Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 281 Conspiracy Chain

In the office of the Marshal's Mansion in Fengtian City, Fujita Hikaru was reading a document with concentration in his hand, and his deputy Oda Kazusuke was sitting on another chair by the table.

After this period of recuperation, Hikaru Fujita's body has basically recovered. Except for the complexion on his face that was a little pale due to excessive blood loss, he is very energetic.

Oda Kazusuke's injury is almost healed, but it can be seen that his spirit is much worse than that of Fujita Hikari, and he occasionally coughed while covering his mouth!

"Oda-kun, you are not in good health. I think it's better to go back and rest first. I'm fine here!" Seeing his good friend injured and accompanying him to process the documents, Hikaru Fujita felt a little unbearable in his heart, so he put it down. The document dissuaded, "I don't have too many documents now, I can handle them all by myself, don't worry!"

Oda's assistant covered his mouth, coughed again, and then said, "Forget it, I'm here, even if I don't do much, I can help you share some of it!"

Seeing Oda Kazusuke's resolute expression, Fujita Hikaru knew that it was useless to dissuade him, so he shook his head and buried himself in speeding up the processing of documents, so that Oda Kazusuke could go to rest soon after he finished his work!

There was no talking in the room, only the rustling of the pen tip on the paper, and Oda Kazusuke's occasional cough!

The door was gently pushed open, and a slender figure appeared at the door. He stood there and looked at the two people in the room, as if hesitating whether to come in or not!

Hikaru Fujita raised his head and smiled at the female ninja Sakura at the door, "Sakura-kun, come in!"

Seeing that Hikaru Fujita in the room had already seen her, Sakura no longer hesitated, stepped into the room, and came to the side of the two of them!

"Sakura-kun, good morning!" Oda Kazusuke raised his head upon hearing the sound, nodded to Sakura, and continued working.

"Oda-kun, good morning!" Sakura bowed politely and said softly.

On Oda Kazusuke's drooping face, a hint of surprise flashed across his face, because he remembered that Miss Sakura was always honest with others, as cold as a piece of wood, why did she change her temper today?

Not to mention that Oda Kazusuke was thinking wildly, Sakura stood by the table, watching Hikaru Fujita who was still concentrating on reviewing the documents after saying hello, and for a while he didn't know what to say!

Originally, he came to Hikaru Fujita's office for nothing today, but for some reason, he walked outside the office door, and raised his hand to push the door open, and walked in!

She doesn't know what's wrong?Because she has been training ninja willpower since she was a child, she dares to say that her endurance and restraint are absolutely top-notch, but recently she doesn't know why she can't help but think of Fujita Hikaru and even want to see Fujita Hikaru!

This never-before-seen feeling made Sakura always panic!

Standing by the table, Sakura bit her lip and just watched Hikaru Fujita bury her head in her work without saying a word!

Time passed by every minute and every second, and Teng Tianguang finally finished processing all the documents in his hand. He closed the last file, then raised his arms, and stretched his body deeply!

The movement stopped in mid-air, and he didn't realize that Sakura had stood by the table for more than an hour until he was done with work, and Oda Kazusuke had left the room without knowing when!

"I'm sorry, Sakura-kun, I was busy processing documents and neglected you, please sit down!" Fujita stood up hurriedly and bowed to Sakura!

Sakura looked at him a little at a loss, and suddenly felt that this tough-looking man was cute sometimes!

Hikaru Fujita stretched his waist, and then inadvertently glanced around, and saw Sakura standing beside him staring at him intently, and was instantly attracted by her eyes!

Unknowingly, an ambiguous atmosphere began to spread in the house!

With a bang sound, the door was pushed open, which also startled the two people who were in a trance in the room, making both of them tremble!

Sakura quickly lowered her head, her cheeks felt a little hot, she didn't know why she felt guilty!

Hikaru Fujita also had embarrassment on his face, as if he was a little caught off guard, but he immediately regained his composure and asked calmly, "Captain Inuyang, what happened?"

The one who rushed in was Inuyang Ken, the captain of the Japanese Mukden Gendarmerie. He looked depressed and angry, and he didn't care about what Fujita Hikari and Sakura were doing. Instead, he said as soon as he entered, "Fujita-kun, this time I'm going out!" Big deal!"

"Really, Captain Inuyang, please speak slowly, what happened!" Fujita Hikaru seemed to understand something, and he asked very calmly.

Quan Yangjian sighed, and said with a sad face, "Do you still remember the six people I asked you to participate in the escort?"

"Remember, aren't there six overseas students? Or something called by the Kwantung Army headquarters!" Of course Hikaru Fujita remembered this.

"They were all taken away!" Quan Yangjian said unwillingly, "A squadron of elite field troops, equipped with reinforced light and heavy machine guns, couldn't resist the opponent's ambush. In the end, the entire army was wiped out. Did not run out!"

"Do you know the location of their broken jade?" Hikaru Fujita seemed to think of something, and then picked up the pencil, "And the detailed process of their encounter!"

"The process is like this..." Inuyang Ken told the whole process from the beginning. Although he didn't know the details, Fujita Hikaru still heard a lot from it.

As the pencil draws on the map, a red circle appears on the map, and Huxiao Ridge is included in the persuaded area!

"Yes, it seems that the base of the Huya Special Forces Brigade is in this area!" Putting down the pencil, Hikaru Fujita pointed to the area including Huxiao Ridge, "I will immediately draft a telegram and ask the Kwantung Army Command for instructions. Send out the suppression force to sweep this area, and we must find the lair of the Huya Special Forces Brigade!"

Sakura looked at the energetic Hikaru Fujita, and said worriedly, "However, the Huya Special Forces Brigade is good at mountain warfare, and the field troops can't exert any advantage in such terrain!"

Hikaru Fujita smiled confidently, and said, "It depends on my Nobunaga special attack team. I don't believe that I can't take care of him with more than 1000 people and more than 300 people!"

Last time in the underground secret passage, because Luo Xiao eliminated a lot of traces, he gave Hikaru Fujita the illusion that the Huya Special Forces Brigade only had 300 people.

Hikaru Fujita, who is full of confidence, believes that as long as he finds the home of the Huya Special Forces Brigade, he can use the super strength of his Nobunaga Special Attack Team to wipe out the opponent in one fell swoop and solve the serious problem of the Japanese Kwantung Army!

Recently, the name Luo Xiao has become a nightmare for the Japanese Kwantung Army. General Honjo Shigeru of the headquarters can't even eat when he thinks of him, and he can't wait to catch him and eat him alive!

Because of this, Luo Xiao's reward price has risen to 3 yuan, which is 1 yuan higher than Tang Shaofeng, a former officer of the Northeast Army!

Recently, the Northeast Volunteer Army led by Tang Shaofeng has been active in the Northeast, repeatedly attacking Japanese strongholds, stations, foreign companies and other places.

Although the Kwantung Army organized several encirclement and suppression campaigns, Tang Shaofeng knew everyone well, and was secretly supported by the main combat faction headed by Zhang Yuntian in the Northeast Army.

As a result, the Japanese army's reward for him rose to a reward of 2 yuan!


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