"How is it, has Miss Mu Yu come out?"

Yan Beifeng walked over and asked the special forces member in a low voice. He knew at a glance that Mu Yu must have entered the laboratory to compete with Mo Yanran.

Seeing that it was Yan Beifeng who came, the special operations team hurriedly gave a military salute, and then replied, "It hasn't come out yet!"

Aiya said anxiously, "It's been more than half an hour since I went in, and sister Mu Yu still hasn't come out!"

Yan Beifeng smiled faintly, "Miss Aiya, don't worry, engineer Mo Yanran is a bit colder, but she is not unreasonable, Miss Mu Yu will be fine!"

Before the words were finished, the door of the laboratory opened, and Mu Yu quickly walked out from inside!

Several people hurriedly gathered around, Tan Tianyou hurriedly asked, "Mu Yu, how are you doing, are you okay?"

Mu Yu ignored them, but walked up to Yan Beifeng, stared at him for a moment, and then said suddenly, "Instructor Yan, I want to participate in the laboratory at Huxiaoling Base, I hope you can promise me this." Require!"


The other five people were all taken aback, they never imagined that Mu Yu would change so much after meeting Mo Yanran.

When Tan Tianyou saw that Mu Yu said he wanted to stay, he was the first to get anxious, he supported Mu Yu's shoulders with both hands, stared into her eyes, "Mu Yu, you have to think about it, our alma mater, Massachusetts Institute of Technology He has sent us an invitation letter on behalf of the United States, as long as we want to, we can stay in the school and engage in the research you like, there are the best equipment and complete materials, which will make your research even more powerful!"

Mu Yu still looked indifferent, raised her hand and pushed Tan Tianyou's arm away, and then said, "I have already decided to stay at the Huxiaoling base and work with Mo Yanran and Mo Gong. As for you, stay or leave." You decide for yourself!"

After speaking, Mu Yu turned around and walked towards the laboratory, opened the door and walked in!

Seeing the door of the laboratory closed behind Mu Yu, Tan Tianyou and the others were all stunned. After more than ten minutes, Tan Tianyou finally opened his mouth, "Are you staying or leaving?"

"I plan to stay. Anyway, there is no one in my family. I have nothing to worry about!" Chen Menglin, who looks rough and has a big beard, also said that he doesn't look like an intellectual, and expressed his opinion, "Lian Mu The rain has left behind, which shows that engineer Mo Yanran must be amazing, and we can learn a lot from her here!"

"Aiya, what about you?" Tan Tianyou planned to stay from the beginning, but he wanted to ask other friends for their opinions!

Aiya wrung her slender and fair fingers, bit her lips and thought about it, then nodded, "I'll stay, Sister Mu Yu may have chosen the right one, it's rare to have such a learning opportunity!"

From now on, only Li Zaihua and Ge Tianshu are left.

"I'm going to go home and have a look first. I have been abroad for so many years, so I should go and see my parents!" Li Zaihua, who is handsome and has two small canine teeth, thought about it, and decided to go home and have a look, "As for the next Things, I have to see and talk about it!"

As a result, the last six people were divided into two groups, Ge Tianshu and Li Zaihua decided to leave, while Tan Tianyou, Aiya and Chen Menglin decided to stay.

Although Yan Beifeng felt a little regretful about this result, he was still quite satisfied. After all, four of the six people remained, which was already more than half!

After making a decision, Chen Menglin and Li Zaihua stayed overnight in Huxiao Ridge, and Yan Beifeng sent someone to escort them out of the base the next day.

As for Tan Tianyou and the other four, they entered the laboratory to conduct research with Mo Yanran!

After entering the laboratory, Tan Tianyou finally understood why Mu Yu was willing to follow Mo Yanran, because Mo Yanran did not need to be described by humans, she was purely a humanoid machine, a humanoid data storage, the questions they asked , All of them were answered by him, and many of them were difficult problems that even the tutors in the academy could not study at the beginning, but they were all easily solved by her.

With such an excellent teacher, even if they are driven away with a whip, they will not leave!

With the addition of these four young people in the laboratory, the efficiency is also much higher. After all, they are international students of world-class universities, and their level is still good. It is very suitable to help Mo Yanran!

Yan Beifeng has a wishful thinking in mind, that is, when the time is right in the future, let these people try to recruit more of their original classmates, colleagues, or even mentors through the relationship of their previous studies, so that they can greatly expand their careers. The power of Tiger Roaring Ridge.

With Mo Yanran, a genius far ahead of his time, I'm not afraid that those scientific research lunatics won't be tempted!

If it is possible, I even want to dig Einstein too!

Mo Yanran is naturally very happy about the arrival of these people, so that she can leave some less important things to them and free up more time for important experiments!

Of course, at first, before they gain absolute trust, they can only do some unimportant things. Only after Yan Beifeng confirms that they have no problems, will they be allowed to participate in important military design!

In the initial stage, these four people were all assigned to design the civilian facilities used by the base!

After this matter came to an end, Luo Xiao suddenly returned to the base!

Yan Beifeng is very helpless to this base commander who is always on the edge of his home. This individual heroism is too serious, and he always likes to go it alone. Although he has been persuaded countless times, he still shows no signs of correction!

Luo Xiao had long been immune to Yan Beifeng's nagging. He listened with a smile on his face, and let Yan Beifeng scold him for more than half an hour before he said, "Old Yan, I plan to counterattack in half a year. God!"

"Counterattack Fengtian?" Yan Beifeng was stunned for a moment. Although he heard Luo Xiao mention it once before, he didn't say when it was at that time, so he didn't take it seriously!Now that I heard him talk about the specific time, I know that he has put this matter on the agenda!

"Counterattacking Fengtian is a good thing, but the premise is that our preparations are not sufficient!" Yan Beifeng thought for a while, then opened the map, pointed to the situation map of the enemy and us on it, and said, "Look, now the three eastern provinces are completely Under the control of the Japanese, only within a radius of tens of kilometers around Huxiaoling, the forces of the devils cannot infiltrate. In addition, in some relatively remote mountain forests, some anti-Japanese organizations also exist, but none of them can play a key role. !"

"Well, yes, apart from our strong Huxiaoling base, only Canglongshan, Qingmakan, and Guayuegou are relatively powerful, but these forces are not clear about their positions now, and they seem to be very wary of us. , It might be a bit difficult to unite!" Luo Xiao couldn't help saying, looking at the blue marks marked on the electronic map.

"The Japanese army has now assembled 20 troops in the three eastern provinces. Although so many troops have been dispersed due to the need to garrison the three eastern provinces, there are [-] troops stationed in Liaoning Province alone!" Yan Beifeng said. With that, he reached out and pointed, and opened a distribution map of the three eastern provinces of the Kwantung Army!

On the map, the symbols representing the various units of the Kwantung Army are densely packed, all over the three provinces of Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang, especially in Liaoning Province, where there are many!

Among so many signs, there are the most around Fengtian, which shows that the Japanese have invested a lot of troops here and regard Fengtian as the most important place!

Fengtian City is not only the throat of transportation, but also the largest arsenal in Asia, which is one of the main sources of Japanese military weapons and equipment!

In this way, the Japanese will inevitably send heavy troops to defend Fengtian!


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