Anti-Japanese Elite Special Forces

Chapter 284 Traitor?traitor!

The night was dark, and the Huxiaoling base was also plunged into the dark night!

At ten o'clock in the evening, the lights in the base were turned off on time, leaving only the street lamps on the road outside the house shining brightly, illuminating the roads people walked on!

These street lights are supplied by the electricity collected by some solar devices brought by the special forces. Although the number of solar panels is limited, it is still enough to supply the current ground facilities of the base!

A team of fully armed special forces came in a neat line from a distance, and the special combat boots on the ground made a neat clicking sound, as if they were alone!

Only veterans of the Huya Special Forces Brigade who have undergone rigorous training can achieve such consistency.

In the base, in addition to the fixed sentries, dark sentries and mobile sentries, there are also a large number of patrol teams, all of whom are members of the Huya Special Operations Brigade with rich combat experience.This maximizes the security of the base!

"Who, password?" The patrol team uttered a shout, and at the same time, several automatic rifles were pointed at the place where the sound came from, vigilantly ready to fire at any time!

A young girl's voice rang out around the corner, and it sounded very sweet, "Shanhe, it's me!"

"Benghuo, Miss Mu Yu, why don't you go to bed so late!" Seeing that the password was correct, the team members on patrol relaxed a little, but they still watched Mu Yu come out of the shadows!

Mu Yu was dressed in white, her long hair was combed into a ponytail at the back of her head, she looked very pure, she looked very calm, and nodded to the team members, "I'm sorry, my stomach doesn't seem to be feeling well tonight, so I ran to the toilet a little more times!"

"Oh, Miss Mu Yu, pay attention to your body, go back early, it's a little cold outside!" The special forces member of the patrol team said a few words of concern, and then the two sides passed by!

When the patrol team had left and no one could be seen, Mu Yu walked forward!

The toilet is about 100 meters away from the place where they met. It is located in an open space on the west side of the base. Walk about 50 meters southwest from the toilet, and you will arrive at Mo Yanran's laboratory!

At this time, Mo Yanran has already gone to bed. He has always been used to going to bed late and waking up early, but he will never go to bed past one o'clock in the morning. This is his daily routine!

It is now 35:[-] in the morning, and Mo Yanran has already fallen asleep as usual, and the laboratory should be closed!

Mu Yu walked forward quickly, and soon reached the toilet!

Standing outside the toilet door, he looked left and right, saw that there was no one else, then walked through the toilet door and headed straight to Mo Yanran's laboratory!

In the darkness, Mu Yu, dressed in white, seemed to be a ghost. He escaped two groups of special forces patrolling one after another, and reached the door of the laboratory without any danger.

The lights in the laboratory are all off, and the door is also locked by an electronic lock. In addition, there is a small keyboard on the door. You need to enter the correct password to enter. It can be said that the defense is relatively tight!

Mu Yu stood in the shadow outside the laboratory door for a long time, seemed to be hesitating, and then made a move after a while, seeming to have made up her mind, and ran straight to the door of the laboratory!

In front of the gate, there is a camera monitoring everything at the gate, but Mu Yu took out a piece of plasticine from her arms, and then threw it out!

With a light snap, the camera was blurred by this kind of thing, and it was so tightly blurred that it couldn't see the situation at the gate at all.

Seeing that her actions had taken effect, Mu Yu didn't dare to hesitate, rushed to the door and took out her identification card!

As one of the main members of the laboratory, each of them has an identification card, which is their identity proof for entering and leaving the laboratory.

After swiping the identification card in the electronic password verification area, the green light turned on to indicate that he had passed, and then he quickly entered a 32-digit complex password on the keyboard.

The password for the laboratory gate is 32 characters, which is changed every week. Each time it is composed of letters, underscores, special characters, etc. It is very complicated, and it may not be so easy to crack!

However, Mu Yu had the password of the laboratory, so she opened the door easily!

Reaching out to push the door open, Mu Yu entered the laboratory in a blink of an eye, and then closed the door behind her hand!

It was dark in the room. Today is the end of the month, and there is no moon in the sky, so the laboratory can basically be said to be invisible.

Mu Yu leaned against the gate, panted for a while, and after calming down a little, then groped forward, and according to his memory, headed for the target location!

Relying on the memory of working in the laboratory during this period, Mu Yu successfully touched the small door on the side wall of the laboratory, raised her hand to hold the doorknob and twisted it gently!

There was a light snap, and at the same time as the small door opened, all the lights in the laboratory were turned on, instantly illuminating the room as bright as day, and a high-brightness arc lamp shot a dazzling beam of light from the dome above the head, The front of the small gate is shrouded in it!


Enveloped by the extraordinarily dazzling white light, Mu Yu raised his arms subconsciously, covering his eyes and covering his eyes. Even so, he felt that his eyes were blurry and he couldn't see anything clearly!

Footsteps sounded, and then dozens of members of the Huya Special Forces Brigade rushed out from the small rooms on both sides of the laboratory. It can be sieved instantly.

"Mu Yu, I didn't expect you to come anyway!" After sighing, Mo Yanran walked in through the small door on the other side, stood about 40 to [-] meters away from Mu Yu, and stared intently at the opposite person. Mu Yu's eyes were full of disappointment!

Hearing Mo Yanran's voice, Mu Yu hurriedly turned around, and hurriedly argued to her, "Mr. Mo, I'm not a bad person, I just want to—"

"Sister Mu Yu, I didn't expect you to be such a person, you really let us down!" Ai Ya, Tan Tianyou and Chen Menglin were all present, and the disappointment in her eyes was no less than that of Mo Yanran!

"Aiya, I—" Mu Yu opened her mouth, but found that she couldn't explain clearly!

Sneaking into the laboratory in the middle of the night made her speechless all over her body. Could it be that she said she was just curious about the things in that hut and wanted to take a sneak peek, would others believe it?

Since she couldn't explain clearly, Mu Yu simply became silent and didn't explain anymore!

At this time, Yan Beifeng also arrived after hearing the news. He didn't know what happened, so he asked Mo Yanran, "Mo Yanran, what happened?"

"It's nothing, just catch a spy!" Mo Yanran said lightly, "Mu Yu sneaked into the laboratory late at night, presumably to plot something in the laboratory!"


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