
Luo Xiao shot off the head of the last Japanese officer, and then the system beeped, and lines of data appeared on the display screen, recording the effect of Luo Xiao's experiment!

Luo Xiao opened his eyes, removed the equipment on his body by himself, then stood up from the experimental cabin, looked at Mo Yanran who was immersed in recording data, and asked, "How is the effect of the experiment?"

"It should be considered ideal. Although there is still a long way to go before it can be fully formed, at least it proves that our design idea is correct!" Mo Yanran's pen tip danced quickly on the paper, making a rustling sound, Mo Yanran, who was engrossed in her work, exuded a unique charm.

Luo Xiao didn't pay attention to these, what he was thinking about was how much help this set of equipment would bring to the Huxiaoling base if it was formed and put into operation in batches.

He can't estimate the specific value, but he knows that it will be of great help to him in capturing Fengtian City. At least after this experiment, his original plan to counterattack Fengtian needs to be improved in a few places, which can save a lot of money strength.

"If this set of equipment is completely successful, it will definitely be much more advanced than the same type of equipment in the West!" After recording the data, Mo Yanran put down her pen and raised her head, looking at Luo Xiao and said, "However, there is still a problem that restricts this equipment." The big problem with a complete set of equipment is the problem of mass production!"

"Well, I thought of it, such a precise thing, with the existing equipment, can't be mass-produced at all!" Luo Xiao thought with some distress.

Mo Yanran said, "So, you must expand the scope of control as soon as possible, and then gather a lot of manpower and material resources, so that there is hope for mass production!"

Luo Xiao nodded, and said to himself, "It seems that we can't delay any longer!"

Mo Yanran felt a little puzzled by Luo Xiao's words, so she asked, "Why can't it be delayed any longer?"

"It's nothing, it's just one thing!" Luo Xiao came back to his senses, smiled, and said, "How about these new young people?"

"Well, the quality is pretty good, and the professional knowledge I have learned is relatively solid. In time, I can be my assistant!" Mo Yanran said lightly, but if they can be recognized by her, then Tan Tianyou and the others can be regarded as good!

Luo Xiao also nodded and warned, "Before their identities are confirmed, don't let them participate in the important part of the military design, and keep it secret!"

"Luo Xiao, don't worry, I know all this!" Mo Yanran seemed to have known it for a long time.

Luo Xiao knew that Mo Yanran didn't seem to care about anything, but she was actually a very careful person, and very smart, it was not so easy to fool her!

What's more, with the help of Yan Beifeng, in the Huxiaoling base, if you want to make troubles, you may steal chickens and lose money!

After the two finished working on the high-simulation training system, Luo Xiao was about to leave the laboratory. He still had a lot to do!

Mo Yanran moved her lips, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything, she just watched Luo Xiao leave the laboratory!

As soon as he left the laboratory, Luo Xiao's walkie-talkie rang, and he remembered that all signals in the laboratory were blocked, even the walkie-talkie was blocked.

After connecting to the walkie-talkie, before Luo Xiao could speak, Yan Beifeng's voice came from the opposite side, "Luo Xiao, come here!"

Luo Xiao heard that Yan Beifeng was in a bad mood, he responded and turned off the walkie-talkie!

The distance from Mo Yanran to Yan Beifeng's headquarters is not too far, Luo Xiao arrived in a few minutes. After he opened the door and entered the headquarters, he saw Yan Beifeng with a livid face!

"Old Yan, what's the matter?" Luo Xiao knew something had happened when he saw Yan Beifeng's face. Yan Beifeng was known to have a good temper. He was always smiling, but he seldom shouted, let alone It's time for such a big fire!

"Luo Xiao, you're here, come and have a look!" Yan Beifeng's voice was low, he could tell he was suppressing his emotions, and pointed at a corner of the headquarters.

Luo Xiao looked in the direction of his finger, and saw several corpses lying there at a glance, and couldn't help being taken aback!

The clothes worn by those corpses were the military uniforms of the wolf pack team. They should be the soldiers of the wolf pack team that were recently subdued by the bandits at the Huxiaoling base. Unexpectedly, several of them died!

Walking closer, Luo Xiao squatted down, stretched out his hand and turned over the corpse of a wolf pack soldier, and found a bullet hole on his forehead between the eyebrows, and a gunshot wound on the front of his heart, both of which were fatal.

Several corpses were opened one after another, and each of them had gunshot wounds on vital parts. It can be seen that the person who made the shot was very skilled, and almost all of them were killed with one blow. !

Luo Xiao frowned, he didn't know who these subordinates had offended, they did this deadly move without saving any sympathy.

It can be seen that these people were all killed without precaution, and some of them still had the astonishment before they died!

Luo Xiao carefully inspected each corpse, then stood up, turned to the other soldiers of the wolf pack team, "Tell me the details of what happened!"

The corpses of several wolf pack soldiers were carried by other comrades in arms. At this time, several people stood aside. Seeing Luo Xiao questioning, they first looked at Yan Beifeng.

Only then did Yan Beifeng remember that these people hadn't seen Luo Xiao yet, so he said, "This is Luo Xiao, the captain of the Huya Special Forces Brigade!"

When they heard that it was Luo Xiao, the soldiers were overjoyed. They had already heard of Luo Xiao's name in the original village. He was their idol!

In fact, not only them, many forces around Fengtian regard Luo Xiao as their idol, which is also one of the reasons why the expansion of the Huxiaoling base is so smooth!

Star effect is an undeniable truth no matter what era it is. It can often make people do things twice with half the effort, leaving a lot of energy.

Several people knew that this was their idol, Luo Xiao, and hurriedly saluted him, "Captain Luo, what happened..."

After Luo Xiao finished listening to their narration, his expression became more and more ugly, and he could see that he was restraining the anger in his heart, but he didn't explode, but said in a deep voice, "You guys go back first, I'll take care of this matter! "

"Well, captain!" Several soldiers of the wolf pack team nodded, and then wiped away their tears, "You must avenge the little three!"

"Don't worry, I, Luo Xiao's people, not everyone can bully!" Luo Xiao said coldly!


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