Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 279 Deliberately Created Friction

"Mr. Li really has a way. It's really not easy to train a bunch of bandits in a mess to this level!" The special forces team couldn't help admiring when they saw the orderly busy ones!

Whether it's marksmanship or discipline, the current wolf pack team seems to be a different person from the original mob, which shows that Li Er blind man and the others are managing very well there!

"Captain, do you want to go forward and say hello to them?" A special forces member looked at the soldiers of the wolf pack who were searching for the Japanese signal soldier, and then asked Luo Xiao.

Luo Xiao thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Let's not disturb them anymore, let them continue to lay an ambush!"

The special forces members nodded in satisfaction, then packed up their things and prepared to leave!

Suddenly there was the sound of horseshoes on the opposite mountain road, and it sounded like he was not alone!

Luo Xiao's heart trembled, he thought it was the Japanese cavalry that was coming, so he raised his hand to stop the special forces team members who were about to leave, "Wait a minute, let's see the situation!"

Under the gaze of the binoculars of the three people, five war horses rushed towards the mountain road opposite, like a gust of wind, swept towards the soldiers of the wolf pack team!

Through the binoculars, Luo Xiao could clearly see that the ones riding on the horses were not Japanese, but all kinds of commoners. Judging from their attire, they should be a small group of bandits!

Seeing that they were bandits, the soldiers of the wolf pack team felt relieved, because now the wolf pack relies on the reputation of the Huxiaoling base, which is very famous within a hundred miles nearby. Even a large cottage with thousands of people dared not provoke them easily.

Since they thought that the other party would not provoke them, the soldiers of the wolf pack team ignored the men on horseback. Only one of them stopped and stood up straight and shouted to the opposite side, "Brothers on the other side, we are from the wolf pack team. Which part is it?"

The people on the opposite side didn't speak, instead they urged their horses and rushed towards these warriors. It seemed that the visitors were not friendly!

A few people here also realized that something was wrong, they hurriedly dropped what they got, and raised their guns!

"Clap clap clap!"

Several gunshots came from the opposite side, and the rushing men on horseback showed their ferocious minions, and fired first, and each of them was very accurate. These men were caught off guard and didn't even have a chance to shoot. He was hit and fell to the ground!

"Damn it!" Luo Xiao witnessed all of this from a distance, and it was too late to rescue him. He thought the same as these people just now, he was too careless with them, thinking that they would not dare to provoke Tiger. Xiaoling!

The Special Forces member reached out and pulled out the [-]-improved microcharger, then raised his gun and pointed it at the cavalrymen on the opposite side. As long as they snapped their fingers, those people would turn into cold corpses!

Luo Xiao suddenly shouted, "Wait a minute!"

The special operations team member was taken aback. He didn't know what Luo Xiao wanted to do, but he stopped his movements and waited for Luo Xiao's next order!

Luo Xiao shouted in a deep voice, "Catch me alive, let's see whose it is!"

The special operations team understood, the two nodded, and then rushed to the mountain road!

At this time, the five cavalry had already rushed forward from a distance, and stopped beside the corpses of several wolf pack soldiers.

A man with scars all over his face shouted sharply, "Quick, hurry up, leave immediately after cleaning up!"

Before he finished speaking, the other four people jumped off their horses and rushed towards the dead body of the wolf pack warrior!

The man with the scar face turned over and jumped down, and went straight to the Japanese soldier, apparently intending to look around to see if he had anything of value!

When he walked past the four corpses, the man with the scar face pulled out the box cannon from his waist, and shot one shot at each of the four corpses. Then he nodded firmly and put away the gun!

The Japanese signal soldier fell to the ground, a bullet hole in his chest had pierced through his body, and most of the things on his body had already been ripped off by the four soldiers just now, and there was not much left!

The scar-faced man squatted down and searched the little devil from top to bottom, but found nothing. He stood up resentfully, turned his head and shouted, "You four boys, did you find anything good?"

No one answered, and there was no sound behind him, as if those four people had already left!

Unable to hear the response from his subordinates, the scarred man's heart trembled suddenly, sensing something unusual, his body suddenly jumped up, and ran straight to his horse!

While the body was turning, an iron-like leg swept across his calf, making him feel as if his calf had been broken, and he couldn't help howling in pain!

Knowing that he was in danger, the big man with the scar face hadn't bounced up, put his hands on his head on the ground, and rolled towards the side of the mountain road forcefully!

He knew that there was a ravine, although it was a bit deeper, but he wouldn't be able to die if he rolled down, at least he still had a chance to survive!

It's a pity that his good luck seems to be gone. On his tumbling way, a man with a stern expression was staring at him with his legs crossed and a micro punch in his hand!


With a loud shout, the special forces member raised his leg and kicked him on the lower abdomen, kicking him like a ball, then rolled back, and landed at the feet of another special forces member!

He raised his leg and stepped on the scar-faced man at his feet, the special forces member swung the bloody saber in his hand, and the micro punch in the other hand hit the opponent's forehead!

The body of the scar-faced man froze immediately, and he didn't even dare to move his fingers!

"Which gang are you from?" The scarred-faced man was pressed against his head by the black gun barrel, which made his heart almost jump out, and the grooves on his spine were drenched with cold sweat, but he still roared fiercely. , "I am the brother of the jackal who is the second head of Hidden Dragon Mountain, give me a face!"

The special operations team stepped on the foot suddenly, and the scar-faced man felt his spine snap, and the maddening pain rushed from the spine to the brain, making his body numb!

"We don't know what Hidden Dragon Mountain is, but we know that you killed our brother!" Luo Xiao stood in front of him, sneering coldly, "You should have heard of murder for life!"

"Masters, please forgive me. We, the one-eyed vulture family, asked us to do this. We have no other choice!" Hearing that these people belonged to the wolf pack team, the scar-faced man softened. I kept begging, if I could get up, I would kowtow and beg for mercy!

Luo Xiao asked everything he knew, and then he said, "Since you are so cooperative, then I will spare you. If you fall into my hands again in the future, you will naturally be unlucky!" After finishing speaking, let Te The team let him go.

The big man with the scar face knelt on the ground, kept kowtowing, and promised, "I will never dare to do bad things again, thank you three uncles for not killing me!"

Hearing the thank you from the man with the scarred face, Luo Xiao asked the soldiers of the wolf pack who had heard the gunshots to carry the bodies of four people on their backs, put them on the horses, and then drove the horses forward!

Luo Xiao and the others walked farther and farther, the scar-faced man lying on the ground and kowtowing suddenly stopped, and then slowly raised his head. Seeing that Luo Xiao and the others didn't look back at all, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!

Suddenly, he pulled out a pair of box cannons, and the scar-faced man raised his gun and was about to shoot!

At this time, Luo Xiao's body on the opposite side moved, followed by the sound of pistols, and the scar-faced man fell backwards. His body shook and then became silent, and the pair of box cannons were also thrown aside!

"You can't live with your own crimes, you asked for this!" Not far away, Luo Xiao didn't turn his head, but wisps of gunpowder smoke were slowly drifting away from the muzzle of the gun protruding from his armpit!


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