"Captain Inuyang, let's settle the matter like this!" After discussing with Inuyang for half an hour, Hikaru Fujita finally decided on a specific policy for the sweep.

Inuyang Ken nodded again and again, and extended his thumb to Hikaru Fujita in agreement, "Captain Fujita, you are really one of the rare talents in the empire. Inuyang Ken is extremely admired!" Saying this, Inuyang Ken stood up Bow to Fujita Koichi.

Hikaru Fujita hurriedly stood up, returned one to him, and said, "Captain Inuyang, this is what I should do, and besides, it is a good opportunity to wash away the previous shame!"

"Hehe, Captain Fujita is really humble!" Inuyang Ken waved his hands, and then said, "Then I will make arrangements, just wait for the action to call me!"

Smiling and nodding towards Inuyang Ken, Fujita Hikaru sent him to the door.

Inuyang Ken left in a hurry, and he was going to make preparations. Once the request submitted by Fujita Hikaru to the Kwantung Army Headquarters of the Japanese Army was approved, the Fengtian Gendarmerie would also send a squadron of ghosts to participate in the mopping up of the designated area. Clear up!

Of course, relying on the Japanese Mukden Gendarmerie alone, not to mention a squadron, even if the entire brigade is in battle, it will be a drop in the bucket, and it will not help!

For this sweeping operation, Hikaru Fujita estimated that there must be at least two alliances, otherwise the sweeping would not be thorough at all!

Of course, if more troops can participate, then his plan will be more confident!

Sakura stood beside Hikaru Fujita, almost without saying a word. At this moment, she suddenly said, "Mr. Fujita, why do I feel that this action seems inappropriate!"


Sakura's sudden sentence moved Fujita Hikaru's heart, and he hurriedly asked, "Sakura-kun, how did you get this premonition, tell me!"

Sakura shook her head, with a puzzled expression, "I can't say it, because it's just a premonition, which makes me feel uneasy!"

Hikaru Fujita smiled when he heard that, he walked up to Sakura, patted her on the shoulder lightly, and then walked out the door, "It turned out to be a premonition, it can't be true, you are worrying too much, Sakura-kun! "

"Am I really worried too much?" Looking at Hikaru Fujita's receding figure, Sakura's eyes were full of confusion, "But why is the feeling so clear, as if it happened right in front of my eyes!"

After thinking for a long time, Sakura didn't come up with anything, so she had to give up helplessly!

Hikaru Fujita left the office and went straight to his residence. After a busy morning, he was also a little tired!

However, as soon as he pushed the door, he saw a little bird sitting on the table, jumping around leisurely.

The bird is very small, only the size of a finger. There is a bamboo tube tied to its leg, and the mouth is sealed with wax. It seems that the contents inside have not been opened yet!

Hikaru Fujita grabbed the bird, then took off the bamboo tube, peeled off the wax layer on the seal, and took out a paper roll from inside.

Unfolding the scroll, Fujita glanced at the handwriting on it ten lines at a time, clenched his fists excitedly, and said to himself, "Ji Xiang, you did a good job, you did a good job!"

The good news that came suddenly, although Quan Yangjian said that he was basically sure when the six foreign students were taken away, but Ji Xiang did not confirm it personally, so he was still not at ease.

Now, with the exact information, Hikaru Fujita is not in a hurry to sweep it up!

After turning around the house twice, Hikaru Fujita suddenly stopped, and then said to himself, "The sweeping must be carried out on time, which is more conducive to Ji Xiang's lurking, so let's use it as a cover for her!"

Thinking of the Japanese squadron whose death was kept in the dark, Hikaru Fujita murmured in his heart, "Everyone, I'm sorry, but in order to successfully solve this biggest hidden danger, I have to sacrifice you all, please don't blame me! "

No one would have imagined that Hikaru Fujita would have the courage to use a squadron of elite field troops as bait for fishing. If the commander sees this, he will definitely be furious!

Write a line on another piece of paper, and then he painted it with potion, and he disappeared. People can only see an empty white paper!

Put this piece of paper into the bamboo tube, seal it with wax, and tie it to the bird's leg. Hikaru Fujita let the bird out of the window and watched him fly away until it disappeared into the clouds in the sky!

After staring at the direction where the little bird disappeared for a long time, Fujita Hikaru moved his body and let out a sigh of unknown meaning, "Oh, is it right or wrong for me to do this?"

Regarding the matter of letting Ji Xiang participate in this mission, Hikaru Fujita hesitated for a long time, made up his mind several times, and finally overturned the decision!

He only has a younger sister like Fujita Norika, and her parents died when she was young, so it was his brother who brought her up!

Therefore, in Fujita Norika's heart, Fujita Hikaru is like a father, full of respect and admiration for him, as long as it is something he asks her to do, she will do it without hesitation!

Just like this mission, Ji Xiang, who wanted to engage in scientific research, ended her studies early because of her brother's request, joined the secret service organization, was trained to be an excellent agent, and began to engage in occupations she didn't like .

It is precisely because he knows that his sister doesn't like this profession, so since she was trained, he has been hidden by Fujita Mitsuyuki. Originally, he planned to hide her for the rest of his life, so that she can live a carefree life.

However, with the appearance of Luo Xiao, Fujita Hikaru encountered setbacks again and again, and was beaten by Luo Xiao without the strength to fight back, which forced Fujita Hikaru to finally activate Fujita Norika.

Because of the needs of her brother, Fujita Norika went without hesitation, and entered a place where she would die at any time!

Thinking of Fujita Norika crying on his shoulder before leaving, Fujita Hikaru felt a terrible pain in his heart, and he swore that after this mission, he would never send her other missions!

In this way, Hikaru Fujita fell into a drowsy sleep for about a few hours while thinking about Ji Xiang, and didn't get up until someone knocked on the door.

Pushing open the door, Oda Kazusuke stood outside the door. He held a telegram in his hand and shook it in front of Hikaru Fujita, "Fujita-kun, the order from the headquarters has come down, and you have agreed to the mopping up plan!"

"Really?" Hikaru Fujita shook his drowsy head, then grabbed the telegram with some excitement, and read it carefully.

As Oda Kazusuke said in the telegram, the commander-in-chief of the Kwantung Army, General Shigeru Honjo, agreed to the sweeping plan proposed by Hikaru Fujita, and promised that two independent mixed brigades would be dispatched to participate in the sweeping!

Fujita Hikaru was overjoyed by this news!


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