After more than half a year of construction, the Huxiaoling base has changed drastically!

The appearance of the three checkpoints Luo Xiao saw basically remained the same, but the weapons inside them had increased a lot, and their defensive capabilities had increased significantly.

With these three checkpoints alone, even if the Japanese army came to five divisions, I am afraid they would come to be targets!

In the Huxiaoling base, the original monastery still maintains its status quo, but it has been repaired a bit to prevent it from falling into disrepair and leaking rain and wind!Luo Xiao didn't want to destroy these historic sites that existed for an unknown number of years, so he and Yan Beifeng made a plan and decided to build a new surface base on the large wasteland behind the temple, and now a large area of ​​houses has been built. As for the style, it is a modern style, so the problem of accommodation for the troops will be temporarily solved!

The secret base in the cave is still under intensive construction, the space is getting wider and wider, and the roads are also built to extend in all directions, which seems to be developing into an underground city.

The daily work areas located in the first to fourth districts have basically been completed, and have been decorated with cement, lighting facilities and drainage systems have also been installed, but because the power generation system has not yet been put in place, it is useless to start , but it should be up and running in no time!

As for the energy required for power generation, Mo Yanran had the latest blueprints for the design of miniature nuclear power plants in the old days. Now, as long as the construction of the nuclear power plant is started at the right time, at that time, not to mention the entire underground base, it will be regarded as re-construction Ten bases can also be fully supplied!

However, before the successful construction of micro-nuclear power plants, the power generation system can only use coal to generate electricity.

For a long time, using coal to generate electricity is one of the most used methods, so Luo Xiao and the others built two power plants beside the base, temporarily supplying the base for use!In addition, there are more than a dozen sets of solar and wind energy storage systems brought in, which are enough to alleviate the urgent need!

At the beginning, the arsenal was preparing to relocate, so all the main core equipment was brought in. It can be said that it will not take long to start production again in a new place!

As for the supply of coal raw materials, in a ravine about two or three miles away from the main peak of Huxiaoling Mountain, Li Erxiazi discovered two coal mines with large reserves and one iron mine, and they are very rich in content!

With these things, the development of the Huxiaoling base will naturally become more and more rapid. The reception banquet held by Yan Beifeng for the six young people was held in the newly built auditorium. This is a 100-meter-long and 50-meter-wide The giant restaurant can accommodate thousands of people to eat at the same time, the scale is amazing!

This time, all commanders and fighters from the Huxiaoling Base participated in the reception. In addition to Yan Beifeng, there were also more than a dozen people in charge of various aspects such as Xie Carpenter. , There are hundreds of people.

Today's Huxiaoling base has more than doubled the number of people in the past, and has reached more than 8000 people. If you count the strength of the periphery, it will break through the [-] mark. More than a dozen were added, all recruited by Yan Beifeng!

Yan Beifeng has already investigated the background of these people clearly, and they are indeed people with no problems, so there is no need to worry about problems, and there is the meticulous Yan Beifeng and the elite Huya special warfare brigade in charge, thinking It's not that easy to make trouble!

Yan Beifeng was ingenious and turned this reception banquet into a cocktail party plus a self-service style, which opened the eyes of everyone at the Huxiaoling Base and couldn't help but be amazed.

Except for the special forces team members who followed Yan Beifeng from the original era, the rest of the people don't even know what cocktail parties are, let alone self-service. These are completely catering methods that are widely used in later generations. It is still very rare in this era. of!

The tables are assembled one by one, covered with mats woven from the unique Huxiaoling Achnatherum splendens, and filled with all kinds of food, of course, most of them are common foods, and of course there are some special foods made by the Huxiaoling base. , such as a very delicious mashed potato shortbread, golden in appearance, sweet and crispy, so that guests are full of praise.

The base of Huxiao Ridge has a radius, and a lot of mountain products and fruits are produced on the mountain. These things grow a lot every year. In previous years, because they couldn't eat them and no one picked them, they were all wasted. Now Yanbeifeng manages Huxiao Ridge. The drip-tight style, of course, all have to be used!

Apples, hawthorns, grapes, walnuts, chestnuts, kiwis, pears, oranges..., plus the corn, wheat, and rice grown by themselves, filled so many warehouses!

Yan Beifeng attaches great importance to the one-stop feature of industrialization. He asked Carpenter Xie to find many craftsmen and taught the troops in charge of production at the base how to make vinegar and soy sauce. Self-sufficient, no need to buy outside!

Looking at the dazzling fruits and all kinds of unique food, all the people who came to participate were in high spirits. They chatted while eating, and the relationship became harmonious easily!

Among these people, those six young people are naturally key figures. This reception banquet was originally prepared for them, so Yan Beifeng, Xie Carpenter, and some senior generals also accompanied them more often!

Others don't know the value of these people, but Yan Beifeng knows it very well.These people are all talents, and they will play a very important role in the development of high technology in the next few decades, or even hundreds of years!

Whether it is aerospace, missiles, or even atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs, these human-studied majors are inseparable. It can be said that with them, there will be a group of experts and a group of professional technicians in the arsenal!

Of course, whether it is suitable or not will not be determined until Mo Yanran from the Weapons Research Institute of the Arsenal arrives. After all, she is the genius in this field and has the most say!

"Tan Tianyou, Aiya, Chen Menglin, Ge Tianshu, Li Zaihua, Mu Yu, I welcome you on behalf of the Huxiaoling Base!" Yan Beifeng was dressed in a military uniform, with shiny epaulettes on his shoulders, and the straight military uniform of the general school made him look even more beautiful Heroic.

Holding a wine glass in one hand, in the glass was the red wine made by Huxiaoling himself. Yan Beifeng smiled very decently and gestured to Tan Tianyou and the others, and then continued, "Sorry, Huxiaoling was first built, and many aspects are still relatively simple. , really made you laugh!"

Tan Tianyou and the others hastily returned the salute, and said, "Instructor Yan, your reception is already very grand. We are just ordinary foreign students, and we are really flattered to receive such a reception!!"


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