"

A special forces member immediately took out an injection from his backpack, handed it to him, and asked him to inject it into those people!

This multifunctional antidote works very well, everyone injected a little, and there was a reaction, the body moved, and then opened the eyes!

"Little devil, stop wishful thinking, I, Tan Tianyou, won't work for you!" Before fully opening his eyes, a gentle man with gold-rimmed glasses shouted angrily, apparently hating the little devil very much.

At the same time, another girl in a school uniform yelled angrily, "Go away, little devil, don't touch me!"

Chu Yifei and Lao Li were all stunned. They didn't expect that they would be treated as little devils, so they hurriedly explained, "Don't get me wrong, we are Chinese!"

"Chinese?" The young people were all stunned for a moment, and then they saw clearly that the people standing in front of them were not wearing the Japanese military uniforms that disgusted them, and they did not speak the annoying Japanese, but spoke fluently. Chinese!

Tan Tianyou, a young man wearing glasses, pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, we got it wrong just now, aren't you really Japanese?"

"Look, are the Japanese so big?" Lao Li said humorously, comparing the heights of himself and Chu Yifei, and the team leader who was a head taller than them.

People are laughing!

Since they were not Japanese, those six young men were relieved of their grievances. Naturally, I am extremely grateful to these soldiers who saved them!

After exchanging pleasantries, the gentle man with gold-rimmed glasses said, "I'm an international student studying at the University of Berlin in Germany. I just returned to China. As soon as I returned to China, I was targeted by Japanese spies and kidnapped to Changchun!"

"We were also kidnapped by Japanese spies and taken to Changchun!" Several other people all interjected, and the content was very similar.

Hearing that the foreign students were kidnapped by the Japanese, the team leader was moved, and then hurriedly asked, "What majors do you study?"

Tan Tianyou said, "I study mechanical engineering!"

Aya, a girl in school clothes, said, "I'm studying aerodynamics!"

Another youth said, "I study quantum mechanics!"

"I'm studying weapon manufacturing engineering!"


The sub-leader became more and more shocked when he heard it. He didn't expect that these people were studying high-tech majors that are urgently needed by the military industry. If the Japanese get these people, it will greatly promote the development of their military industry!

After the sub-leader explained to Chu Yifei and the others, everyone sweated and thought to themselves, "Fortunately, this time the Japanese plot was stopped in time, otherwise, it would have taken a lot of effort to deal with the Japanese!"

Talked to Chu Yifei and the others. They were very interested in this special team. They agreed to go back to Huxiaoling with Chu Yifei and the others.

When he was about to leave, Chu Yifei remembered that he still had some loot on the way. He left a member of his team to guard them, and now he should take someone to move those things!

After saying hello to Lao Li and the team leader, Chu Yifei took the soldiers of his team and returned along the way they came!

After walking along the way for a while, the expression on Chu Yifei's face became more and more serious, because he couldn't contact the special forces member through the walkie-talkie, which meant that something was wrong there!

"Get ready for battle!" As Chu Yifei shouted angrily, the snipers under him quickly dispersed and hid themselves in the woods!

Chu Yifei was sneaking in the grass, feeling the atmosphere nearby while walking. His keen intuition allowed him to detect the hidden dangers around him, so as not to be caught off guard.

While walking, a faint smell of blood suddenly floated into Chu Yifei's nostrils, which made his nerves tense all of a sudden.

Slowing down his speed, Chu Yifei moved towards the place where the bloody smell came, which was a jagged rock under a cliff.

Chu Yifei stopped in the grass beside the rocks. He looked up and found that on the cliff was the place where he kept his loot, but now there was nothing there!

Chu Yifei blew into the walkie-talkie, giving the signal for action!A few snipers went straight to the cliff without making a sound, and surrounded it in an arc!

"Report to the team leader, there is nothing abnormal!" After careful observation, the snipers did not find any abnormality there, so they reported to Chu Yifei!

Seeing that there was no ambush, Chu Yifei ordered his team members to continue to be vigilant, while he got up and went straight to the pile of rocks!

Outside the pile of rocks, a line of bloodstains stretched all the way to the back of the pile of stones, and a few scattered rags could be seen along the way.

Chu Yifei reached out to pick it up, and found that these pieces of cloth were from the uniforms of the Special Forces, and they were torn off only recently!

After a few steps to the rubble pile, Chu Yifei saw the special forces soldier lying behind the rubble pile at a glance, and immediately rushed over to hug him.

The special operations team member was already in a coma. There was blood on his head and body, and he had gunshot wounds on his chest and shoulders. The blood was constantly flowing outwards. His legs and left arm seemed to be broken and drooped limply!

After Chu Yifei shook him twice, seeing that he didn't respond, he gave the order for the snipers to retreat, and after they got together, they returned to Huxiaoling base!


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