Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 280 The Blind Are Crazy

I was watching the mountain view from the watchtower, and I heard the chaos outside the city.

The banners fluttered and turned, but it turned out to be a soldier sent by Sima.

I also sent people to inquire, and after inquiring, Sima led the troops and went west.

It's not because Ma Di has no plans and few talents, it's because of the discord between the generals that he lost the street pavilion.

On Dayue Peak, in the team headquarters of the wolf pack team, Li Erxiazi was lying on a recliner, holding a small purple sand teapot in one hand, and stroking his bony belly with the other, singing Beijing opera leisurely. What a look!

As long as the soldiers of the wolf pack team passed by him, they all nodded respectfully and saluted him, and then shouted, "Hello, Mr. Li!"

Blind Li Er seemed to be very useful for these people's greetings. He squinted his eyes, stroked his belly, and laughed loudly, "Well, young people should respect their teachers. Your respect can’t be overstated, hahahaha!”

"Come on, they are afraid that you will punish them, and you think they are really respectful to you!" Huang Cheng, the captain of the wolf pack team, smiled. He was really speechless for the old man Li Erblind!

Don't look at Li Er blind man's fairy-like appearance, in fact, he is surprisingly bad, he has all kinds of bad ideas, if you offend him, I guarantee you will not stop until you die!

When I first came to the wolf pack team, there were thorns like a cloud, just a group of mobs, and of course I was even more dissatisfied with this old man who seemed to have no power to restrain chickens!

Blind Li Er didn't rush or panic, and then waited until the time to exchange ideas on the playground, and used his crutches to make those prickly beating ghosts cry and howl, with bruised noses and swollen faces for a long time!

From then on, these boys knew that the old man was simply too terrifying, and fighting him was purely as a target for him!

Of course, if Blind Li Er only had this powerful skill, he still wouldn't be able to subdue those bad boys. You must know that they are not kind people, so there are a lot of bad ideas!

After suffering a loss on the playground, these guys planned to secretly punish Li Er blind man and show their anger!

It's okay not to do that, once you do it, it can be said that Li Er's blind man's interest is enough, and then he started his whole person journey, and he never tired of it!

During this period of time, the soldiers of the wolf pack team have been living in hell, and now some people are still trembling when they mention Blind Li Er!

It seems that Li Er's blind man syndrome has already been formed!

Who would dare to make trouble under the white terror of this bad, festering old Mr. Li? Everyone obeyed Huang Cheng's training obediently.

After tasting the sweetness from the training, these people will feel at ease, and they don't have to force them to improve themselves desperately, and they don't want to hate Li Er blind man so much anymore!Because they understood that what Blind Li Er did was actually for their benefit!

However, these people still dare not provoke Blind Li Er, who knows if they will get excited and add some "spice" to people's training.

Facing Huang Cheng's teasing, Li Er's face was not even red. It seems that he has already practiced the thick-skinned magic. He just picked up the small purple sand teapot, took a sip, and then rolled his eyes to look at Huang Cheng , "I said Team Huang, what you said is wrong. A genius like me, who is loved by everyone and loves flowers when mice see them, is already disrespectful if they don't worship them. How can they be afraid? !"

"Damn it, this is the first time I've seen such a thick-skinned person!" Huang Cheng completely convinced Li Er blind man, this is simply a narcissist!

Blind Li Er didn't do it when he heard that, he shouted at the soldiers passing by with white eyes, "Are you afraid of me or respect me?"

Everyone was scalped, and they all lowered their heads not daring to look at Li Er blind man, and said in the smallest voice, "Of course I respect you, Mr. Li!"

Although people had no choice but to say this because of his coercion, our blind man Li Er seemed to be overjoyed. He patted his belly where he could count his ribs, and laughed loudly, "Look, I just said it." Well, you kid still don't believe it!"

Huang Cheng curled his lips unconvinced, but there was nothing he could do!

At this moment, a hearty voice sounded at the gate, which made Huang Cheng happy when he heard it, "What is Mr. Li telling people again?"

Blind Li Er was originally squinting, humming the opera and beating the time, but when he heard this sound, he immediately jumped up as if a spring was installed on his buttocks.

With a whoosh, Huang Cheng passed by, and the gust of wind brought Huang Cheng to a sudden stop when he was running, "I rely on the speed of an old man in his 70s. I wouldn't believe it if he was killed!"

Laughing loudly, Blind Li Er reached out and grabbed Luo Xiao's wrist, and said, "Luo Xiao, you're here, hurry up and find someone to take my place, these boys are going to drive me to death Already!"

The soldiers of the wolf pack team in the yard all pricked up their ears, hoping that Luo Xiao would get this one away, even if it was another instructor who was as strict as Captain Huang Cheng!

But Luo Xiao's words completely shattered their hopes, "Old man, you have done a good job, I think you are the most suitable here!"

"Get out, you're not a good guy either!" Blind Li Er rolled his eyes, went back to the reclining chair, and ignored Luo Xiao!

Huang Cheng stepped forward at this time, saluted Luo Xiao, and said, "Captain, why are you here?"

"Let me see how your management is going?" After Luo Xiao returned the salute, he followed Huang Cheng towards the team headquarters. Before entering, Luo Xiao called Li Er blind man to go with him, but this guy just closed his eyes and pretended to be snoring coming!

Luo Xiao smiled helplessly, and had no choice but to go in with Huang Cheng!

The team headquarters is very simple, with only a few stools made of tree roots, and a long table made of large stone strips, with a large sand table on it.

Most of the bandit leaders who used to be on the top of the mountain are now leading the team below, and the team headquarters are mainly personnel brought over by Huang Cheng from the Special Forces, and they are mainly responsible for logistics!

After asking Luo Xiao to sit down, Huang Cheng poured water and asked, "Captain, you're not just here to check our training situation!"

Luo Xiao nodded and said, "Well, I have something else to do this time, and I want to learn something from you!"

"Captain, what's the matter?"

Luo Xiao looked serious, "Huang Cheng, how many people has your wolf pack team lost recently?"

Hearing his question, Huang Cheng's face immediately turned ugly. He sighed and said, "Captain, our wolf pack team has been frequently attacked recently, and the soldiers sent to ambush the devils have been killed one after another. Up to now More than 100 people have been lost!"

"Then do you know who did it?" Luo Xiao asked.

Huang Cheng said annoyedly, "The opponents come and go like the wind every time, and they are obviously veterans. Their shots are sharp and there are very few traces. I haven't found out who did it so far?"

Luo Xiao nodded, and then asked about the specific process in detail, knowing it well.But he didn't tell Huang Cheng who ordered it.Because he knew that as long as he told Huang Cheng, then Hidden Dragon Mountain would definitely receive a frenzied counterattack from the wolf pack team.

Although the wolf pack team can only be regarded as the most common among Luo Xiao's forces, it is still no problem to deal with Hidden Dragon Mountain. The result of the battle between the two sides is that Hidden Dragon Mountain will suffer heavy losses!

Because Luo Xiao didn't want to see such a situation, he decided to hide it from him for the time being, and wait until the matter was resolved!


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