Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 275 Revisiting Mo Yanran

Hearing this, Luo Xiao said with a chuckle, "Old Yan, I know all about these situations, but I have planned for a long time, when the time comes, the Japanese troops will definitely be withdrawn, and Fengtian City will be empty!"

"Really?" Yan Beifeng didn't believe Luo Xiao's words, because this was the Kwantung Army with over [-] troops, unless there was a big battle, it would be extremely difficult to mobilize them all!

Luo Xiao smiled and said nothing, it seemed that he was planning to show off.Yan Beifeng asked for a long time but still didn't come out, and finally had no choice but to curse angrily, "Damn, you kid is still playing charades with me, I won't ask anymore!"

"Old Yan, you will know when the time comes. As for now, I won't tell you!" Yan Beifeng seemed to be planning to keep his plan in his heart, planning to surprise Yan Beifeng in the future.

After talking and laughing with Yan Beifeng for a while, Luo Xiao left his place and rushed to Mo Yanran's laboratory!

Luo Xiao was very happy about the new arrivals, because it was a great thing to have fresh blood joining the base, otherwise, both concepts and scientific research capabilities would be in a state of shrinking!

Luo Xiao is going to stand firm in the future, and will promote education within the scope of the base's control, so that people can learn cultural knowledge. Only in this way can people's quality and consciousness be improved, and the quality of the people can be fundamentally changed!

A nation without culture is an ignorant and sad nation. This is an eternal truth!

As for the future development of education, Luo Xiao already has a whole set of development plans in mind, and it will naturally be carried out step by step. I believe that the future will be very beautiful!

While thinking about things, Luo Xiao walked quickly, passed through the newly built building, and came to the door of Mo Yanran's laboratory!

Outside the door of the laboratory, two special forces members stood awe-inspiring, holding the [-]-year-old automatic rifle in their hands, and a pistol at their waist, standing upright like two poles, guarding the safety of the laboratory!

Originally, it was very safe in the base, but Yan Beifeng was still worried, and specially sent five groups of special forces to be on duty day and night to prevent accidents from happening!

Seeing Luo Xiao approaching, the two special forces members hastily raised their hands in a military salute, "Captain!"

"You have worked hard!" Although Luo Xiao is now the commander of the base, the soldiers of the Huya Special Forces Brigade who followed him from that era are still used to calling him Captain.

Two soldiers from the Special Operations Brigade stretched out their hands and opened the door of the laboratory, allowing Luo Xiao to enter the laboratory!

As soon as he entered the laboratory, Luo Xiao's eyes lit up: the laboratory covers an area of ​​hundreds of square meters, and there is a pillar supporting it every tens of meters.Looking up, you can see the glass dome above your head, which allows light to shine in on sunny days, but when the weather is bad or at night, the lighting facilities in the house will play a role!

The spacious laboratory is filled with all kinds of experimental equipment. The space of hundreds of square meters is slowly stacked. Dozens of staff in the weapons laboratory are busy in an orderly manner. Luo Xiao came in and they didn't even lift their heads. !

In a corner, Mo Yanran was carefully observing a test bench, recording the data in the notebook from time to time, with a concentrated expression on her face!

"Who are you? How did you enter the laboratory? Get out!" Luo Xiao stopped in his tracks. He wanted to wait for Mo Yanran to finish his work before looking for her, but he was soon discovered. A tall man walked over. The bearded face does not look like a scientific researcher, but like a martial artist, "This is a laboratory, no one else is allowed to enter!"

Luo Xiao froze for a moment, then laughed. He forgot to wear an ID card to enter the laboratory. He just forgot to get an ID card from Yan Beifeng. As for the special forces team members standing guard at the door, no one would stop them He!

Just when Luo Xiao turned around to go to Yan Beifeng to get his ID card, the conversation between the two startled Mo Yanran who was working. She seemed to hear Luo Xiao's voice, and immediately raised her head to look this way!

Seeing that it was really Luo Xiao, Mo Yanran's eyes flashed, she put down the card board in her hand and walked towards Luo Xiao.Mu Yu, who was fighting beside her, unexpectedly found a trace of indistinct joy on the ever-changing cold face of her tutor Mo.

"Who is this person who can even move the face of Teacher Mo of Bingshan Beauty?" Mu Yu was so surprised that she couldn't help but stop what she was doing, and focused on Luo Xiao's situation.

"Luo Xiao!"

Mo Yanran's call made Luo Xiao, who turned and walked towards the door, stop. He looked back at Mo Yanran who was walking towards him, and stroked his hair a little embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, Mo Yanran, I forgot Get your ID card!"

"Hehe, you still need someone else's ID card?" Mo Yanran actually smiled, and the smile that appeared on that iceberg-like face made Chen Menglin at the side stunned and was deeply attracted!

"I'm nothing special either!" Luo Xiao walked back with a smile and stood in front of Mo Yanran.

Mo Yanran took out a card from her pocket, threw it to Luo Xiao without looking at it, then turned her head and said to Chen Menglin who was standing aside in a daze, "Chen Menglin, this is the number one person in charge of the Huxiaoling Base, Luo Xiao !"

"You're Luo Xiao, that captain Luo who likes to hang out?" Chen Menglin, who just woke up from his trance, fell into shock again. He didn't expect to see the base that was widely discussed in the base so soon. Commander - Luo Xiao.

I like Qiaojia! ! !

Luo Xiao could only respond with a wry smile. He didn't know when he got such a nickname, but it seemed to fit his style very well!

When they heard that it was Luo Xiao, the four newcomers all became interested, put down their work, surrounded them, and looked at Luo Xiao with admiring eyes!

Mo Yanran raised her eyebrows in displeasure, and then yelled softly, "What are you all doing here, go to work!"

With a bang, all four of them ran away without a trace. These days, they had seen the horror of Mo Yanran's berserk, and the shock left them lingering fears, even Mu Yu couldn't help but click his tongue.

After the few people dispersed, Mo Yanran grabbed Luo Xiao's hand and walked towards a row of small rooms on the side of the laboratory without hesitation, "Luo Xiao, come here, and test the effect of the newly improved equipment with me. how?"

Luo Xiao knew that what Mo Yanran was talking about was the high-fidelity military simulation system, and he was about to go and see the system. In fact, he came here this time mainly for that system!

The door of the hut was opened and closed, separating Luo Xiao and Mo Yanran inside, naturally leaving room for people's imagination.

If Luo Xiao knew about the scandal that had just gradually subsided recently, he wondered if he would look up to the sky and lament that he was more wronged than Dou E!


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