"You can't say that. You all went abroad to learn their advanced science and technology. Now that you return to the country, you should be welcomed grandly. This is what we should do!" Yan Beifeng said with a smile.

These people are all from the West. They are naturally used to Western receptions, and even participated in some. They were shocked to see such a professional and authentic reception in China at that time, and it was a cottage in the Northeast. Yes, this made them all have an illusion, thinking that they have returned to the country where they studied abroad!

The girl named Aya changed into a camouflage uniform, which made her figure more bumpy and eye-catching. As for her school uniform, it had to be changed temporarily because it was torn and oiled in the armored vehicle.Hearing what Yan Beifeng said, she blinked her big eyes, her long eyelashes flickering, "Instructor Yan, Huxiao Ridge is very well built, here you don't feel the remoteness of the mountains at all, but there is a kind of prosperity in the city Feel!"

"Hehe, you're welcome, this is nothing. I believe that the Huxiaoling base will develop better in the future, when the conditions will be more complete, and people's lives will be better!" Hearing the compliment, Yan Beifeng Although he was happy in his heart, he was still very calm on the surface, and replied with a smile.

For the construction of underground cities, Luo Xiao and Yan Beifeng are very experienced, because the special warfare base they were in was a small city built underground, covering an area of ​​more than tens of square kilometers, and all kinds of facilities in it. Everything is complete, and the level of prosperity is no less than that of a city!

Having lived in it for more than twenty years, Luo Xiao and Yan Beifeng can reproduce the layout of the entire city and the characteristics of each part of the facilities with their eyes closed. Moreover, they also have a complete set of design drawings for the base, and they only need to build step by step. !

So as soon as he came to Huxiao Ridge, Luo Xiao decided to build an underground city here, so that the special forces could be stationed for a long time and have a stable foothold!

It is built underground, with all kinds of ground facilities, coupled with strict air defense equipment, it is almost impossible for the devils to capture the underground base!

Yan Beifeng introduced the idea of ​​the base to several people, while talking, he quickly attracted the attention of several people. They gathered around Yan Beifeng, asking questions one after another. one.

Although Yan Beifeng was so busy answering these people's questions that he didn't even have the time to swallow his saliva, but he was very happy, because the more interested these people are in Huxiaoling, the greater his hope of keeping these people. .

It is precisely because of this thought that he wants to hold such a grand welcome, it is completely fishing!

"By the way, Instructor Yan, just now you said that you have Mo Yanran, who is a genius in weapon manufacturing. I wonder if you can introduce him to us?" Mu Yu, who hadn't said a word since attending the banquet, suddenly I opened my mouth.

Mu Yu is about 23 or [-] years old, with long black hair hanging on her shoulders, smooth like satin, with a high nose, and a small mouth that is always red, but she has a cool look, very similar to Mo Yanran in temperament !

Hearing her question about Mo Yanran, Yan Beifeng searched the crowd, but found that this aunt was nowhere to be seen at all, and probably won't come to the banquet again, so he shook his head helplessly, "Maybe Mo Gong is busy." , so I didn’t come to the banquet!”

"I heard that she is proficient in weapon engineering, mechanical engineering, quantum mechanics and many other subjects. Is she an all-rounder?" provocative tone.

Yan Beifeng couldn't help laughing, he didn't expect that his introduction to Mo Yanran seemed to arouse this girl Mu Yu's competitive spirit!

But he was telling the truth, Mo Yanran is simply a genius, or to be more precise, a monster. She has dabbled in more than a dozen majors, and she is extremely proficient in each of them!

But only in terms of language, Mo Yanran is proficient in English, French, Japanese, German, Italian, Russian and other languages ​​of more than a dozen countries, and how can she use the languages ​​of these countries to consult those scientific and technological documents, which is far better than being able to use them for conversation It is much more advanced!

After listening to Yan Beifeng's introduction to Mo Yanran, those men and women were a little unconvinced. During their study abroad, they were all top students in their respective colleges, and they were even recognized by the country where the school is located. They hoped to keep them for the future. They played in their own country, but they were eager to think about their country, so they returned to China.

Everyone has a competitive mind, especially these young people who are proud of their talents. Hearing that Yan Beifeng admired a woman so much, Mu Yu asked to meet Mo Yanran!

"I'm sorry, Miss Mu Yu, Engineer Mo Yanran didn't come to the banquet today!" After searching for a long time at the banquet site, Yan Beifeng couldn't find Mo Yanran's shadow, and finally had to say apologetically, "I think she is going to attend the banquet." The experiment is too busy, so I forgot the time!"

"In that case, shall I go to her studio and have a look?" Mu Yu didn't seem to want to let it go when she heard what Yan Beifeng said, so she put down her wine glass and said stubbornly.

"Mu Yu, don't be so self-willed!" Aiya pulled Mu Yu aside, and persuaded in a low voice, "This is with Instructor Yan. He treats us so enthusiastically, we can't go too far!"

Hearing Aiya's persuasion, Mu Yu didn't respond at all, his eyes were still fixed on Yan Beifeng, the stubbornness in his eyes was clearly visible!

Yan Beifeng saw Mu Yu's persistence, so he could only smile wryly, and said, "Okay, since Miss Mu Yu insists on seeing her, I'll send someone to send you there!"

"Then thank you, Instructor Yan!" Mu Yu was overjoyed at hearing this, bowed to Yan Beifeng, and then, led by a special forces member, went straight to Mo Yanran's residence!

Aiya and the other five people all looked at each other with helpless faces, they all knew Mu Yu's character, she has always been so full of personality all the way, which made everyone very helpless.

"Okay, everyone, don't worry, there will be no problem!" Yan Beifeng was very calm in his heart, because he knew that Mu Yu had gone, and he couldn't get any good from Mo Yanran, because although she was also very good , but compared with Mo Yanran, it is much worse!

If there is no accident, Mu Yu will definitely be convinced by Mo Yanran, so it will be much easier to keep them!

Several people chatted with Yan Beifeng and the others for a while, but they couldn't let go of Mu Yu, so they told Yan Beifeng that they wanted to go and see how Mu Yu and Mo Yanran were doing!

Knowing that the young people were worried about Mu Yu, Yan Beifeng didn't stop him, but personally led the way to Mo Yanran's residence!

Mo Yanran still lives in the original house, but next to her house, several spacious and bright laboratories were newly built, and there are passages connecting with her residence!

Originally, a spacious and bright residence was prepared for her in the newly built camp, but Mo Yanran refused and insisted on living in this simple hut. As for the reason, no one knows!

When Yan Beifeng and the others came to the door of the laboratory, they saw the special forces member waiting outside the door, and saw him waiting outside the door!


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