The independent mixed brigade is a kind of brigade organization of the Japanese army. It is not affiliated to a certain division. It generally performs independent combat missions. Most of them are garrison troops equipped with light infantry weapons. As tactical units, they are good at conducting Mountain combat.


This time, Commander Shigeru Honjo dispatched to Fengtian to assist Hikaru Fujita in the mopping up were the 8th Brigade and the 38th Brigade of the Japanese Army's Independent Mixed Group, both of which are quite powerful troops!

Originally, Hikaru Fujita had little hope for this raid, but when Commander Shigeru Honjo dispatched two mixed brigades, his hope suddenly became stronger.

The strength of a mixed brigade is about 5000 people, and the equipment is also different, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.For example, the 8th Mixed Brigade has a tank wing under its jurisdiction, while the 18th Mixed Brigade is equipped with a field artillery wing and two mountain artillery battalions, which are better at mountain warfare!

The two mixed brigades plus the 16th Regiment stationed in Fengtian City, the 29th Regiment of the Second Division transferred from Liaoyang, and local garrison forces such as the Japanese Mukden Gendarmerie have a total of 5 to [-] people!

With so many troops, Hikaru Fujita felt that even if the number of Luo Xiao's special forces increased tenfold, they could only be wiped out!

If Luo Xiao and the others could be wiped out during the raid, Hikaru Fujita certainly didn't want Norika Fujita to take any more risks, so he began to actively prepare, hoping to specify a more detailed plan, so that he could succeed in one fell swoop!

As orders were issued from the Japanese commanding body of the Marshal's Mansion, the Japanese troops located in Fengtian City began to quickly gather and entered a state of combat readiness.

The atmosphere in Fengtian City became more and more tense. There were more and more Japanese soldiers coming and going on the street. Passers-by were all cautious, lest they would anger the invaders and cause themselves to die.


In the Shanhe Tea House, the shopkeeper Li Zheng was sitting in a secret basement under a house in the backyard at this time, holding the collected information in his hand, with a serious expression on his face.

Since yesterday, there seems to be chaos in Fengtian City. Information about devils from all sides is flying in like snowflakes, which caught him off guard for a while!

Li Zheng used to be the director of the logistics department of the Huya Special War Brigade, but was later transferred to serve as the shopkeeper of Shanhe Tea House, and began to master the work of the intelligence station.

Having been engaged in logistics work for many years, Li Zheng has been trained to be very careful, and the people who came out of the special forces team have developed the courage to be fearless, so it is easy to be the shopkeeper.

Not to mention, Li Zheng is indeed very talented in running the business. In just over a month, the Shanhe Tea House, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, has become very prosperous, even better than those businessmen who are single-minded in running the business. Really Envious of the nearby businesses!

However, Li Zheng always knew that he was engaged in intelligence work, and the teahouse was just a cover!

Just when Li Zheng was immersed in the analysis of the information, there was a sudden knock on the door of the secret room!

Li Zheng's body shook, and he woke up from his contemplation. He stood up from the table, and with an extra pistol with a silencer in his hand, he flashed to the door and stood against the wall.

The knock on the door paused for a moment, and then it rang again, this time with a different rhythm, and after a slight pause, another rhythm!

After the code was confirmed, Li Zheng felt relieved. He stretched out his hand and opened the door, and then opened the door with a gap!

A figure flashed in through the crack of the door, stood in front of Li Zheng, and saluted him, "Director, Tang Tianhao sent someone to send information, saying that the Japanese army had given them an order to complete the work within ten days." Prepare for battle, set off to sweep the Qipanshan area in ten days!"

"Qishanshan area?!" Li Zheng's pupils shrank involuntarily, and he immediately thought of the Huxiaoling base. "It seems that the devil has noticed something, and he must take action!"


The person who came was one of the main persons in charge of the intelligence station. He had just returned from gathering information outside, "The comrades who broke into other Japanese and puppet organizations also sent information. Moreover, two mixed brigades were transferred from the Japanese mainland, with a total strength of [-]!"

"Does Instructor Yan know these things?" Li Zheng stabilized his mind, then stretched out his fingers and pinched the bridge of his nose, "The devils have so many troops, it is a test for the Huxiaoling base!"

The person in charge of the intelligence officer stood aside. Looking at Li Zheng's serious expression, he knew that this time the matter must be very serious. He could actually make the director, who would not change his face even if Mount Tai collapsed, show such a nervous expression!

Li Zheng thought for a long time, then walked to the corner of the basement, took out an overclocking encrypted radio the size of a cigarette box from an iron box, and turned on the button on it.

Different from traditional radio stations, this radio station communicates with Huxiaoling through an encrypted channel. As for privacy, not to mention the broken monitoring equipment of the current devils, even if they develop 50 years later, they will still have no hairs. Can't find it.

As he pressed a red button, Yan Beifeng's voice came out from the loudspeaker of the encrypted radio station, and it still sounded so friendly, "Chu Li, why did you think of calling me!"

"Instructor Yan, the devils in Fengtian may have made major moves recently. The information I have collected shows that they will sweep your area in ten days!" Li Zheng said in a deep voice, "This time the devils mobilized a force of up to [-], you have to be prepared!"

"Hehe, Li Chu, don't worry, the devils don't say that 5 devils will come, even if 15 devils come, they won't be able to get any benefits!" Yan Beifeng on the encrypted radio station didn't seem nervous at all. With a bit of excitement, "It seems that you should come back and take a look if you have time, so that you can know what the current Huxiaoling base looks like!"

"Really, then I really want to go back and take a look when I have time!" Li Zheng's curiosity was also aroused by Yan Beifeng's words, and he decided to go back to Huxiaoling base to have a look when he had time. Why is Yan Beifeng so confident!

The two said a few more words before turning off the encrypted radio station!

"Director, what shall we do next?" Seeing that Li Zheng had turned off the encrypted radio, the head of the intelligence officer asked nervously, "What instructions does the base have?"

Li Zheng's expression seemed to be much more relaxed, and he said with a smile, "The base has already been prepared, and I told us not to worry, as long as we do a good job in intelligence collection, the devil's mopping up troops will be dealt with by special forces!"

Hearing what Li Zheng said, the head of the intelligence officer was relieved!

Next, Li Zheng redistributed the staff of the intelligence station, whether it was lurking personnel or peripheral personnel, they were all running at full speed, so as to collect the most timely news about the devils!


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