"I'm not a spy!" Mu Yu roared angrily, the feeling of being misunderstood made her unable to remain silent anymore, and couldn't help but explode.

Mo Yanran sneered, and took a step forward, "Mu Yu, you are not a spy. Why did you sneak into the laboratory late at night? Don't you have a ghost in your heart?"

"I'm just, just curious about what's in the hut!" Mu Yu replied gruffly. Although she didn't have any plans, she sneaked in in the middle of the night after all, so it's not a good thing to say!

"Who would believe such a lie?" Someone said so!

Yan Beifeng and Mo Yanran didn't seem to believe what Mu Yu said!

"Since you can't explain clearly, then Mu Yu, please come with us first, arrange a place for you, and you can explain the problem clearly!" In the end, Yan Beifeng had to decide to lock Mu Yu up first, and wait Let's talk about the problem investigation!

Following his order, several special forces members rushed up, took off the identification card on Mu Yu, and led her outside!

When passing by Tan Tianyou, he stared at her and asked in a deep voice, "Is this true?"

"Even you don't believe me?" Mu Yu smiled, but the smile looked so bleak.

Tan Tianyou couldn't help looking away when Mu Yu looked at him, and lowered his head subconsciously!

"Hehe, it seems that no one believes me anymore!" Mu Yu said to herself in a low voice that only she could hear.

The special operations team escorted Mu Yu out of the laboratory, and went straight to the base along the path, planning to temporarily put her under house arrest in a room, and then slowly investigate!

From Mo Yanran's laboratory to the newly built house on the base, there is a section of road that passes by the edge of the cliff, and the distance between the two is about 60 to [-] meters!

Just when the special forces escorted Mu Yu to step on the path, and when they were halfway there, they were caught off guard, and Mu Yu suddenly broke free from the arms of the two of them, and rushed towards the edge of the cliff like crazy.

"Stop!" The two special forces members didn't expect Mu Yu to do this at first, they were stunned for a moment, and then they understood, and hurriedly raised the micro-charging in their hands, and it flew into the sky, "If you don't stop, we will shoot !"

However, Mu Yu didn't seem to hear it, and still ran wildly, rushing straight to the edge of the cliff!

The two special forces members looked at each other, and at the same time raised their micro-sound submachine guns, pointing directly at Mu Yu's back!

At this moment, a voice stopped the movement of the two people, "Don't shoot!"

When the two stopped their movements after hearing the sound, a figure rushed past them, as agile as a cheetah, and brought a gust of wind.

"It's the captain!" The two recognized the caller at a glance, and it turned out to be Luo Xiao!

Luo Xiao chased after him closely, and the distance between the two quickly closed. He could catch up with Mu Yu in three or four steps, but at this moment, he stopped abruptly and stopped on the spot!

Three or four steps away from him, Mu Yu stood on the edge of the cliff with a face full of grief and indignation, behind him was the abyss!

Facing Luo Xiao who was rushing towards him, Mu Yu moved her footsteps and subconsciously took a step back, kicking a few small stones down the cliff.

Hearing the creaking rolling sound coming from a very deep place behind her, and the gust of mountain wind blowing from the bottom of the cliff, which made her back feel chilly, Mu Yu felt even more desperate!

"Mu Yu, don't be impulsive, the matter hasn't been investigated clearly yet, it's really irrational for you to do this!" At this time, Yan Beifeng and others also rushed over. He tried to persuade Mu Yu, but he just took a step forward , was stopped by Mu Yu, and had to stand about three or four meters behind Luo Xiao.

Tan Tianyou was very anxious, he never thought that Mu Yu would use such a fierce method to prove his innocence, he couldn't help secretly regretting that he shouldn't have doubted Mu Yu just now!

Squeezing out from the crowd, Tan Tianyou walked towards Mu Yu and shouted loudly, "Mu Yu, I was wrong, I shouldn't doubt it, now I believe you are not a spy!"

"Do you believe it's useful?" Mu Yu shouted hoarsely, her desperate voice echoing from the cliff, "Will they believe it? Believe that I'm just curious? Believe that I'm not going to steal information?"

People are silent!

At this moment, Luo Xiao, who had been silent since the beginning, suddenly said, "I believe it!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone was shocked, even Yan Beifeng cast a searching look at Luo Xiao.

Luo Xiao looked serious, staring at Mu Yu with sincerity in his eyes, "I have no reason not to believe a person who is willing to die to show his will!"

"Captain—" Someone shouted anxiously from behind, but Luo Xiao raised his arm to stop him!

Luo Xiao stared at Mu Yu, and slowly stretched out his right hand towards her, with a smile on his face, "If you believe in me, just come here, and I will give you justice!"

Mu Yu hesitated for a moment, as if she was struggling in her heart, and after a while, she stretched out her arm and reached for Luo Xiao's arm!

Just when the two people's arms were less than half a foot away from each other, a strong mountain wind suddenly rolled up from the bottom of the cliff, and hit behind Mu Yu in no time!

With a sudden sway of her body, Mu Yu lost her balance in an instant, staggered two steps backwards, her right foot retreated from the cliff, and stepped on the empty space.


With a scream, Mu Yu fell backwards, and fell off the edge of the cliff in no time!

Everyone not far away was shocked. Everyone didn't expect such a result, but it was too late to rescue because of the distance!

Just when Mu Yuxin was filled with despair, she felt a figure flash in front of her eyes, and then someone grabbed her arm, and her falling speed suddenly slowed down.

Earning her eyes widened due to panic, Mu Yu finally saw clearly that the person holding her arm was Luo Xiao. At this time, her body was dragged off the edge of the cliff by herself.

Although Mu Yu's falling speed was temporarily slowed down, but then the bodies of both of them sank suddenly, and they suddenly fell towards the cliff!

"Luo Xiao!" On the cliff, Yan Beifeng and Mo Yanran shouted almost at the same time, then rushed to the edge of the cliff, bent down and looked down!

The two of them fell down, with the sound of the wind whistling in their ears, Luo Xiao grabbed Mu Yu's arm, but her heart sank to the bottom, "It's over, this time I'm doomed, and Luo Xiao is pulled!"

At this moment, Luo Xiao, who was also falling rapidly, did not wait to die. He raised his empty arm, grabbed something from his waist, and pointed at the cliff not far from him!

With a clang, a black line shot out quickly and landed on the stone wall of the cliff, and then suddenly stretched straight between the two of them and the stone wall.

Mu Yu felt that the speed of her body's fall slowed down suddenly, as if she was being pulled by something.She looked up suspiciously, only to see a rope shot out from Luo Xiao's wrist, as if the other end was connected to the stone wall, and it was this rope that held her and Luo Xiao together.


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