Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 278 Guard of honor? !

"Well, this time I'm personally leading the team. You take out twenty elite fighters and organize them into a temporary special unit, and then give it to me!" Luo Xiao nodded, and then stated his specific requirements. .

After the two listened to it, they immediately arranged for people to select fighters. Of course, they selected the top ones in the Huya Special Forces Brigade. A total of twenty people formed an elite special team and waited in the yard!

After Feng Changyuan reported to him, Luo Xiao came to the courtyard and saw those twenty soldiers!

After seeing it, Luo Xiao frowned. He turned around and said to Feng Changyuan, "Feng Changyuan, what tricks are you playing with me? This is the team you gathered?"

It's no wonder that Luo Xiao was displeased, Feng Changyuan gathered all the commanders and fighters of various squadrons, detachments, and combat groups. It can be said that it is an officer team, and the combat effectiveness is of course very strong!

However, Luo Xiao knew that the withdrawal of this team would definitely affect the training of the Huya Special Forces Brigade, which he absolutely did not allow!What's more, using this kind of officer team for this mission is completely a waste!

Feng Changyuan didn't expect Luo Xiao to be dissatisfied, so he hurriedly explained, "Captain, you lead the team yourself, so naturally you want to lead the most elite troops, otherwise what should you do if something happens?"

Xue Li on the side also interjected, "Captain, your safety is the most important thing!"

"Nonsense, they're all disbanded, and we'll be re-selected!" Luo Xiao waved his hand bluntly, disbanded the team, and began to select fighters himself!

Most of the fighters he selected this time were those with good mental qualities and handsome looks. Those who didn't know thought he was picking a guard of honor!

Feng Changyuan and Xue Li didn't know why Luo Xiao chose these people, so they could only watch from the sidelines!

In a short period of time, Luo Xiao finished the selection. A total of twenty fighters stood there in a four-row square line. They were neatly cut with knives and axes, and they looked very comfortable!

Feng Changyuan and Xue Li sized Luo Xiao up and down for a long time, and then asked suspiciously, "Captain, what did you choose to do? The more you look at it, the more you look like a guard of honor!"

"Hehe, this is a temporary guest appearance in the guard of honor!" Luo Xiao laughed, he thought the movement of two people touching their heads was very interesting!

"Okay, you don't need to shut it down, the Huya special combat team will be handed over to you, you have to pay attention!" Luo Xiao raised his hand to interrupt the questioning of the two outlines, and then led the team towards the door !

Feng Changyuan and Xue Li stood at attention towards Luo Xiao, raised their hands in salute and said, "Captain, don't worry, we promise to complete the task!"

Watching Luo Xiao lead the team away gradually, Feng Changyuan and Xue Li muttered to themselves, "I said Lao Xue, what do you think the captain is doing? Could it be that he is going to choose a son-in-law?"

Xue Li seemed to be deeply touching his nose for a long time, and finally burst out a sentence, "I think it's possible!"

Naturally, Luo Xiao didn't know how his two love generals would arrange themselves behind their backs, otherwise he would have kicked them hard on their asses!

With the newly formed special unit, Luo Xiao went directly back to the headquarters of the base, and then told Yan Beifeng, and then took them to the warehouse to change into new equipment!

This time their weapons and equipment were different from the original ones. They did not use the improved automatic rifles of the [-]th Five-Year Plan, but the domestically-made [-]th improved micro-acoustic submachine guns, as well as some equipment used in street fighting!

The zero-six improved micro-acoustic submachine gun is a micro-impact researched and improved on the basis of the German mp9. The length of the full gun with a muffler is 705 mm, the length of the bracket is 505 mm, the length of the barrel is only 115 mm, and the weight of the empty gun is 1.2 kg. Equipped with 15 magazines of 20 rounds, 25 rounds, 30 rounds and 4 rounds, the performance is very good.

The military uniform of the special unit is still the special combat uniform, with a Kevlar helmet on the head, and all other melee weapons are readily available!

Twenty tall and handsome special forces members, fully armed and standing there, really give people a very pleasing feeling, of course, the premise is that they restrain their murderous aura!

When these soldiers changed their equipment, Yan Beifeng smiled when he saw it, "Hey, Luo Xiao, you really look like a guard of honor!"

Luo Xiao also laughed, he found that it was really good to do so.

After arranging this team, let them be on standby at the base headquarters, and rush to a nearby mountain peak to see the wolf pack team headquarters there!

Hearing that Blind Li Er enjoyed being a military advisor there, Luo Xiao really wanted to go and see what it was like!

Stayed at the base for one night, and early the next morning, Luo Xiao left Huxiao Ridge with two special forces members and rushed to Dayue Peak located in the southeast of Huxiao Ridge.

From Huxiao Ridge to Dayue Peak, the straight-line distance is only more than a dozen miles, but the actual distance is much farther when walking in the mountains. Luo Xiao led two warriors around the mountain path, climbing the mountain path for a while, turning over for a while. The hillside, and then got into the valley after a while. Anyway, I felt that I had only walked more than half of the distance after walking for a long time!

After the calculation, we will reach the place in more than two hours. Luo Xiao and two special forces members chose a mountain pass, intending to take a rest, drink some water and eat something before moving on!

As soon as the three of them sat down under the tree, the sound of horseshoes came from the mountain road not far away. It seemed to come from far and near, facing the direction of several people!

The col where Luo Xiao and the two special forces members are located is located on a hillside next to the mountain road. From here, they can clearly see the situation on the mountain road. cavalry!

"It's the devil's messenger!" Luo Xiao's eyesight is extraordinary, he saw clearly at a glance that the devil running from somewhere had a file bag slung across his body, a carbine on his back, and was leaning on the horse's back to urge the horse. gallop!

The two special forces members turned to ask Luo Xiao for instructions, "Captain, do you want to shoot him down?"

Luo Xiao laughed, "It goes without saying, of course I fight!"

With Luo Xiao's approval, a special forces member took off the [-] improved micro-acoustic submachine gun, with one hand on the flat end, and steadily aimed at the devil's cavalry signal soldier!


Just when he was about to shoot, there was a sudden gunshot from the forest on one side, which sounded like the sound of a Type [-] rifle.

The Japanese soldier who was galloping on horseback fell down, and because of inertia, he rolled on the ground for several meters, and then he fell down and did not move!


The special forces member who had already raised his gun and was about to pull the trigger put down his micro charge suspiciously, and then looked towards the place where the gunfire sounded, and found a few figures in camouflage uniforms popping out of the grass there!

Looking at the military uniform of the person coming from the opposite side, Luo Xiao smiled, "It's a member of the wolf pack team. I didn't expect them to come here in an ambush!"


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